Young County, TX - History - Indian Raid About Twelve or Fifteen Miles Southeast of Graham. ************************************************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************************* Indian Raid About Twelve or Fifteen Miles Southeast of Graham. During 1870, Mrs. William Crow, whose husband was killed in the Salt Creek Fight, and Mrs. Blassingame lived in the old Green Taylor ranch house on Rock Creek, about one mile above its mouth, near where Palo Pinto, Young, and Jack Counties come together. About the middle of the evenings two Indians came riding up the flats, and apparently were after two horses hobbled west of the house. The Indians were coming from the east. Mose Lemley and Tom Blassingame grabbed guns and went out in the front yard. When Mose fired, an Indian fell over his horse, and every one could plainly hear the bullet strike the Indian's shield. He then fired a second time, and the Indian fled away in a southerly direction. About thirty or forty minutes later, Mrs. William Crow, and Mrs. Bassingame counted eleven Indians, about one-half mile south of the house. These Indians went on to the Lemley Ranch, about three or four hundred yards west of the present Dixie Store, and on Filibuster Branch. Here Kit Carter, George Lemley, Jeff Overstreet, and Rube Secrist, were branding cattle. The Indians charged these citizens at the corrals about four o'clock in the evening, and several shots were exchanged. Jeff Overstreet ran to the house, and while running, an Indian shot him in the heel. After exchanging several shots, the Indians realized these frontiersmen could not be bluffed, so they went away, and were followed by Kit Carter and his cowmen. When the Indians reached the mouth of Conner's Creek, they crossed the Brazos over into Ming Bend. Here the savages were so closely crowded, they clopped a large part of the stolen horses. The Indians then retreated into the brush to the south of the Bend. Note: Author interviewed: John Crow, who saw Mose Lemley hit the Indian's shield: and others who lived in this vicinity it the time. The following story is from the books: The West Texas Frontier or a Descriptive History of Early Times in Western Texas Volumes 1 and 2 by Joseph Carroll McConnell