Young County, TX - History - Millie Durgan ************************************************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************************* Millie Durgan When David White and Negro Britt ransomed the four members of Britt's family and Mrs. Fritzpatrick, they were told by the Indians Little Millie Durgan was dead. But Britt's wife, Mary, and children stated that Millie was alive. Government agents and others for years, made an exaustive attempt to find her. But all efforts failed. Because of their fondness for little Millie, the Indians invariably kept this infant frontier child, in concealment. When captured, she was only eighteen months of age. She grew to womanhood out among the wild tribes of the plains, and became an Indian in every respect excepting, of course, this devoted mother of the prairies retained the flesh and blood of her ancestors. Years passed. The Indian wars of the West vanished like a storm. Hostile tribes ceased their restlessness and became quiet and calm. Covered wagons moved westward, and moving herds of black and wooly bison relinquished the broad open ranges to bald faced cattle and the farmers plow. And Little Millie Durgan passed into oblivion and became lost to civilization. Sixty six years after the Big Young County Raid an Indian woman, half white, made her appearance on the grounds of the Post Oak Missiion near Lawton, Oklahoma at a celebration honoring Quanah Parker. She stated that her mother, like Cynthia Ann Parker, was also white and had been captured by Indians when only a very small child. This Indian lady appealed to the citizens to assist in locating her mother's long lost people. After the details of her mother's capture, bad been related as best she could, Mr. Ratcliff stated that the white lady was evidently Millie Durgan, who bad been gone sixty six years. Jack Wood advised that Mr. Henry Williams Sr., who was in the Big Young County Raid could further substantiate her identity and furnish the details of the raid. Mr. Henry Williams was contacted at his home in Newcastle, and played a noble part in helping to prove this white mother, who had been with the Indians sixty six years, was, in fact, the long lost Millie Durgan. Her identity was further substantiated by signs and records kept by the Indians since 1832. Millie Durgan was adopted by Aparian Crow, an Indian chief. She was married three times to Indian husbands. Millie Durgan, before her death, or at least on two or three occassions, was made happy when priviliged to attend the old settlers association, and visit many places in Young County, Texas. It was the author's pleasure to personally meet Millie Durgan on such occassions and to also meet George Hunt her Indian son-in-law, and his wife and daughters, who were, of course, the daughter and grand daughters of Millie Durgan. Eight or nine children and a large number of grand children survive her. Little Millie Durgan, lost among the Plains Indians for sixty six years now peacefully sleeps in the land she loved and long lived. And wild birds and the balmy western breeze, sings songs of peace and harmony over her lovely grave. Note: Before writing this section, the author several times personally interviewed Millie Durgan; her son-in-law. George Hunt, who acted as interpreter. and his wife and daughters, and Henry Williams mentioned above. The following story is from the books: The West Texas Frontier or a Descriptive History of Early Times in Western Texas Volumes 1 and 2 by Joseph Carroll McConnell