ZAVALA COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 17, 2000 *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Alvarado, Ayostina 9-28-1927 M Antonia Alvarado Simon Alvarado Alvarado, David 6-21-1927 M Parfilia Gonzales Barcellio Alvarado Amaya, Maria Ernestina 11-12-1927 F Sabina Garcia Miguel Amaya Amayo, Jesus 12-25-1927 M Cristine Garcia Franklin Amayo Arellano, Julia 7-28-1927 F Adela Reyes Ponciano Arellano Arenas, Amparo 3-12-1927 F Enriqua Saenz Pedro Arenas Arenas, Jose Jesus 10-21-1927 M Maria Ortiz Pedro Arenas Areyona, Julia 7-28-1927 F Adelia Reyes Pauciano Areyona Argelia, Aura 6-10-1927 F Francisca Boldereg Santiago Argelia Atchley, Edith 3-4-1927 F Mildred E Hardaway Daniel O Atchley Baxter, James Murry 11-21-1927 M Jessie King J. H. Baxter Belmalez, Gilberto 7-19-1927 M Toreza Maldonado Pedro Belmalez Berenis, Augestine Inf Of 7-27-1927 F Gerada Agiular Augestine Berenis Bookout, Geraldine 10-30-1927 F Eunice Robinson Oran Edward Bookout Botello, Edward Joe 3-19-1927 M Carrie Venton Favrow John Franklin Botello Botello, Joe Favrow 3-19-1927 M Carrie Venton Favrow John Franklin Botello Cardova, Domingo 3-13-1927 F Martino Sanchez Marcelina Cardova Cerda, Francisco 12-16-1927 M Celeopas Montoya Avelino Cerda Cerda, Martias 2-24-1927 M Tomasa Marquez Blas Cerda Coleman, Martin B Inf Of 11-13-1927 M Alta F English Martin B Coleman Cook, Kirby Roland 9-23-1927 M Doris J Mabry Fred K Cook Correa, Florodena 6-21-1927 M Carmen Todrone Tomas Correa Cruz, Manuel 3-10-1927 M Jacinta Arreola Manuel Cruz Cruz, Marina 5-23-1927 F Olita Villareal Juan E. Cruz De La Pas, Marie 1-24-1927 F Jauna Del Toro Jesus Avila English, Van Inf Of 5-23-1927 M Maria M. Farley Van English Fernandez, Reynoldo 8-24-1927 M Antonia Garcia Peseleono Fernandez Forsythe, Ted Henderson 1-23-1927 M Irma Kathleene Henderson Sterling Randolph Forsythe Garcia, Fabian 5-30-1927 M Bernote Gatierry Pedro B. Garcia Garcia, Maria Guadalupe 12-26-1927 F Margarita Perez Felipe Garcia Gonzalez, Pablo Jr 9-9-1927 M Lucia Garza Pablo Gonzalez Hernandez, Roberta 5-11-1927 M Telesfaris Pampa Langinos Hernandez Hooks, Jackie Burton 3-20-1927 M Rachel Emma Craft Tom C. Hooks Horkey, H L Jr 4-3-1927 M Martha L Suber Harold L Horkey Jones, Joe C Inf Of 8-24-1927 F Gracey L Cyster Joe C Jones Lopez, Juana 4-24-1927 F Marcelina Ramirez Doroteo Lopez Manifold, Martha Eva 12-7-1927 F Mattie Evelyn Olmstead Royce Willington Manifold Marquez, Marsela 1-6-1927 F Francisco Moyeda Guadalupe Marquez Martinez, Avalardo 3-2-1927 M Isaura Pena Jose Martinez Martinez, Frenida 8-6-1927 F Josefa Delg Orofid Martinez Martinez, Luis 12-11-1927 M Ninfa Manilla Simon Martinez Martinez, Margarita 2-22-1927 F Jesusa Flores Esperidion Martinez Martinez, Maria Inez 4-20-1927 F Florencia Garibay Modesto Martinez Martinez, Raymundo H. Jr. 6-16-1927 M Trinidad Hernandez Raymundo Martinez Sr. Mays, William F Inf Of 1-8-1927 M Tennie M Akins William F Mays Mays, William Frank Jr. 1-8-1927 M Tennie M. Akins William F. Mays Mendez, Olga 3-10-1927 F Nemesia Rodriguez Miguel Mendez Mills, Jean Andrew 12-3-1927 M Minnie Alice Simer Jim T. Mills Mills, Joe 12-3-1927 M Monnie Simon Jim Mills Narro, Sarah 10-6-1927 F Elena Palacus David Narro Noack, Melvin Herman 12-11-1927 M Ester Urban Herman Albert Noack Ollenhouse, Mary Katherine 10-5-1927 F Maidie Wolff Henry Ollenhouse Ortegon, Maria De La Luz 9-20-1927 F Maria Del Refugio Valdez Ramon Ortegon Ortez, Aurora 3-3-1927 F Nicoloso Rodrigues Jesus Ortez Ortiz, Maria Dela Lus 12-12-1927 F Manella Ruiz Francisco Ortiz Pampa, Sebera 5-2-1927 F Florencia Ramires Felix Pampa Perez, Margreta 6-10-1927 F Manuela Sanchez Baltosar Perez Petty, Vera Lucile 1-16-1927 F Grace A. Moreland Alford Petty Potete, F. C. Inf Of 9-15-1927 M Girtie Chaffin F. C. Potete Riggs, Wm Jan 6-11-1927 M Mildred Stroman Walter Everett Riggs Robinson, Georgie Lee 11-27-1927 F Sophie T Neal Geo P Robinson Rosetas, Lenizas Inf Of 7-17-1927 M Lenizas Rosetas Rosetes, Silvester 11-27-1927 M Philipa Cotilla Silvester Rosetes Rosilo, Enedin 7-17-1927 M Louisa Bedrareyna Rosito, Silvestro 11-27-1927 M Felipe Castro Silvestro Rosito Sanchez, Maria V. 3-22-1927 F Refugia Fuentes Pascual Sanchez St John, Evan Eugene 8-28-1927 M Lyda Belle Cobb William Frank St John Tapia, Avelardo 1-2-1927 M Aurelia Fuentez E. H Tapia Taucho, Francisco 1-2-1927 M Tomaso Orta Nemeseo Taucho Terpening, Leslie Edward 8-14-1927 M Ivy Beatrix Nudson G. K. Terpening Thompson, J B 10-2-1927 M Rubey B Pitts Jewel S Thompson Thompson, Maxine 1-7-1927 F Naomie Idle Leon T Thompson Trees, Dessie May 4-12-1927 F Clara C Parker Cobble S. Trees Trevino, Rogelio 4-12-1927 M Dolores De Leon Lasado Trevino Tucker, Richard Talmage 5-19-1927 M Alma Titsworth Jessie Tucker Valdez, Marie 5-8-1927 F Victoranna Martinez Alberto Valdez Valle, Juan 4-27-1927 M Lilie Garcia B. Valle Valle, Lilie Mona 4-27-1927 F Lilie Garcia Braulio Valle Vasquez, Balencia Inf Of 3-10-1927 F Petro Reas Balencia Vasquez Vital, Bacilio 12-24-1927 M Petra Castaneda Urvano Vital Whitehead, Gilbert Duane 3-22-1927 M Vivian Fay Ebarb Alton Montgomery Whitehead Wilcox, Edward Roland 10-4-1927 M Lucille A Hicks Sebastian M Wilcox Zimmerman, Eddie Dale 3-30-1927 M Hellen E Jones Eddie Zimmerman