Young County, Texas - Cemeteries: Ming Bend Cemetery ************************************************* File researched for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub - Chairman, Young County Historical Commission Young County Historical Commission records ************************************************* Ming Bend Cemetery Located on Ming Bend road, east of Bunger, Texas on private property. Frank Ribble was assisted by Mrs. Will Fore Whittenburg and Mrs. W.T. Berry in transcription of cemetery. Name Born Died Notes Ainsworth infant infant of Walter Ainsworth, unmarked Butler, Mrs. Joe unmarked daughter of William and Elizabeth Morris James, M.J. 3 September 1853 3 October 1914 wife of J.H. James daughter of William and Elizabeth Morris James, Willie 16 December 1877 23 June 1890 daughter of J.H. and M.J. James, died of lockjaw Kelley, Mrs. Scott Weldon sister of John and George Weldon, no dates but in separate fence Morris, Elizabeth 18 July 1836 3 October 1912 Morris, William 20 March 1829 26 February 1908 Pickard, Willie Ora 24 August 1873 4 February 1909 wife of William A., mother of Earl Pickard Pickard, Willaim A. 8 December 1872 26 July 1933 husband of Willie Ora, father of Earl Pickard Ransower, Mrs. grave unmarked, records show she was an older lady Unknown children there are 12 unknown children's graves