Sevier-Salt Lake County UT Archives Biographies.....Michelsen, Olof Reuben 1885 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 2, 2011, 1:32 am Source: See below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher OLOF REUBEN MICHELSEN. One of the members of the Utah bar is Olof Reuben Michelsen, of Monroe, who was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in April, 1885. His parents were Niels and Amelia (Jeppesen) Michelsen, who came to America in 1886 and first settled in Salt Lake City but afterward removed to Monroe, Sevier county, where the father established a hardware store, which he is still conducting in that thriving village. When a babe, his son, O. R. Michelsen, suffered from an attack of spinal meningitis, which left him without the use of his lower limbs. Possessing a remarkable amount of pure grit, he has refused to acknowledge his handicap and has forced his way to the front. His primary education was obtained in the mission schools of Sevier county and he then determined that under no circumstances would he become a burden upon his parents. He accordingly pursued a business course in the Latter-day Saints University at Salt Lake City and later completed his law education in the Leland Stanford University of California and the University of Utah. Having thus acquired a broad literary learning to serve as the foundation on which to build the superstructure of professional knowledge, he took up the study of law and was admitted to the courts of Utah, where he has since enjoyed an excellent practice. He has ever played a man's game, wastes no sympathy upon himself and resents it from others. He is one of the most active and capable lawyers of Sevier county. In 1916 he was elected county attorney and was reelected in 1918, so that he is still occupying the office. In addition he has for one year been the legal adviser of Piute county. He has been retained as legal counselor by many large mining and irrigation companies and has the reputation of being thoroughly posted on the technicalities of the mining, drainage and irrigation laws which have to do with the development of this section. He is also the legal adviser of the board of county commissioners and was for four years city attorney of Monroe. He is at all times an aggressive, hard fighter in the courts and his position is fortified by a most broad and comprehensive knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence. Mr. Michelsen is an enthusiastic photographer and has taken many beautiful pictures of the mountains and canyons of Sevier county and southern Utah. In social life he is a pleasant, cheerful companion and is always ready to help a friend or neighbor. The moments which he can spare from his many activities in connection with the bar he devotes to his farm at Monroe. Everywhere he is spoken of In terms of the highest regard and the circle of his friends is almost coextensive with that of his acquaintance. Additional Comments: Extracted from UTAH SINCE STATEHOOD HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL ILLUSTRATED VOLUME IV CHICAGO-SALT LAKE: THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1920 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb