BIOGRAPHY: Jonathan Edmund Browning; Ogden, Weber co., Utah Transcribed by W. David Samuelsen for The USGenWeb Archives Project ************************************************************************ The USGenWeb Archives Project notice Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** History of Utah The Storied Domain A Documentary History of Utah's Eventual Career by J. Cecil Alter Vol. 2, published 1932 (expired copyright) The American Historical Society, Inc. JONATHAN EDMUND BROWNING, son of Jonathan and Ann Emmett Browning, was born in Ogden City, Utah, January 26, 1859. He received his education in the public schools, and passed his youthful days in the ordinary way with other boys about his own age, and in later years he received a valuable training in his father's gunsmith shop. Later he worked in a tannery owned by his father, also worked for several years in his father's brickyard, and was always found a most willing, earnest worker in assisting in every way possible his father in all his numerous enterprises, until the latter's death June 21, 1879. He entered the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad Company at Ogden, where he worked for three years, and then he left the road to enter the Browning Gun Shops with his brothers John M. and Matthew S., where they engaged in the manufacture of the famous Browning rifles and shotguns, and did all kinds of gun repairing, work being sent to them from the entire intermountain territory. The business increased until they had the largest gun and sporting goods business west of Chicago. Jonathan E. being such an exceptionally fine mechanic he made, practically every model of his brother John's many inventions, working with him continuously up to the time of John's death. During the World war there were nine different models of John M. Browning's inventions used by the American and other governments, and to assist John M. in the supervision of the manufacture of immense numbers of these arms, in several large factories, they made their headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut, and they spent many long hours each day in the various factories, to see that everything was done to expedite the turning out of as many arms as possible, and that they were in perfect condition. Their work in this direction was of inestimable value to our Government. Inheriting his father's inventive genius, Jonathan E. Browning has been active in designing and patenting automatic rifles and shotguns and other fire-arms. He has served as president of the Browning Auto Company with branches at Salt Lake City, Ogden, in Utah, and several points in Idaho. In December, 1884, Jonathan E. Browning was married to Mary Ann Jones, daughter of Miles H. and Annie Rollins, and they have ten children, viz.: Archibald, Hazel, Jonathan E., Anna Elizabeth, Wallace E., Miles Jones, Frank Milton, Walter Eugene, Mildred and Mary, all living, except Wallace E., who died in infancy. Jonathan E. Browning has inherited the many wonderful and splendid qualities of his noble father and mother, and he is one of the best and staunchest citizens in Ogden, and has a splendid wife and a fine family.