Sevier-Morgan-Utah County UT Archives Biographies.....Ramsey, George Jabez 1863 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 1, 2011, 11:04 pm Source: See below Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher GEORGE JABEZ RAMSEY, D. C. Dr. George Jabez Ramsey, a successful chiropractor of Richfield, was born at Noblesville, Indiana, in May, 1863, a son of George W. and Amanda (Ross) Ramsey. His father, a veteran of the Civil war, was for many years a farmer, carpenter and wagon maker in the state of Illinois. Dr. Ramsey was educated in the graded schools of his native state and in the Union Christian College at Merom, Indiana, and following his graduation from that institution removed to Utah, where for thirteen years he engaged in teaching school in various parts of the state. During leisure periods he pursued a post-graduate course in the Brigham Young University of Provo and following the completion of his course in 1891 he was appointed principal of the Morgan Stake Academy of Morgan county, filling that position until 1894, when he became principal of the Davis Stake Academy of Davis county. In 1895 he retired from the profession of teaching and turned his attention to merchandising in Provo, there remaining for a period of three years, after which he took up his residence in Salt Lake City, where he was engaged in business until 1917, when he went to Davenport, Iowa, and entered the Palmer School of Chiropractic. He was there graduated in March, 1919, with the degrees of D. C. and Ph. C. He then located for practice in Richfield, opening offices in the James M. Peterson Bank building, where he has already built up an extensive and gratifying practice. Dr. Ramsey was married to Miss Rose Bleak, a daughter of James G. Bleak, one of the founders of the town of St. George, Utah, and the driver of the sixth wagon in a caravan of Mormons, who under instructions from the church located the town of St. George. To Dr. and Mrs. Ramsey have been born the following named: Jessie B., the wife of Wilford Ence, of Salt Lake; Olive R., the wife of Allen M. Smith, of Salt Lake; Kate, the wife of Carl W. Hill, of Klein, Montana; Karl G., of Moline, Illinois, who served in the war with Germany and was a sergeant of the Ambulance Corps; Ross J., of the Capital Electric Company of Salt Lake, employed with the Food Administration during the period of the World war; Melba, the wife of Karl Gumbmann, of Salt Lake; Amanda, living at Horace; James and Jane, twins; and Ruth, who Is now a student in the Riverside school of Salt Lake City. Dr. Ramsey is a consistent member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has passed through the priesthood to the bishopric. He is in every sense of the term a wide-awake, alert and progressive citizen, taking an active interest in all matters pertaining to the public good. In manner he is always genial, pleasant and courteous and he is thoroughly equipped for the practice of his profession, which is rapidly becoming the most popular school of healing in the state. Additional Comments: Extracted from UTAH SINCE STATEHOOD HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL ILLUSTRATED VOLUME IV CHICAGO-SALT LAKE: THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1920 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb