VITAL - Death certificate: Jean Annie Samuelson; Salt Lake co., Utah submitted by W. David Samuelsen (dsam at sampubco dot com) *********************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** Certificate of Death State File No.: Registrar's No: 1. Place of Death a. County: Salt Lake b. City or Town: Salt Lake c. Length of Stay: d. Full Name of Hospital or Institution: General Hospital 2. Usual Residence Length of Residence: 17 years a. State: b. County: c. City or Town: d. Street Address: 3. Name of Deceased: Jean Annie Samuelson 4. Date of Death (spell out full month): August 17, 1935 5. Sex: F 6. Color or Race: white 7. Married, Never Married, Widowed, Divorced: single 8. Date of Birth (spell out full month): July 18, 1918 9. Age: 17 years 29 days 10a. Usual Occupation: none 10b. Kind of Business or Industry: 11. Birthplace: Idaho Falls, Idaho 12. Citizen of What Country?: 13. Father's Name, place of birth: Charles Samuelson, Utah 14. Mother's Maiden Name, place of birth: Ethel Rose, unknown 14b. Husband's or Wife's Name: 15. Was Deceased in US. Armed Forces?: 16. Social Security No.: 17. Informant and Address: Charles Samuelson, Twin Falls, Idaho 18. Cause of Death: I. Disease of Condition: purulent pansinusity, meningitis, cavervous sinus thrombosis Interval between onset and death: 5 days II. Antecedent causes: quinzy Interval between onset and death: 7 days 19a. Date of Operation: 19. Major findings of Operation: 20. Autopsy?: yes 21a. Accident, Suicide or Homicide: 21b. Place of Injury: 21c. City: 21d. Time of Injury: 21e. Injury Occured: 21f. How did Injury Occur?: 22. Certify Dates & Time: Aug 15, 1935 to Aug 17, 1935, 3:15 PM 23a. Signature: T. A. Clawson Jr. 23b. Address: Salt Lake City, UT 23c. Date Signed: Aug 19, 1935 24a. Burial, Cremation, Removal 24b. Date: Aug 21, 1935 24c. Name of Cemetery or Crematory: City Cemetery 24d. Location: Salt Lake City Date Rec'd by Local Reg.: Aug 20 Registrar's Signature: Sol G. Kahn 25. Funeral Director's Signature & Address: Deseret Mortuary, Salt Lake City Comments: (Use for listing of correct information by submitter) mother, Ethel Rachel Rose, born Salt Lake City, Utah