deceased, infant, by James Lyle, guardian, filed May, 1791. Robert's will filed.
In 1788 he left widow, Isabella, and daughters, Mary, Margaret Cunningham
Burns and step-daughter, Sarah Lockhart, son, Thomas Burns; Henry
Burns; Mary Burns had married James Curry in 1789, 14th December.
Sarah Lockhart had married Asher Waterman in 1789, 14th December.
(Parson) William Wilson vs. William Blair.--Writ, 4th November, 1788.
Suit over removal of William Blair from a seat in the Stone Meeting House.
Peter Link and Judy, his wife, vs. Peter Hanger, Jr.--Writ, 24th February,
John Bullitt (Labouner), of Rockingham County, charged with horse
Richard Mathews vs. Isabella Burns.--Robert Burns died in October after
a lingering illness.
Arthur Ringland and Mary, his wife, vs. Edward Brockenson.--Writ,
19th July, 1791.
John Bosong vs. William Wallace.--Writ, 1st February, 1791. Case.
John died August-September, 1791.
John McClure vs. Thomas McCullough.--Writ, 10th January, 1788.
About 1783 defendant removed to the French Broads.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Wells, James Wells and Nancy Wells, their
mother.--26th August, 1790.
Elihu Greene vs. Christopher Grabble (Graybill?).--Slander. Writ,
March, 1790, Christopher Graham is about to remove to Kentucky, 9th
September, 1791. Prior to 1789, Green was living on the French Broad and
was brother-in-law of Captain Smith.
James Knowles and John Knowles, his son, vs. William Knowles.--6th
March, 1790.
William McCutchen, infant, by David Fulton, his next friend, vs. John
McCutchen, Jr.--Slander, 16th June, 1790.
James Rutledge and Ellenor, his wife, vs. John Curry.--Slander, 21st
October, 1788. Andrew Erwin's lie bill. Rutledge's wife was Eleanor
MARCH, 1792.
Joseph Thompson vs. Hugh Donaghe.--Elizabeth, wife of William
Thompson, John Donaghe, son of Hugh Donaghe. Joseph Thompson removed
to Botetourt about 1781 on Jackson's River. William and Joseph
were brothers.
McNutt vs. Bowyer.--Power of attorney by Alexander McNutt now at
Halifax, Nova Scotia, to John McNutt, of Augusta County, 1761.
William Hutcheson (wife Mary), vs. John Burke, Elizabeth, his wife.--
Writ, 5th September, 1788. In February, 1788.
William Henry vs. Zachariah Johnston, Jr.--Writ, 26th December, 1789.
Slander. Zachariah had a brother James.
William Gillespy vs. George Benson.--Writ, 1790. James Gillespy moved
to Kentucky, middle of November, 1788, and died about December last.
Orator (?) and his brother, Samuel Gillespy, were appointed executors.
Mary Devericks, infant, by Thomas Devericks, next friend, vs. Jarred
Erwin and Elizabeth, his wife.--Slander. Writ, 16th August, 1790.
James McGonegal and Margaret, his wife, administratrix of Fleming,
deceased, her late husband, vs. Bailey.--Bond by William Fleming, of Paxton
Township, County Lancaster, Pa., to William Bailey, of Yorktown, coppersmith,
19th August, 1774.
AUGUST, 1792.
George Lewis and wife, Mary, vs. Isaac Archer.--17th August, 1790.
MAY, 1792 (A to K).
Agnes Cummins, infant, by Robert Cummins, her next friend, vs. John
Rutherford.--Br. Promise. Writ, 21st August, 1790.
Henry Brown and Mary, his wife, late Mary Timberlake, administrator,
and Edwin Young, administrator of John Timberlake, deceased, vs. Henry
Miller.--Writ, 18th October, 1790.
MAY, 1792 (L to M).
James Mitchell vs. Samuel Hunter.--Bill filed 1790. In 1780 Andrew
Hunsberry enlisted to serve a term of duty, eighteen months in the regular
troops of this Commonwealth. Did Andrew desert? John Bright was also
a soldier. Andrew called James Mitchell "daddy" and James called him
"son." Deposition of Henry Smith taken in Amherst County, 1790. Peter
Shipe was a soldier in Captain Lapsley's company in the beginning of the
year 1781. Thomas Mitchell was son of James.
David Laird vs. Hugh Donaghe.--Writ, 22d October, 1788. John Donaghe,
James Donaghe and Thomas Davis, living in Green County, North
Carolina, 17th March, 1789. David Laird had a man, Jones, in his company
who deserted. Daivid Laird had a daughter, Anne. Hugh Donaghe had a
son, John.
MAY, 1792 (N to Z).
Thomas Turk, Jr., son of Thomas Turk, Sr., vs. Thomas Turk, Sr.--
Son vs. Father. Chancery. (Executed bond to.) In 1712 Thomas, Sr.,
deeded land to Thomas, Jr., condition, love and affection. Thomas, Jr.,
married Anne Rhea. Thomas was seventeen years old in 1772.
John Scott, infant, by John Scott, his father and next friend, vs. Jacob
Levingston and Lidia his wife.--Writ, 3d December, 1791.
MAY, 1792 (N to Z).
Peck vs. Bowyer.--Bill to perpetuate testimony.
John Mills, heir-at-law of Robert Mills (John was a nephew of Robert)
vs. Joseph and Florence Bell and William Bell.
Sarah Allison, infant, by John Allison, father and next friend, vs. Hugh
Gaul.--Writ. 1st September, 1791.
John Frazier, Ann Frazier vs. Rebecca Ledgerwood, Rebecca Berry and
Esther Corruthers, infant.--Spa. Chancery, 16th April, 1787. Oratrix and
orator are children of Isabella Frazier. Isabella was sister to Robert Moody,
now deceased, who took John Frazier and kept him until Robert's death,
when John was forty years old. Robert died December, 1776 (1786?).
Robert's nuncupative will 15th December, 1786. James and Robert Moody's
father died intestate. Isabella Moody was their mother and administered
on their father's estate. The Moodys came from Pennsylvania. John Frazier
was brother-in-law of Robert Moody and they came to Virginia shortly
afterwards. John Frazier died leaving five small children and a widow.
Three of the children took all the land and left nothing for John and Anne,
whom Robert Moody took care of. James Moody's wife died and his
daughters being all married and he being an old man, he took in his son-in-law,
William, and Rebecca Ledgerwood, and shortly afterwards James sold
his land to his step son, Robert Willson. Then William and Rebecca took
James as long as his money lasted, when they sent him back to Robert naked
and destitute. Robert prepared to make a will because he found that his
brother James' heirs and the Ledgerwood family in particular would come
from Kentucky and take everything he had. James Frazier. 19th July, 1790.
Anne Frazier's deposition to same effect, 19th July, 1790. Isabella Frazier's
deposition to same effect, 19th July, 1790. Elizabeth Hill's deposition to
same effect, 19th July, 1790. Samuel Frazier's deposition to same effect,
19th July, 1790. Rebecca Berry's deposition taken in Fayette County,
October, 1789. Zachariah Johnston deposes 5th October, 1790: was born
within one mile of Robert Moody's; John Frazier was accidentally killed.
Rachel Wilson deposes that her husband bought a plantation from James
Moody. Mrs. Mary Wilson went to Kentucky. John Brownlee deposes that
he knew old Robert Moody, father of James and Robert Moody and continued
intimate with the two sons after their father's death. Sarah Brownlee
deposes that when she was a girl James Moody was married to her
mother, a widow; James's father died and Robert and his mother kept all
the estate and James never received any of the estate. John Frazier died
when plaintiffs were very young, intestate, and the oldest son, Samuel, took
the land. Rebecca was wife of William Ledgerwood.
Joshua Humphreys vs. William Sheels.--Plaintiff and his family, 1789,
employed defendant to carry them to Kelly's landing on the Kenawha on
their way to Kentucky, but defendant failed to meet his engagement. Writ,
November, 1789.
John McRoberts vs. Charles Cameron.--In 1790 plaintiff bought 400 acres
from defendant lying in the county of Kentucky, part of 1,000 acres, for
which Charles had a certificate on Dick's River, near Logan's Fort, by the
name of Dochester's Improvement.
Lewis Myers vs. Peter Lamb.--Witness, William Lamb, 14th December,
1791. Writ, 22d June, 1792.
James Edwin vs. John Young.--Writ, 13th April, 1792. Records from
Cumberland County, Pa., show judgment vs. James Patrick (James Erwin
Special Bail), 1787, 30th July, which James Patrick paid in part. Also
judgment by James Irwin vs. John Young, 13th January, 1787.
Thomas Williams vs. William Johnston and wife, Jane.--Writ, 23d March,
MARCH, 1793.
James Hessant (Essex) and Christianner, his wife, vs. Sebastian Woolf.--
Writ, 29th November, 1791.
Jacob Levingston and Lidia, his wife, vs. Benjamin James.--Writ, 1st
July, 1792. Assault and battery.
AUGUST, 1793 (M to Z).
North vs. Mathews.--Catherine Mathews, wife of Sampson, was first
widow of Roger North, then widow of Edward Park. Roger North died
in the fall of 1776, leaving a will which Catherine could not find and she
took out administration. Philip is the only surviving heir to Roger North.
She married Edward Park in the fall of 1777 and Edward died December
(July), 1780. Catherine took out administration on Edward's estate in
Henrico County. Roger owned a tan yard. Affidavit by Catherine, 1793.
Edward had daughters (sisters?) Polly and Fanny Park. Catherine married
Sampson, June, 1783. Edward Park had a nephew, Jonathan Park.
Patrick Ready and Sally, his wife, vs. Thomas Caul.--Writ, 18th April,
Frances Smith, Spinster, vs. Thomas Jones.--Breach Promise, 1792.
MAY, 1793 (A to L).
Robert Armstrong vs. Daniel Friel.--John Hawkins was agent for the
State at Albermarle Barracks October, 1780.
Ann and Rebecca Craig, daughters of Robert Craig, vs. John and Robert
Craig.--Robert, the father, died June, 1788. Writ, 30th October, 1790.
Family quarrel.
James Campbell and wife, Bridget, vs. Thomas Green and Nancy, his
wife.--16th January, 1793.
Commonwealth vs. Francis Eccord and wife, Dolley.--15th January, 1793.
Assault on ____ Heeder.
Francis Edwin and wife, Elizabeth, vs. Nicholas Wisehart and wife,
Rachael.--Writ, 4th September, 1792.
William Flannagan and wife, Elizabeth, vs. Jacob Van Lear.--1st July,
1791. A and B?
Mary Holms, infant, by John Holms, her father and next friend, vs.
John Campbell.--Writ, 7th November, 1792.
William Knowls and wife, Mary (Donavan).--14th February, 1792.
NOVEMBER, 1793 (L to Z).
Sampson Mathews vs. Ann Hogshead.--James Anderson and Alexander
Kilpatrick were living in Greenbrier in 1789. Sampson Mathews was of
the City of Richmond, 1786.
Mynes vs. Jamison.-- William McGowan is about to move out of the State,
1793. Edward Harding, same.
Thomas Story vs. William Kelly and wife, Mary.--Writ, 3d September,
1792. A and B.
MAY, 1793 (M to Z).
Miller vs. William Lamb.--Defendant no inhabitant, 1792-3.
David McCoy and wife, Jane, vs. Thomas Beard.--Writ, 14th August,
George Miller vs. Samuel Runkle.--Slander. Defendant said plaintiff
cheated the church out of some subscriptions he was to collect, and that
was the worse because he was an elder. Frederick Dull, Montgomery
County, Pa., deposes, 1st May, 1792. He was an elder in the Reform
Church in Whitpain at the time Mr. Winkhouse was minister of said
congregation. When the minister announced there would be a collection for
the purpose of erecting a church near Staunton. John William Miller
deposes that in 1785 and 1786, September of each year, John George Miller
stayed at his house when collecting money to build a church about ten or
twelve miles from Staunton. Deponent lent John George a horse to go to
see Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg. Deponent knew John George in Germany and
came over sea with him. (Signed) Frederick Dull, Gasper Schlater, George
Flieger, John William Miller. Sebastian Getz lived in the same village
in Germany with John George and came over sea with him.
William Patterson vs. Robert Beard.--Deposition of John Craig in
Buncombe County, North Carolina, 2d November, 1792.
Peter Rough vs. Jacob Teeford.--Assault and battery on Susanna Rough,
daughter of plaintiff, 1791.
William Blair vs. Daniel Donavin.--Writ, 20th December, 1792. I, Daniel
Donavin, of Randolph County, Virginia, am bound to William Blair, Sr.,
of same county and State. Bond dated 18th November, 1788.
Daniel Shorrets and wife vs. William Steele, infant son of John Steele.--
Writ, 21st December, 1791.
John Thompson vs. Nicholas Echus and wife, Elizabeth Echus.--Writ,
12th January, 1793.
Smith (yth) Tandy, of Amherst County, vs. Lewis and Phileman
Richards.--Contract of lease 27th February, 1790.
AUGUST, 1793 (D to M).
John Dixon vs. James Kerr and Robert Campbell.--Deposition of James
Kerr taken in Lexington, Kentucky, second Tuesday in June, 1793. Son of
James, defendant John Campbell's deposition at same place. John Dixon
was drafted to go into service under McIntosh, but persuaded Kerr to sell
him a servant as a substitute.
John Gold, infant, by Robert Gold, next friend, vs. John Scott.--1791.
Frederick Grove and wife, Elizabeth, vs. Margaret Rusk.--Writ, 10th
September, 1792.
William Kerr vs. John Dixon.--Trespass on land involving title. John
Allison appeared as agent for William Kerr and was William's nephew.
William Rankin is about to remove to Kentucky, 16th September, 1789.
William and James Kerr were sons of John Kerr. Jury finds special verdict;
patent to Wm. Kerr 2d June, 1760. William Kerr and Martha, his wife,
17th May, 1768. Deposition of Elizabeth McClure, 5th August, 1789. She
was the daughter of John Kerr. William Allison, son of John Allison, Sr.
See some papers of above suit in the papers Samuel Hunter vs. Torbett and
NOVEMBER, 1793 (A to L).
Mary Holmes, infant, by John Holmes, her father and next friend, vs.
Thomas Story.--Writ, 1st November, 1792. November, 1793, abates by
plaintiff's marriage.
Samuel Hunter vs. Hugh Torbett and Alexander Mitchell.--Chancery.
Spa. 25th July, 1777. Deposition of William Bryan, of Fauquier, taken
Friday, 22d August, 1777, aged thirty years. He is son-in-law of David
Kaile (Haile?). David Kaile deposes at same time he is sixty years and
upwards. James Cunningham deposes, 16th August, 1783, that in May,
1777, Hugh Torbett was selling his land with intention of going to Holston.
After Nathaniel Torbett came from Northward. Alexander Mitchell's answer
says: In 1771 he and other defendant bought a tract of land from
Col. William Campbell, 614 acres, "After the defendants came to Virginia"
(1773). Hugh Brawford and Rachel Brawford were son and daughter of
Samuel Brawford. Rachel was married to William Wallace before 21st
November, 1780, and on that date is about to leave these parts. Susannah
Hunter was wife of Samuel.
Ezekiel Hopping vs. Thomas Story.--Thomas Riddle is about to remove
to Kentucky, 18th September, 1792.
AUGUST, 1793 (A to D).
John Haggerty vs. Anthony Ingleton and Mary, his wife.--Writ, 4th
January, 1793.
Andrew Keith vs. William Kelley and Mary. his wife.--Writ, 18th April,
John Young vs. Rankin.--Plaintiff in 1784 married Mary Rankin, daughter
of George Rankin. John Rankin was a brother of George. Mary died
1788 leaving one child, a son; John Young is married again 25th May, 1793.
John Collins, and Nelly, his wife, vs. Philip Dyer.--Writ, 8th June, 1793.
Henry King vs. Arthur Connelly and Jane, his wife.--Writ, 14th September,
1792. Mary Kirland is about to move out of the State, 1793. Mary is
seventeen years old 29th June, 1793. Mary's sister was Jane, wife of
William Johnston.
MAY, 1794 (A to M).
Patrick Brady and wife, Catherine, vs. Edward Brady.--Writ, 18th April,
Peggy Givins, Margaret Gibbons vs. John Hall, painter.--Writ, 23d
February, 1795.
William Knowls and Mary, his wife, vs. Finley.--1793.
MARCH, 1794.
Archer's Administrator vs. Archer's Executor.--David Sawyers,
administrator of Rebecca died May, 1789; John Archer, her
husband, died May, 1771. Bill to make John Archer's Executor pay
Rebecca's Administrator the alimony that was decreed to her. Rebecca lived
at home with her husband some time after alimony was decreed. John
Gardner is about to go to Kentucky, where he expects to remain, September
22, 1790. Rebecca was not in her right mind. Was Rebecca Blair, daughter
of John Archer and wife to William Blair? Who was John Blair, a legatee
of John Archer?
Rebecca Gardner, widow of Thomas Gardner, Francis Gardner and
Samuel Gardner, orphans of said Thomas Gardner, vs. John Brown,
Rebecca Brown, widow of Hugh Brown, deceased, Sally Brown and Margaret
Brown, infants and orphans of Hugh Brown.--Chancery. Spa. 23d March,
1791. Rebecca Gardner (widow) had married Robert Brown by 1792,
September (January) 27. David Trimble deposes that he was in Staunton when
Rebecca Gardner, now plaintiff, was on her way to Pennsylvania; and Maj.
John Brown, deceased, father to defendant, was present when said John
Brown, deceased, told her (Rebecca). Taken September 27, 1792. Did
Maj. John Brown and Thomas Coalter own "Coalter's Place" together?
Deposition of William Brown taken in Greenbrier 20th December, 1793.
Rebecca Gardner fled to Buchanan's Fort for protection from Indians. Thomas
Gardner was killed by the Indians. Bill says Thomas Gardner and John
Brown in 176_ became joint purchasers of Coalter's Place. Thomas died
the spring following the purchase, leaving widow Rebecca and sons, Francis
and Samuel. Eight or ten years afterwards, John Brown died leaving four
sons, Thomas, James, Hugh and John, and one daughter, ____. Hugh is
dead. leaving Rebecca Brown, widow, and two daughters, Sally and
Margaret. Rebecca Brown, defendant, is not an inhabitant 20th August, 1791,
Patrick Buchanan and David Trimble are about to remove from the State,
18th September, 1792.
MARCH, 1794.
Mathew Gleaves vs. John Finley.--Mathew was apprenticed to John Finley
(Wheelwright) by his guardian, William Gleaves, 24th January, 1775.
Mathew was son of Mathew, deceased.
Palmer vs. Chesnut.--Deed by Beverley to William Palmer, of land in
Augusta, 25th July, 1740. Recorded in Orange.
William Palmer and wife, Jane, vs. James Chesnut.--Slander. Writ, 2d
November, 1792.
Nicholas Spring vs. Robert Bailey and Elizabeth Bailey, late Elizabeth
Bosong, Administratrix of John Bosong.--January 25, 1794.
John Stephenson vs. Stephenson.--John and Adam Stephenson were
brothers. Adam died intestate, leaving Rebecca Stephenson, his widow.
Anne, who married James Waddel; Sarah, wife of John Hair; James
Stephenson, William and Rebecca Stephenson were infants. Decree for
Jane Connolly, by John Coalter, her next friend, vs. Arthur Connolly.--
Chancery. 11th December, 1792. Divorce.
John Donnell and Sarah, his wife, vs. William Mallory.--Writ, 26th
August, 1793.
William Allison vs. Charles Stuart.--Charles contracted to build a fulling
mill for William, which he performed and then removed into some of the
back counties, but then returned again to Augusta. Charles answers that he
went to live in the neighborhood of Col. Samuel Vance, who then lived in
OCTOBER, 1794.
Charles Cameron vs. William and Samuel Armstrong.--1794. Abates by
death of Samuel.
MAY, 1794.
Susanna King, infant, by Adam King, next friend, vs. Samuel
McClintock.--Writ, 2d November, 1793. Breach Promise of Marriage. Susanna
was daughter of Mary King. Did Samuel go to Kentucky?
Thomas Green and wife, Nancy, vs. Michael Myers.--Writ, 8th January,
Hugh Nelson vs. James Spence.--In 1785. Orator bought from defendant
130 acres, giving note for purchase money, afore which defendant sued and
got judgment without making title. Bill to enjoin judgment until title made.
Van Swearingen vs. Richardson.--Plaintiff was lessee of the Panther
Gap Mill and plantation in Rockbridge, which belonged to Crockett.
Thomas Rutledge and wife, Deborah, vs. David Henderson, Jr.--15th
June, 1794.
William Woods vs. Robert Harrison and William Handley.--28th June,
1794. I, Robert Harrison, of Burburn County, Kentucky 1793. Harrison
no inhabitant.
John Young vs. James Ervin.--In 1785, plaintiff was miller for James in
Pennsylvania, but afterwards came to Virginia, where defendant got
judgment vs. him on a judgment obtained in Pennsylvania.
AUGUST, 1794.
Donaghe vs. Rankin.--I, Hugh Donaghe, of Green County, North Carolina,
to Isaac Rankin, 28th March, 1789.
Gibson vs. Elliott.--James Creswell (Carwell) lives on the French Broad,
24th May, 1794.
MAY, 1795 (M to Z).
Michael Myers and wife, Jane, vs. Thomas Green.--Writ, 8th January,
Richard Mathews vs. Isabella Burns, Executrix, Robert Burns.--Writ,
14th May, 1788. Peter Hanna deposes 14th October, 1793, that in 1781 he
had charge of public stores in Staunton, where he lived, under direction
of Thomas Hughes. Spa. for witnesses, 15th October, 1794, returned from
Rockingham: "Thomas Harrison not at home, Daniel Harrison and Randolph
Given in the army."
James Monce (Moncey) vs. William Blair.--Slander. Writ, 21st November,
1792. James Hetly is aged and infirm and lives in Greenbrier, 23d
May, 1794.
MAY, 1795 (M to Z).
Alexander McClenachan vs. Michael Garber.--Trespass, 2d May, 1792.
Plea states that McClenachan claims title to the said close under Dr.
Alexander Humphreys, who claimed title by virtue of two orders of the Augusta
Court, March, 1788, granting leave to Hum____ to build an Elaboratory
on the prison lot, and July, 1791, granting Humphreys leave to lease said
house and part of the lot which he had enclosed for a period of eight years
in order to indemnify said Humphreys for erecting said buildings. Garber
owned a garden adjoining the public lot and he and other citizens have an
immemorial right to pass through said lot, and waters flowing from the
street during rain passed through the lot. A certain Mrs. Gilham, tenant
under McClenachan, built a dam which threw the waters on Garber's
garden, which dam Garber cut.
OCTOBER, 1795.
Commonwealth vs. Mathews.--Mathews, corporal in Gibson's Co., 15th
October, 1795.
AUGUST, 1795.
Andrew Ervin vs. William Curry and Frances, his wife.--Writ, 11th
September, 1793.
Francis and Christian Eccord vs. William Chambers and Anthony Mustoe.
Writ, Spa. April, 1789. 1785 to 178_ plaintiffs had dealings with defendants
as deputy sheriff. Francis was a Gennan and unacquainted with English
language. The bill charges serious impositions on Francis by defendants
and prays settlement of accounts, etc. Christian was son of Francis.
Henry Spearing vs. Isaac Rankin.--In 1787 plaintiff lived in Richmond
and was a shoemaker. Isaac Rankin persuaded him to come to Augusta
and his brother Richard. Writ, 11th April, 1792.
MARCH, 1795 (A to H).
Atkinson vs. Donnelly.--Walter Cunningham, now of Kentucky, March
3, 1795. Letter of Andrew Donnelly dated Kanawha County, 3d March,
Edward Burk, Administrator, and Robert Bailey and Elizabeth, his wife.
late Elizabeth Bosong, Administratrix of John Bosong, deceased, vs. William
Wallace.--Writ, 24th May, 1793.
James Dunlop vs. James Spence.--19th February, 1793. William Spence,
son of James. Jane Spence makes oath July, 1795, her husband, James
Spence, etc. Robert Douglas had moved to Campbell County, 1794. George
Rust lived in same county. William Kilbreath has lately gone to French
John Lamb vs. James Rankin--Slander. Writ, 6th March, 1793.
Margaret Blair, infant, by William Blair, next friend, vs. Adam
Hadesbell.--Slander, 17th April, 1795.
Benjamin Eakle vs. John Tucker and Hannah, his wife.--Slander, 26th
June 1795.
Elizabeth Wilson, infant, by Robert Wilson, next friend, vs. Daniel Fane.
Slander. Writ, 27th May, 1795.
William Henry vs. James Johnston and wife.--Thomas Brown deposes,
Lexington, Kentucky, January 2, 1792. James Porter is about to remove
to Kentucky 14th October, 1790.
Chrisley Lambert vs. William Griffith, infant, by Abel Griffith, next friend.
A. and B., 8th November, 1794.
MARCH, 1795.
Samuel Blackwood, William Blackwood, Joseph Blackwood, by Walter
Davies, guardian, Ann Blackwood, Eleanor Blackwood, Rebecca Blackwood,
Robert Scott and Mary, his wife, formerly Mary Blackwood, vs. Mark
Hadden (Hatton).--Spa. Chancery. 7th April, 1793. Orators, etc., are heirs
and devisees of William Blackwood, deceased. Their mother, relict of
William, married Mark Hadden. Their mother is dead. The marriage took
place about 1781, and the mother lived about eleven years. One year after
the mother's death, settlement shows: 1781-2, to maintaining and clothing
William Blackwood, six years; to maintaining and clothing Eleanor
Blackwood four years, to maintaining and clothing Rebecca seven years, to
maintaining and clothing Joseph Blackwood seven years. 1782, cash paid
James Doak for teaching two of the children; 1783, cash paid Newton
Conley for teaching two of the children; 1786, cash paid William Chambers for
teaching two of the children; 1789, cash paid John Hagerty for teaching
three of the children; 1787, cash paid Wlliam Ranson for teaching ____ of the
children; 1791, to maintaining, boarding and keeping Ann Blackwood nine
years, to maintaining, boarding and keeping Samuel Blackwood three years,
to maintaining, boarding and keeping Mary Blackwood three years. Bill for
settlement of William Blackwood's estate.
Joseph Boughman and wife, Elizabeth, late Elizabeth Secaford, relict of
Jacob Secaford, deceased; George Boughman and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter
and heir-at-law of said Jacob Secaford, vs. William Rusk, Administrator
of John Secaford.--Spa. Chancery 1st March, 1794.
John Fudge vs Benajah Thompson, of Cumberland County, Va.--Spa.
Chancery. 1789, 25th May. Defendant has removed to Georgia and is in
low circumstances.
James Johnston and Sarah, his wife, vs. George Peterson.--Slander,
Writ, 16th September, 1794.
MAY, 1795 (A to G).
William Caul, infant,by Hugh Caul, next friend, vs. John Allison.--A.
and B., 21st May, 1794.