Will & Inventory of Thomas Spain, 1760 - Amelia County VA Amelia County, Virginia Wills 1754-1761 Thomas Spain will p 180 inventory p 185 Bk1 Will In the name of God Amen Jan 30 1760, I Thomas Spain of Royley Parish in Amelia Co. being sick in body but of perfect and sound mind blessed be God for it but calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men are to die, I do here make my last will and testament in the manner following First and principally I recommend my soul to God who gave it hoping through the merits of my blessed saviour to obtain full and remission of my sins and my body. I recommend to the ground from whence it was takes nothing doubting to recieve the sam again at the resurrection by the mighty power of God and as for such worldly estate it hath pleased God to bless me in this life. I dispose and devise of in manner following. Imprimus I give to my son Frederick Spain one shilling. Item I give and devise to my daughter Ann Mays one shillilng Item I give and devise to my daughter Drucilla one shilling Item I give and devise to my daughter Mary one shilling Item I give and devise to my daughter Martha one shilling Item I give and devise to my five children, Francis, David, Thomas, John, Elizabeth all I have at my old plantation where my son David now lives to be equally divided. Also I give to my son David my sorrel mare (called Sally) Item I give and devise to my son William and to his heirs forever my land & plantation where I dwell & three negros. Sippean, Judy and Pegg, Two feather beds and furniture, I also give to the said William all the rest of my estate, He paying my just debts and funeral expenses, but if said William die before he comes to the years of one and twenty my will is that what is wills to him may be equally divided between my five children, Frances, David, Thomas, John and Elizabeth and I do constitute and ordain my sons Francis & David executors of this my last well and testament and my will is that my estate is not brought ot an appraisment neither sold by authority and I do hereby revoke, disamit and make void all & every will and wills by me at anytime heretofore made and I declare this and no others to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed, declared and ( pronounced by the said Thomas ) Thomas Spain Spain to be his last will and testament in presence of us ( seal John Spain, William Spain, Mathew Mayes ) At the court held for Amelia County the 25th day of September 1760. This will was proved by the oaths of John Spain, William Spain and Matthew Mayes witness there to sworn to by the executors herein named and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of said executors who's endorsments and acknowledgement as the law directs with Frederick Spain through security certificate was granted them for obtaining a probate hereof in due form. Test. Griffin Peachey Esq. p. 185 Inventory of Thomas Spain's estate October 22nd 1760 - An inventory of the Estate of Thomas Spain deceased - To four negroes Sippean, Judy, Peg, Daniel, To Four feather beds and furniture, 6 leather and 6 rush bottom chairs, 1 jelling and 1 square table, four pewter dishes, 1 chest, eleven plate, two pewter basons. one dowzen spunes, one Iron pot, one brass cittle, tenn knives, eleven forks, one hand saw, one crosscut saw, sum ould Iron, one gun, one ould Trencher, Three jugs, six bottles, one glass tumbler, one drown glass, one punch bowl, tow tubs, one barrill, one horse and saddle and bridle, eleven head of cattle, fourteen head of hogs, one sheep, two spinning wheels, one mare and one stallion and sum books, one box Iron. Francis Spain David Spain Executors At a court held for Amelia County fth 27 Day of November 1760. This inventory of the Estate of Thomas Spain Deceased was acknowledged and ordered to be recorded. Testor Griffin Peachy Esq. Submitted by Linda Medley **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************