ZAVALA COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1928 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - June 7, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Alvarado,Santiago 11-23-1928 M Porfilia Gonzales Barcillo Alvarado Arenar,Maria Gloria 3-11-1928 F Josefa Medina Lorenzo Arenar Arreola,Eduardo 1-5-1928 M Bernarda Roman Marcial Arreola Barnes,Elonzo Ali Inf Of 9-24-1928 F Mattie Sherman Davis Elonzo Ali Barnes Barnes,Lewis Melvin 8-23-1928 M Clara B. Donnell Lewis M. Barnes Bell,Alvin 6-21-1928 M Ada Covey Archie M Bell Bell,Calvin 6-21-1928 M Ada Covey Archie M Bell Benavides,Armando Inf Of 11-10-1928 F Florinda Medina Armando Benavides Bocanegra,Constancio 2-17-1928 M Maria Rodriguez Erasmo Bocanegra Calderon,Jesus 12-24-1928 M Ysabel Lopez Mariamo Calderon Carr,David Crockett Inf Of 10-1-1928 M Ruth Brown David Crockett Carr Carrier,Gertrude Elizabeth 1-6-1928 F Artie Gertrude Arnold Louis Clinton Carrier Cerda,Juan Jesus 10-15-1928 M Tomasa Marquez Blas Cerda Chacon,Alicia 4-7-1928 F Armandina Losaya Alonasio Chacon Coleman,S L 3-9-1928 M Alie Mere Eldridge W Coleman Corodova,Irene 1-29-1928 F Maria Florea Pedro Corodova Craft,George Ray 8-10-1928 M Verna Cooper George William Craft Crawford,Calvin Edward 9-18-1928 M Bessie L Banirez George Crawford Cruse,Eva 12-28-1928 F Cacenta Areola Manwell Cruse Cruz,Eva Angelina 12-10-1928 F Jacinto Arreola Manuel Cruz Davis,Oteala 7-8-1928 F Rillia L Day Garland H Davis Dehoyos,Leandro 6-26-1928 M Herminia Baedees Francisco Dehoyos Diaz,Carmen 5-28-1928 F Deseria Chacon Francisco Diaz Elizondo,Odilon 3-26-1928 M Delfina Salazar Odilon Elizondo Falcon,Juan 12-27-1928 M Manuela Moya Ruperto Falcon Farley,Virgil D 6-5-1928 M Nancy A Wilkins Oscar E Farley Farris,Edward Alten 10-2-1928 M Allie Lee Calbert Dersey B Farris Flores,Daniel 2-9-1928 M Viviana Flores Antonio Flores Flores,Manuel 1-8-1928 M Adela Ortegon Serapio Flores Fuentes,Jesus 9-30-1928 M Refirgia Casas Ignacio Fuentes Gagnee,Richard Durwood 7-14-1928 M Bertie Lloyd Louis Richard Gagnee Garcia,Pedro Fidencio 11-16-1928 M Margarita Perez Felipe Garcia Garza,Roberto 11-17-1928 M Rosita Gutierrez Jose Garza Gibbens,Margaret Lee 1-20-1928 F Viola Williams Roy Gibbens Gibbs,William H Inf Of 5-19-1928 F Effie D Jackson William H Gibbs Gonzales,Antonio 6-13-1928 M Maria Benavidez Geronimo Lopez Gonzales Gonzales,Antonio 6-13-1928 M Maria Benovidez Geronimio Lopez Gonzales Gonzalez,Ricardo 11-28-1928 M Lucile Garza Pablo Gonzalez Goyne,Wanda Allene 12-2-1928 F Minne Belle Landers W. O. Goyne Greene,Anice Louise 9-11-1928 F Anice A. Erskine Eugene F. Greene Guebora,Maria De Los Angeles 10-9-1928 F Helena De Hoyos Andres Guebora Guevara,Eleajar 5-19-1928 M Anita Hernandez Juan Guevara Harris,Jesse William 5-7-1928 M Rosabel Mary Delamain John Franklin Harris Hernandez,Enrique 9-30-1928 M Rita Rodriquez Jose Hernandez Herrera,Gilberto 9-27-1928 M Biatrics Alvarada Jose Herrera Hipp,Betty Jo 9-27-1928 F Nora Lou Barker John Crawford Hipp Huitron,Nicacis Inf Of 6-14-1928 F Maria Garza Nicacis Huitron Jensen,Billie Lorraine (Milli* 11-5-1928 F Pearl Gladys Harvey Niels Christian Jensen Jimenez,Juan 4-11-1928 M Esumel Rodriguez Francisco Jimenez Jimenez,Maria Teresa 7-4-1928 F Feliz Garcia Doroteo Jimenez Leigh,J. D. Inf Of 12-7-1928 M Pearl Bancom J. D. Leigh Lowe,Bennie Ruth 10-6-1928 F Emmy E Vanschaedt John D Lowe Lozano,Armando Briones 11-11-1928 M Juana Briones Jose Maria Lozano Marisilado,Eliseo 6-28-1928 M Maria Valdez Amado Marislado Martines,Jovita Regina 2-15-1928 F Paula Gonzales Jesus Martines Martines,Socorro 12-31-1928 F Marina Hernandez Justino Martines Martinez,Domingo 7-17-1928 M Josefa Delgaya Orofe Martinez Martinez,Lauicia Inf Of 6-8-1928 M Antonia Escanusia Lauicia Martinez Martinez,Lauicia Inf Of 6-8-1928 M Antonia Escanusia Lauicia Martinez Martinez,Pedro Inf Of 9-13-1928 F Jorincia Rodriguez Pedro Martinez Mcculloch,Thomas V Inf Of 11-9-1928 F Lula L Taylor Thomas Mcculloch V Mckay,Martha Aline 10-7-1928 F Thelma L Hicks Lyford R Mckay Medellin,Concepcion 11-2-1928 F Antonia Reyes Manuel Medellin Menchaca,Terreta 5-10-1928 F Maria Rodriquez D. Alhando Menchaca Menchecka,Antonio 11-4-1928 M Antonio Menchecka Mendosa,Maria Ines 11-30-1928 F Maria Luisa Mendez Jesus Mendosa Michalke,Martin Harry 7-1-1928 M Bertha Ida Dube Martin W. Michalke Mirales,Adelaida 12-16-1928 F Aurelia Bocanegro Margie Mirales Montoya,Ismael 7-28-1928 M Octavea Falcon Isabel Montoya Moore,Annie Eura 8-9-1928 F Ioma L Rutledge Henry A Moore Morelion,Antonia 8-20-1928 F Nicolasa Cruz Rosendo Morelion Nava,Guadalupe M. 4-7-1928 M Dolorez Mearalez Santos Nava Nichols,Joy 3-25-1928 F Fanny Britton Charles Nichols Oden,Imogene 7-14-1928 F May Fontaine Edward Dennis Oden Ortez,Juan 11-18-1928 M Santos Solas Alberto Ortez Ortiz,Maria Luz Gada 11-13-1928 F Esther Garcia Raul Ortiz Pena,Ruben 9-2-1928 M Antonio De Leon Santos Pena Pequeno,Guadalupe 12-12-1928 F Maria Trevino Aurelio Pequeno Perez,Antonia 11-13-1928 F Antonia Rodriguez Celedonio Perez Pickens,Madlyn Hazel 3-10-1928 F Alice Elmira Mccarty Robert Arthur Pickens Puente,Jose 7-13-1928 M Juana Mares Jenaro Puente Reeves,Betty Jo 9-9-1928 F Jewel Maze Croft Frank Coy Reeves Revera,Bentura 7-14-1928 F Francisco Espenosa Anastecia Revera Riggs,Dan Clarence 9-23-1928 M Mildred Roshud Stroman Walter Everett Riggs Rivera,Pedro 1-18-1928 M Ricarda Cabral Juan Rivera Robinson,Charles B. 8-9-1928 M Francis Starls E Robinson Rofles,Jose Maria 6-7-1928 M Aguera Cardenas Juan Rofles Ruiz,Maria 7-31-1928 F Tomasa Morales Juan Ruiz Rutledge,Viola Mae 7-27-1928 F Viola Shane Donald Franklin Rutledge Sawyer,Edwin Glen 8-14-1928 M Eleanor A Neal James N Sawyer Sawyers,Alberta Marse 6-24-1928 M Blakley Ballard H. A. Sawyers Schmidt,Edyth Maye 2-24-1928 F Sarah M. Hollar Oscar Schmidt Sifuentio,Maria Del Socorro 8-31-1928 F Virginia Castano Juan Sifuentes Sorrell,John Maloin 3-18-1928 M Lillie Barster Earnest C Sorrell Southern,Chamecy S Inf Of 7-18-1928 M Lola Busby Chamecy S Southern Thornell,Andrea Jacqueline 10-22-1928 F Lillie Mae Akins A. J. Thornell Trees,Roy 9-12-1928 M Minnie L Salmon Olio Trees Valdez,Jose 9-13-1928 M Victoria Martinez Alberto Valdez Valdez,Santiago Jr. 5-11-1928 M Corina Herrera Santiago Valdez Sr. Valenzuela,Amalia 11-30-1928 F Eudelia P. Valenzuela Jose Valenzuela Valle,Maria De Consuelo 8-31-1928 F Lilia Garcia Braulio Valle Varela,Juan 5-27-1928 M Francisca Nunes Erasmo Varela Vestal,E C 11-23-1928 M Floy B Treat Freddie M Vestal Villegas,Olivia 2-21-1928 F Elisa Lopez Priciliano Villegas Wallace,Olga Rea 3-7-1928 F Olga Casey Luther L Wallace White,Eugene 6-6-1928 M Laura M Roberts Headley White Willson,Myrtle Irene 1-13-1928 F Lola Sirman Joe F. Willson Woods,Margrett Louise 3-7-1928 F Grace Victoria Decas Allen Irvin Woods Young,Lucille Elnora 6-12-1928 F Aline B Koon Elzie Young