CHRONICLES OF THE SCOTCH-IRISH SETTLEMENT OF VIRGINIA by Lyman Chalkley HONOR ROLL Subscriptions received since June 1, 1912: Cossett Library, Memphis, Tenn. Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, New York. State Library, Hartford, Conn. Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah. Carnegie Library, Atlanta, Georgia. Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va. State Library, Richmond, Va. The Bell Book Company, Richmond, Va. Public Library, St. Louis, Mo. Public Library, Louisville, Kentucky. Public Library, Kansas City, Kansas. Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois. Public Library, Little Rock, Arkansas. General Evan Shelby Chapter, Owensboro, Kentucky Mrs. Sarah H. Wiggins, Indiananolis, Indiana. Mrs. J. Morgan Smith, Birmingham, Alabama. Miss Mary R. Wilcox, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Joseph S. Wood, Mount Vernon, New York. Miss Lilian Norton, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Belle Merrill Draper, Washington, D. C. Mrs. E. H. Clark, New York City. Wm. A. Bratton, Marlington, W. Va. G. C. Jones, Atlanta, Georgia. John P. Branch, Richmond, Va. Edward Frazer, Lexington, Ky. Henry Strother, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Lyle A. Dickey, Hawaii. Lloyd W. Prouty, Tucson, Arizona. Wm. Winston Fontaine, Austin, Texas. Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md. Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Md. Additional members of the Executive Committee: Miss Helen Prescott, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Julia A. McCulloch, Point Pleasant, W. Va. Mrs. George Hedges, Annapolis, Md. Mrs. Rowse Babcock, Lawrence Park, New York. Mrs. Janie Babcock Teal, Lawrence Park, New York. Mrs. James D. Iglehart, Regent, Francis Scott Key Chapter, Baltimore, Md. Chapters which have contributed towards the publication of these records since June 1, 1912: Mary Desha Chapter, Washington, D. C. Gloversville Chapter, Gloversville, New York. The Publication Committee wish to call attention to the fact that the original spelling of proper names and words has been carefully adhered to in this publication, and what might appear as typographical errors are but the strict following of the text in the original records. **************************************************************************** Made available by volunteers of The USGenWeb Project