CHRONICLES OF THE SCOTCH-IRISH SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA; Vol. 2, pp 3-9 by Lyman Chalkley CIRCUIT COURT JUDGMENTS. APRIL, 1791 (A to H). John Hall vs. John Fleiger--Assault and battery, 1789. John Hedrick vs. Catherine Armontrout--Slander, 1790. James Frazer and Elizabeth, his wife, vs. John McMullin--Slander; Rockingham, 1787 and 1790. Andrew Erwin, assignee of William Gowden vs. Robert Cochran--James Cochran deposes 8th April, 1790, that Hamilton Evins lives in Kentucky. Bond Erwin to Gowden, 12th December, 1785. John Evans vs. James Buchanan and James Parks--Writ to Rockbridge, 1790. Bond dated 5th February, 1788. Commonwealth vs. Priscilla Jackson--Examining court in Rockbridge, 1791. Margaret Wilson, one of the committee to examine Priscilla. Mary Jenkins and Elizabeth Toney, witnesses. Witnesses: John Toney, Job Flatcher, and Christian Flatcher, wife of Robert Flatcher. William Downey vs. Alexander Bohannon--Slander. Commonwealth vs. Patrick Curry--Burglary, 16th September, 1790. Commonwealth vs. Anthony Kiger--Larceny, 29th January, 1791. John Robinson, administrator of Solomon Carpenter, vs. Elizabeth and Samuel McDowell--Writ to Rockbridge. Bond to James McDowell to Solomon, 10th July, 1771. Elizabeth is widow of James McDowell. Deposition, 8th December, 1790, of Samuel McDowell, Sr. Samuel was brother of James, who died October, 1771. John Campbell vs. Richard Mathews--Writ to Augusta, 29th April, 1790. Bond dated 1781. James Powell Cooks vs. Samuel Merritt--A. and B. Writ to Augusta, 1790. Lucins Chapin vs. John Mackey--Writ to Rockbridge, July, 1790. A. and B. Gusham Clements vs. William Moore--Writ to Rockbridge, April, 1790. A. and B. 3 Major John Ballor vs. John Brown (Captain)--Bond 28th August, 1788. Writ to Augusta, 19th February, 1790. Lewis Atkins vs. David Wilson--Rockbridge, August, 1790. James Barbour vs. William Eastham and Robert Detherage--Defendant left Culpeper and lurks in Rockbridge. Writ, 26th April, 1788. John Brown, Clerk, General Court. Samuel Estill and Jane vs. Mrs. Mary Tees--Ejectment, 1783. Letter from John Brown, October 17, 1789, to Mrs. Teas, that records of the General Court were destroyed by the British in 1781. There is a writ ad quod dam num and inquisition for docking the entail of 700 acres of land in Augusta, the property of Charles Tees, dated in 1766. Zachariah Johnson swears, 28th October, 1785, that Samuel Estill has been removed into Kentucky near two years. Death of the elder Mr. Mason. Special verdict finds that Joseph Teas, grandfather of ____, made his will 4th December, 1753, gives to his sons, William and Charles, this plantation, &c. William and Charles entered into possession. One of the tracts was patented to Joseph, 1756. William was oldest son and heir to testator, and died 23d day ___, 1777, leaving will devising the land to defendant during her widowhood and devise to his daughter Jane, wife of plaintiff. Jane is only daughter and heir-at-law of William. APRIL, 1793 (H to Y). Peter Hull vs. Nicholas Sybert--Slander. Writ to Bath, 3d June, 1791. Same vs. Abraham Evans--Slander, 1793. Defendant said in Pendleton County: "You are a murderer and I can prove it--I will advertise you in the Assembly. No murderer should be sent to the Assembly." Daniel Slevens is about to leave the State; 7th September, 1792. Writ to Bath, 4th June, 1791. Callender & Henderson vs. Robert Harrison, Charles Donnolly and John Appler. Stephen Hansborough vs. John Vise--Writ to Rockingham, May, 1792. Defendant, Andrew Shankland, was sheriff of Rockingham, 1792. John Holmes vs. Martin Surface--Slander. Writ, May, 1732. John Hiner vs. Robert Burnet--A. and B. on Esther Hiner, daughter of John. John Hemphill, assignee of Robert Crawford, vs. John Bowman and Jacob Eversole--Bond by defendants, late of Lancaster County, now of Allen Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, to Robert Crawford, of Huntinton, York County, Pennsylvania, 1783. Testator, Henry Quigley. Assigned to John Hemphill, 1st May, 1790. Debt writ, July, 1792. James Longbridge vs. John Bradshaw--Slander. Writ to Bath, May, 1792. John Yegar vs. Abraham Evans--A. and B., 1791. Writ to Bath, 4th June, 1791. Reuben Thomas vs. Joseph Jewell--A. and B. Writ, 24th July, 1792. Nicholas Seybert vs. Peter Hull--Slander. Writ to Pendleton, September, 1791. John Steff, assignee; Michael Difer, assignee; Tobias Diters, vs. Henry Stone--Debt. Writ to Pendleton, 24th May, 1791. Bond to Henry Stone, 4 in Tolpenhocken, in Lancaster County, to Tobias Diters, of said county, and Thomas Shipp, 16th February, 1791, assigned 1755-1775. Henry Stone lives on South Fork of South Branch, in Hampshire or Rockingham. Samuel Risk vs. William Risk--Two deeds; first, Beverley to John Risk, 24th July, 1740; second, Beverley to John Risk, 24th July, 1740. Ejectment, 31st August, 1792. Involves 300 acres of the demise of Samuel Risk. David Edmondson and William Paxton, executors of John Paxton, vs. James and John McCrea--Appeal from Rockbridge, 1792. Writ, 8th April, 1790. William Ireland and Jacob Pence--Delivery bond, 27th August, 1792, to Peter Nicholas. Samuel W. Williams, Deputy Sheriff, Rockingham. Oliver McCoy vs. James Page--A. and B., 1791. Thomas Haynes vs. Moses Hays--Trespass, 1788. Writ, 6th September, 1791. Henry Miller vs. Samuel Crawford--Debt on note, 1788. Writ, March, 1792. John Moffett vs. William Forbes--Debt. Writ, 23d August, 1791. Note dated 1789. Jacob Haldiman vs. Palser Coonce--Ejectment, 1791; 100 acres in Rockingham, with metes and bounds. Award in favor of plaintiff, 4th March, 1793. Abr. Bird, John Thomas, Anthony Reader, George Stump, Assemblymen from Hardy County. Edward Hall vs. John Coulter--Trespass. Writ, 14th October, 1790. Verdict for plaintiff, 1 penny. John McClure deposes, August 28, 1791, aged about 74 years. Surveys. Deeds in this cause were withdrawn and filed in suit of Beverley vs. Steel. DISTRICT CIRCUIT COURT EXECUTIONS. SEPTEMBER, 1794 (A to I). John Brinkley vs. Richard Morris--Slander. Writ to Bath, June, 1793. William and James Kennerley, Sr.--Delivered bond to George Dives, executor of James Barrat, 5th May, 1794. Peter Cassady vs. John Mackey--A. and B. Writ to Rockbridge, 18th December, 1792. Alexander Crawford et als., heirs-at-law of William Crawford, vs. Henry Miller--Spa. Writ, 27th March, 1794. Elizabeth Clay, administratrix Richard Clay vs. Philip, son and heir of Roger North--Writ. Debt, 26th July, 1793. George Diven, executor James Barrett, vs. William Kennerley and Jacob Eversole. Debt. Writ, 4th September, 1792. John Atkinson vs. Samuel Vance and Elizabeth--Case. Writ, Rockbridge, 21st June, 1792. James Cockran vs. George Craig--Debt on bond. Writ, 6th August, 1792. Bond by defendant, dated 17th October, 1791. Conditioned to convey a piece of land in Mercer County, Kentucky, whereon John Janett now lives, and which George purchased of widow, Ann Page. 5 James Coalter vs. Charles Baskins, William Hamilton--Debt. Writ, 2d August, 1793. Commonwealth vs. Thomas and William Mann--Indictment for assault on Jemina Poo, in Bath, in 1794. Defendant is dead. Commonwealth vs. John Gunn--Indictment for assault on Charles Brooks (barkeeper), in Augusta. Commonwealth vs. James Kerr, Alexander Kerr, Nathaniel Kerr and John Bratton--Indictment for trespass on land of John Dixon, 1793. John Allison is about to go to Kentucky, 12th October, 1792. William Chambers vs. Robert Stuart--Ejectment, 24th August, 1793; 300 acres on Stuarts Creek of Cow Pasture. Verdict for plaintiff. Commonwealth vs. George Brown, Jr., infant--Indictment for throwing stones and putting out the eye of William Alexander, 1788. Rockbridge County. Commonwealth vs. George Hull, of Pendleton--Assault on Patrick Moling Roby. Commonwealth vs. Richard Mathews--Indictment for criminal libel on John Lowry. Not a true bill. Andrew Cutler, administrator Agness Diver, vs. Uriah Gartan--Trover. Writ 20th October, 1790. Rockingham County. Will of Agness Divier, of Rockingham, 20th February, 1786, probated Rockingham, 28th June, 1790. Wife of Hugh Divier, Sr.; granddaughters, Nancy and Peggy Divier, daughters of James and Betty Divier; daughter, Margaret Garten, deceased. Philip Dyer vs. John Gunn--A. and B. Writ, July, 1793. Hugh Donaghe vs. Isaac Armstrong, Joseph, Samuel and Richard Rankin, Edward Ferrill and Thomas Baxter--Ejectment, April, 1793; 1,454 acres on Naked Creek, in Augusta County. Thomas Feemster vs. William McCreery--Trespass, 4th September, 1792. Hugh Donaghe, assignee William Wallace, vs. Robert Bell, James Bell and James Pendleton--Debt. Writ, 1794. John Fanver vs. Christian Fanver--A. and B. Writ, 20th July, 1793. Michael Fackler and Jacob Geiger vs. William Breeze--Case. For shutting flood gates on Lewis Creek. Nuisance for overflowing plaintiff's lot, No. 10, in Staunton, by his mill dam. Writ, 1st August, 1792. John Fulton vs. William Reaugh--Covenant, Writ, 27th September, 1793. Robert Galleway vs. Philip North and William Bowyer--Debt. Writ, 9th March, 1793. Bond, 29th August, 1792. William Gregg vs. Moses Henkle--Writ to Pendleton, 7th November, 1791. Case. In 1768 William entered 400 acres in Augusta on Roaring Spring, on Seneca and the North Fork, &c., &c., and another entry, 9th January, 1772. Defendant was surveyor for Pendleton, but refused to survey the land for plaintiff, but did survey it for others. Mathew Patton is about to remove to Kentucky, 4th September, 1793. Archer Hathaway vs. William Dunlap--False imprisonment, Rockingham County. Writ, 23d February, 1793. Bond, Archibald Hathaway to George Huff, 1792. James Henry vs. Benjamin Denton--Case. Writ, 20th March, 1792. Slander. Isaac Hamble vs. Gilbert Christian--A. and B., 1792. Plaintiff and 6 defendant were playing billiards in Staunton when a dispute arose, and defendant struck plaintiff over head with the cue. Edward Hall vs. James Brown--Demise in 1775; 225 acres, 31st August, 1793. EXECUTIONS. SEPTEMBER, 1794 (K to Z) Henry King vs. William Johnston--A. and B. Writ, 14th August, 1792. James Monroe, attorney for King. John Lock vs. John Patterson--Case. Writ to Rockingham, 22d July, 1793. Henry King vs. William Johnston--Slander. Writ, 14th August, 1792. Mary Kirland is about to remove out of commonwealth, 21st June, 1793. Act establishing District Court was passed January 2, 1788. Deposition Catharine Moler, 2d April, 1794, before William Robertson and James Seawright. John Wells about to remove, 18th December, 1793. Thomas Story and John Allison about to remove to Kentucky, 12th October, 1793. John Wells deposes, 18th December, 1793. William Johnston and Mary Curthin, his sister-in-law. John Miller vs. Isaac Miller--A. and B. Writ, 24th June, 1793. Isaac Mines vs. David Risk attachment, 26th October, 1793. Samuel McDowell vs. Thomas Massie and William Adams Fry, executors. Thomas Adams, deceased--Case. Writ, 4th October, 1791. No inhabitants. Isaac Mines vs. John Devier and Margaret--Slander. Writ, 16th July, 1793. Rockingham. Robert Martin vs. Robert Black--Rockbridge. Case. Writ, 1st November, 1791. Robert Hislup is about to remove to Kentucky, 2d April, 1792. James Monce and Ann vs. William Blair--Writ. Error to Augusta. Mustoe vs. Harrison--Attachment against Andrew Shanklin, Benjamin Smith, John Ewin, Samuel and Reuben Harrison and other Justices of County Court, Rockingham, for not granting appeal to Anthony Mustoe, as commanded, 13th September, 1792. Proceedings in case of Ezekiel Harrison on Anthony Mustoe. Mandamus awarded 7th April, 1791. Judgment given in County Court, 25th August, 1790. Samuel McCutchen vs. David Fulton--Trespass, Writ, 23d Febnrary, 1793. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Link--Rockingham County. Brewer Reeves vs. Peter Grim and Jacob Hawler--£1,000 Pennsylvania currency, £800 Virginia currency. Bond, Ezekiel Harrison and Brewer Reeves, of Rockingham, to Archibald Hopkins, 28th June, 1781. Capias Rockingham, 24th June, 1793. Brewer Reeves vs. Joseph and William Cravens--Writ, 24th June, 1792. Thomas Rutherford vs. Philip North--Debt. Writ, July, 1792. Robert Porterfield vs. William and James Kennerley--Debt. Writ, 27th July, 1793. Jacob Perkey vs. John Pence and Mathias Harner--Rockingham, 12th 7 July, 1792. Ejectment, 388 acres. Copy will Henry Perkey in August, 1762. Original deed, John and Mary Willison to Henry Perkey, of Augusta, May 1758. Recorded. North & Mathews vs. George Craig--Debt. Capias, 26th March, 1793. DISTRICT COURT JUDGMENTS. SEPTEMBER, 1794 (K to Z). Nelson Heron & Co. vs. Richard and Joseph Mathews--Debt. Capias, 12th July, 1792. Daniel Norton vs. Joseph Byers--Debt. Writ, 14th May, 1792. Hugh McDowell vs. James Megonegal--Case. Writ, 24th August, 1792. Plaintiff died during suit. On 17th September, 1793, defendant asked change of venue because of prejudice of his neighbors. Jacob Shearley, infant, by Valentine Sherley, next friend, vs. George Mefford--A. and B. Writ, 12th August, 1753. John Sweney vs. Henry Miller--Case. Writ, 5th December, 1792. Agreement to burn charcoal, dated 9th February, 1791. William Taylor vs. Anthony Mustoe, William Chambers, William Bowyer. Debt. 25th March, 1794. Joseph Trotter vs. John Brown--Contract of sale of land by Trotter to Brown, 1787. Capias, 21st February, 1792. Abraham Clements vs. Robert Shaw--Ejectment, October 12, 1786, Rockbridge County. Abraham Clements, heir-at-law of Abraham Clements, deceased, who was heir-at-law of Ezekiel Clements, demise 18th June, 1746, 400 acres, known as Broad Spring. Patent (copy) to Robert McClenachan, 375 acres on Mary Branch of James River, cor. James McClung, cor. Robert Campbell, dated 24th March, 1740. Mary Roberts deposes, February 28, 1788, in Frederick County, Maryland, that she was a near neighbor of Ezekiel Clements, of Hopewell Township, County Huntindon, New Jersey, and knew the family 15-20 years. Ezekiel, and eldest son, Abraham, went out to purchase land; said they had bought in the backwoods. Abraham married and had three children, one of whom was a son named Abraham. Copy deed from Bordens' executors to Ezekiel Clements, 1746, in Augusta. This land lapsed on October 18, 1753, and reverted to the Crown. JUDGMENTS. SEPTEMBER, 1790 (H to Z). John Carlile vs. Thomas Smith--Appeal from Augusta, 1788. Brewer Reeves, of Rockingham, vs. Anthony Mustoe--Injunction. 17th February, 1791. Signatures of Brewer Reeves, Benjamin Harrison, James Divier, Benjamin Smith, William Smith, Ezekiel Harrison, 1788. 8 Wilson Miles Cary, assignee of Benjamin Forsythe, vs. George Mathews and Alexander Nelson--Appeal from Augusta, 1788. Robert Stuart vs. William Wilson and John Berry--Debt. Writ, 10th November, 1789. John Tate vs. John Evans and John Parks--Debt. Writ to Rockbridge, 15th February, 1790. Bond dated 1789. Michael Mullan, William Lamme, Francis Stewart vs. Benjamin Harrison and Andrew Shanklin--Appeal from Rockingham, 1789. Suit began 1786. Andrew Donolly vs. George Kizel--Augusta County, 22d August, 1787. Kennerley vs. Nelson Heron & Co.--Augusta, 24th May, 1788. Alexander McClenachan vs. Isaac Liptrap--Agreement, 15th March, 1788, of rental of Alexander's farm in Rockbridge. Writ, 7th November, 1789. Robertson & Co. vs. Crawford McKey & Co.--Case. Writ, September, 1789. George Shaw vs. James Megonegal--Ejectment, lot in Staunton, No. 17, demised 1781. Verdict for defendant. Sampson Mathews and Catherine, his wife, late Catherine North, vs. Samuel Lewis and John Bosong. John Shawn, assignee of John Hays; assignee of Josiah Greenwood, vs. James Spence--Appeal from Augusta. Debt, 1783. William McDonough vs. Bruton Smith--A. and B. Writ, 10th June, 1788. Thomas Mynes vs. Jacob Greiger--Trespass. Writ, 23d December, 1789. John McCleary vs. James Hathorn and James Scot--Rockbridge. Writ, 10th December, 1785, from General Court. Returned not found. Menan Mills vs. Alexander Sewright--Debt. Writ to Rockbridge, 17th March, 1790. Pendleton Justices vs. Hamilton (Clerk)--1790. Proceedings for removal from office. Gideon Pulliam vs. Robert Allen--A. and B. Writ, 26th April, 1788. John McElheny vs. Thomas Hughes--Case. Writ, 29th May, 1786. General Court. Joseph Malcom vs. John Beveridge--Demise 1st January, 1788, 130 acres on head Carlisle's Run, a north branch of Bull Pasture. DISTRICT COURT JUDGMENTS. SEPTEMBER, 1790 (H to Z) Thomas Johnson vs. William Allen--Trespass. Writ, 20th December, 1782, Thomas Lewis vs. Gilbert Christian, administrator John Christian--Writ from General Court, April, 1787. Richard Littlepage vs. David Beard--Writ, Rockbridge, 26th July, 1788. General Court. William Hinton vs. Reuben Harrison--Caveat to Rockingham, 24th June, 1788. John Harper vs. Joseph McCawley, John Robinson and Frederick Myers--Slander. Writ, September, 1789, to Rockingham. 9 **************************************************************************** Made available by volunteers of The USGenWeb Project