Amelia County VA - Deed Book 26 (partial) ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ DEED JAMES G. WRIGHT TO JONATHAN CHAPMAN AMELIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA MARCH COURT 1824 DEED BOOK NUMBER 26 This indenture made and entered into this first day of March in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four between James G. Wright of Amelia county of the one part and Jonathan Chapman of the same county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James G. Wright for and in consideration of the sum of twenty four dollars paid to him in hand the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain sell and confirm unto the said Jonathan Chapman one certain parcel of land lying in the county of Amelia containing three acres more or less and bounded as follows that is by a line on the north west of said land starting from a corner pine when the said land together with the land of said Chapman and William Greene meet running south 36 degrees W 33 poles thence between the said land and the land of Allen Jeter south 80 degrees E to a corner made by pointers thence between the said land and the land of Susan A. Wright north 6 degrees W 37 poles to the corner pine whence it started and that the said James G. Wright doth for himself and his heirs forever warrant and defend the said land together with all the appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging unto the said Jonathan Chapman and his heirs forever free from all encumbrances. In testimony whereof the said James G. Wright doth hereunto set his hand and affix his seal the day and date above written. James G. Wright (seal) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of George H. Wright In Amelia County Court March 25th 1824 This deed from James G. Wright to Jonathan Chapman was... ----------------------- Submitted by: George N. Parker Jr. DEED KITTY MEADOR TO DABNEY MILLER AMELIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA JANUARY COURT 1822 DEED BOOK 26 This indenture made and entered unto the 13th day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty one between Kitty Meador of the county of Amelia of the one part and Dabney Miller of the said county of Amelia of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Kitty Meador for and consideration of the sum of fifty eight dollars to her in hand paid at or before the swearing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given granted bargained and sold and do by these presents give grant bargain and sell unto the said Dabney Miller one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the aforesaid county of Amelia it being one mostly of the undivided tracts of land of which my father Anderson Meador dec'd seized and subject to the dower of my mother the widow of the said Anderson Meador dec'd containing by estimation thirty nine acres be the same more or less and bounded by the land of the said Dabney Miller, Willis Vaughan, and Isaac Meador dec'd to have and to hold the aforesaid land unto the said Dabney Miller to him and his heirs forever to the only proper use and ________ of will the said Dabney Miller to him and his heirs forever and the said Kitty Meador do by these presents covenant and agree to and with the said Dabney Miller that she will forever hereafter warrant and defend the title of the said land unto the said Miller from the lawful claim of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above written. her Kitty (X) Meador (seal) mark Signed sealed and delivered In the presence of (no names listed) Prince Edward County to wit. We Josiah Perkinson and Osborn Lockett justices of the peace for the said county do hereby certify that Kitty Meador party to the within conveyance hath duly acknowledged the same before us on the thirteenth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty one and desired us to certify the acknowledgment to the clerk of the county court of Amelia in order that the said conveyance may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals. Jos. Perkinson (seal) Osborn Lockett (seal) In Amelia County Court January 24th 1822. This deed from Kitty Meador to Dabney Miller with certificate of acknowledgment annexed before two magistrates was exhibited unto court and ordered to be recorded. Teste: J. T. Leigh Clerk of Court ----------------------- Submitted by: George N. Parker Jr. SAMUEL MEADOR TO WILLIAM WHITE AMELIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA APRIL COURT 1824 DEED BOOK 26 This indenture made the fifth day of April one thousand eight hundred and twenty four between Samuel Meador and Sally his wife of the county of Amelia of the one part and Herndon Green and Moses Overton of the said county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Samuel Meador and Sally his wife in consideration of the sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said Herndon Green and Moses Overton the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and in order to secure the payment of several debts due by bond or note unto William White of the county of Prince Edward herein in part recited to wit one bond bearing date the 18th day of April 1823 and due the first day of March 1823 for the sum of three hundred and seventy one dollars and twenty eight cents also one other bond bearing date the 2nd day of April 1824 and due the first day of March 1824 for the sum of ninety one dollars and 58 cents. They the Said Samuel Meador and Sally his wife have bargained and sold and by these presence do bargain and sell unto the said Herndon Green and Moses Overton the following real and personal estate to wit one lot or parcel of land containing two acres with all buildings thereupon and al the appurtenances thereunto belonging and bounded by the lands of Anna Meador, John Wright, Pleasant Seay and Willis Vaughan and lying in the county of Amelia also the following personal property to wit one bay horse, two beds, bed steads, and furniture, one walnut cupboard, one walnut table, 2 hand saws, 1 back saw, one cross cut saw, 2 panel saws, five drawing knives, four axes, nine planes and all the tools of every description belonging to them and all the timber now on hand to have and to hold the aforesaid real and personal property to their heirs executors, administrators, and assigns forever. Upon trust nevertheless that if the aforesaid Samuel Meador, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns shall, will and truly pay or cause to paid unto this aforesaid William White the debt aforesaid on or before the first day of March 1825 then and in this case these presents and all and ever part thereof shall cease and be null and void to all intents and purposes. But if the aforesaid Samuel Meador his heirs, executors, administrators shall fail to comply with the aforesaid covenant then the aforesaid Herndon Green and Moses Overton or either of them or either of their heirs, executors, or administrators shall make sale of the aforesaid property to the highest bidder for cash on the premises or at some public place convenient thereto after having advertised the day and place of sale ten days before hand at some public place convenient to the aforesaid lot and houses and the money arising from the sale of the aforesaid property after paying all reasonable costs and expenses apply unto the payment of the aforesaid debt due unto the said William White and the residue if any these shall be paid unto the said Samuel Meador his executors, administrators or assigns and the said Samuel Meador and Sally his wife do hereby covenant and agree to and with the aforesaid Herndon Green and Moses Overton to warrant and defend the right and title of the aforesaid property against the lawful claim or demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof we the parties aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals the date aforesaid. Samuel Meador (seal) her Sally (X) Meador (seal) mark Herndon Green (seal) Moses Overton (seal) Signed sealed and acknowledged In presence of us. William Green his Benjamin (X) Hudson mark his Thomas (X) Hudson mark Amelia county to wit We Dabney Miller and Edward Greene Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid and state of Virginia do hereby certify that Samuel Meador a party to a certain deed bearing date on the fifth day of April 1824 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County of Amelia in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 19th day of April 1824 D. Miller (seal) Edward Greene (seal) Amelia county to wit We Dabney Miller and Edward Greene justices of the peace in the county aforesaid and the state of Virginia do hereby certify that Sally Meador the wife of Samuel Meador parties to a certain deed bearing date on the fifth day of April 1824 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and being examined by us privately and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Sally Meador acknowledges the same to be her act and deed and declares the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals 19th day of April 1824. D. Miller (seal) Edward Greene (seal) In Amelia County Court April 22, 1824 This deed of trust from Samuel Meador and Sally his wife to Herndon Green and Moses Overton trustees for the benefit of William White with certificates of acknowledgment and relinquishment of dower annexed before two magistrates was exhibited into court and ordered to be recorded. Teste: J. T. Leigh Clerk of Court ----------------------- Submitted by: George N. Parker Jr.