Arlington County Virginia USGenWeb Archives News.....Ruthcomb Hall Sold $15000 October 13, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Alice Warner August 4, 2008, 9:20 pm Washington Times, Oct 13, 1907 October 13, 1907 Photo of house from article available in the archives here: Ruthcomb Hall Sold; $15,000 Reported Price Former District Official Disposes of Beautiful Virginia Residence There was placed on record in the Alexandria county courthouse yesterday a deed conveying to T. A. Tyssowski, the property known as Ruthcomb Hall in Alexandria county, owned by Andrew A. Lipscomb, formerly Assistant United States District Attorney of this city, and a prominent lawyer and politician of Virginia and Washington. The consideration was not named, but the agents who made the sale, Craig & Royce, are understood to have secured approximately $15,000 for the property. Ruthcomb Hall is one of the show places of northern Virginia. It is built somewhat in the form of a Grecian temple with massive columns extending the entire height of the house, giving a broad portico surrounding it on three sides. It stands on a commanding elevation overlooking the Potomac river, and the broad sweep of country all around it and presents to the eye a view which travelers greatly admired. Located within one mile of the city of Washington it has all the charm of a country home, while at the same time possessing the advantages of convenient access to the city. About five acres of land is included in the tract belonging to the house. The interior of the house is in entire harmony with its outside appearance, having large parlors, great halls, and large open fireplaces. Although a structure of comparatively recent date, the house vies with the magnificent old mansions of ante-bellum days, when the Old Dominion was noted for its hospitable homes and well-ordered estates. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb