(continued) Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia
by Lyman Chalkley
These pages can also be found at http://www.rootsweb.com/~chalkley
Bell, Francis, Samuel, Mary Ann Bell, infants. 14,237 acres were located
in James Bell's name in Fleming County, on Triplett's Creek, of which
O'Friel gets 1,100 acres, John Kirk gets 500 acres, James Bell gets 4,506
acres, John Elliott gets 800 acres. Daniel Phreel.
MAY, 1800.
John Swisher vs. James Powell Cocke.--Deceit, 12th November, 1796.
JULY, 1800 (I to Z).
William Lyons, et al.--Petition for road at Greenville. List of
petitioners, 1800.
Benjamin Reiger vs. Benjamin Kennerley.--Writ, 5th July, 1800. July,
1800, abates by defendant's death.
Andrew Young, of Rockbridge, vs. James Hathorn.--Attachment, 13th
April, 1797. Defendant has removed. Contract dated 29th February, 1796,
of lease between James Howthorn, of Surrey County, North Carolina, and
John and Robert Dunlop.
Robert Poag's road petition.--Staunton and Lexington Road, near
Rockbridge line. List of petitioners.
Andrew Hunter road petition.--From Cornelius Adairs to Joseph Burks,
passing Andrew Hunter's Mill. List of petitioners.
David Hogshead's road petition.--To and from Charles Hogshead's Sulphur
Spring in Genning's Gap. Petitioners.
James Peevy vs. Samuel Meek.--Attachment, 1799. Meek had removed;
wife, Elizabeth.
AUGUST, 1800 (A to I).
Joseph Altoffer vs. Jacob Sheets and Elizabeth, his wife, late Elizabeth
Player, Administratrix of Peter Player (Peter Player) deceased.--Settlement
of Peter Player's estate in Rockingham, July Court, 1800.
William Bowyer vs. Thomas Mines.--1798, August. 1800 abates by
plaintiff's death.
John Hunter vs. Peter Franker.--Peter Franker and his son, John, 1799.
William Bratton vs. Frederick Shaver.--Petition, 28th November, 1799.
Defendant no inhabitant.
Thomas Downing and Polly, his wife, late Polly Robertson, vs. Anthony
Whitsel.--3d November, 1799. Note dated 23d September, 1796, to Polly
Daniel Fane vs. Joseph Byers.--Attachment. 19th May, 1796. Frances
Stuart, widow.
Samuel Miller and John Lewis, Executors of Henry Miller, vs. Peter
Whitsel, Sr.--May, 1799. Defendant no inhabitant.
MARCH, 1800.
Molley Downey vs. James Lowe and Polly, his wife.--28th August,
1799. A. and B.
John Loftus vs. Joseph Anderson and Daniel Chestnut.--20th September,
1799. No inhabitants.
Jacob Peck vs. Frederick Shafer.--1799. No inhabitants.
MARCH, 1800 (A to G).
James Cochran vs. William Walmsley and C. Bogert.--Defendants lived
in Randolph County.
MAY, 1800 (A to G).
James Gillespy vs. Robert Beverley.--Chancery. Writ, 30th July, 1796.
Full account of Beverley's made of procedure in regard to the Beverley
Manor lands. Gillespy bought a tract in 1773, and now sues for a title.
Gillespy removed from the County. Thomas Mynes, of Augusta County.
Smith Slaughter and Robert Cockburn, of Berkeley County. Power Attorney.
Laywell vs. Andrew Silling.--Abraham Laywell's apprenticeship to
Andrew rescinded, as Andrew is about to move out of the State.
NOVEMBER, 1800 (A to G).
Joseph Bell and Jane, his wife, vs. Peter Smith.--A. and B., 1798.
Isabella Burns vs. George Mathews.--Capias, 11th July, 1797. Action
to recover from George, the board, etc., of his wife, Margaret. Order by
Margaret to Mr. Robert Gamble to pay the account to "Sister Burns," 1793.
Mrs. Margaret Mathews to Philip Hopkins. 1793, One hat for Grace. One
hat for Charles Mathews. Received of Mrs. Isabella Burns the above
account in full. Philip Hopkins. 1793. Boarding Mrs. Mathews fifty days.
Boarding Miss Peggy. Boarding Miss Jean. Boarding son, George.
Boarding son, Charles. Boarding driver, Patrick Donoghe. Boarding servant,
Grace. 1797. Order by Isabella dated Harrisonburg.
MAY, 1800 (H to Z).
Peter Hanger vs. Beverley. Poage vs. Beverley. Hill vs. Beverley.--
Several other suits for lands in Beverley Manor. Catherine, by Augustine
Argenbright, her next friend.
Merritt vs. Samuel Merritt.--Chancery. In 1785 oratrix married Samuel
Merritt. She was a widow and possessed of considerable estate by the will
of her former husband.
JULY, 1800 (A to H).
Gregory vs. Flieger.--William Brady, a soldier in the United States Army,
now near Staunton. The troops are shortly to march to some other State,
28th May, 1800.
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Hogshead vs. Hart.--Silas Hart's heirs, viz, Oliver, Silas, Josiah, and
Joseph Hart, Edith Hough, John, Betsy and Nelly Thomas and Joseph
Gilbert. Spa. 29th December, 1796. All except Gilbert are non-residents.
McClure vs. Reuben Kennerley.--August, 1800, abates by defendant's
Jesse Bennett vs. Peter Hog.--Bennett was a relative of Hog. Dr. Jesse
Bennett, of Greenbrier. Alexander Nelson bought a tract of land in Kanawha
County on the Ohio ten-mile creek from Peter Hog. Hog repurchased
it through Bennett.
John Crawford vs. Timothy and Joseph Green.--Case, 9th June, 1800.
No inhabitants.
Robert Gamble vs. William Breckinridge.--24th June, 1800. Debt. No
David Laird vs. Isaac Rankin.--15th July, 1800. 1800, August, abates
by plaintiff's death.
Mullen vs. McGuire.--Samuel McGuire was an officer (Lieutenant) in
the 4th Regiment, U. S. Army, and under arrest and required to keep his
quarters when the sheriff arrested and imprisoned him for debt. Upon
habeas corpus he was released.
AUGUST, 1800.
Thomas Butler vs. Jacob Miller.--18th September, 1799. No inhabitants.
George Berry vs. Joseph Gerral, alias Jewell.
Jacob Geiger vs. Thomas Mynes.--5th May, 1800. No inhabitants.
Gamble and Gratton vs. Benjamin Kennerley.--9th November, 1799.
1800, July, abates by defendant's death.
Mustoe and Chambers vs. Christian Mummer.--14th April, 1800. No
Robert McCulloch vs. Thomas Mynes.--6th May, 1800. No inhabitants.
Joseph Paints vs. Simon Hankey.--10th March, 1798. No inhabitants.
NOVEMBER, 1800 (H to Z).
Lewis Myers vs. William Kennerley.--16th February, 1799. 1800,
November, abates by plaintiff's death.
Samuel Wilson and wife, Elinor, late Elinor Alexander, vs. Hugh
MARCH, 1801 (M to Z).
Mary Wilds, infant, by Valentine Wilds, next friend, vs. William
Cochran.--30th November, 1798. Margaret Craig is about to remove out of the
State, 29th August, 1800. Spa. to Rockbridge for Nicholas Reader and wife,
David Moore, brother of William, vs. William Jolly.--William made a
contract with Jolly to build a furnace for William. Jolly engaged himself
at the iron works of Mr. Crawford in Greenbrier. Work was negligently
done, and Jolly went to Pennsylvania.
JUNE, 1803.
Archer's Executors vs. Poage's Executors.--Single package. Receipt
by Edmond Randolph, signature. Many accounts current and receipts,
1780. Account of John Trimble, December, 1778. To cash paid for said
Archer for a soldier enlisted. Agreeable to Act of Assembly, as per
supperscription, £6 paper money. 19th November, 1782. Received of John
Poage, executor of John Archer, £16, the proportion for raising beef and
clothing for a District. (Signed) Thomas Bradshaw, Collector. 16th March,
1784. Received of John Poage £3.1.3 on account of the legacy left to my
wife by John Archer, deceased. (Signed) Robert vs. Ross. 1774. Account
of James Bell, deceased (affidavit by Agnes Bell, September, 1783), for
boarding, washing and lodging and trouble of Rebeka, his wife (Archer's
wife), from 15th August to 15th May. Sampson Archer (brother of John)
and his children mentioned as some of the poor entitled under the will.
George Kinkead ditto. John Poage's letter to Sampson Mathews, about
deposit of £200 by John Archer with Colonel Dandridge in 1755-56.
MAY, 1804 (A to C).
Burk vs. Parry.--Deposition, 1801, of Joseph Burk, that his brothers,
Edward and William.
JUNE, 1803 (I to Z).
Mathew Patton vs. Archibald Thompson.--Defendant, servant of plaintiff,
had enlisted as a soldier under Captain Gibson.
James Patton, heir of John Patton, who was only son and heir of William
Patton, deceased, vs. Mathew Patton and David Stephenson, Executors of
said William Patton.--Chancery. Decree, 27th March, 1802, that complainant
is not lawful heir of John Patton. William died about April 1, 1793.
Affidavit, 10th February, 1797, by James Wallace, of Carickafaden, Parish
Donagh, Bowery of Irishowen, County Donegall, Ireland, farmer. Knew
William Patton, formerly of Tuluaree, Parish Donagh, but many years ago
went to America, and lately died there, leaving will and appendix. David
Stephenson and Mathew Patton, executors, son William married to Mary
Beatty. still living at Carickafaden, were married in parish of Donagh by
Rev. Thomas Shawbridge, dissenting clergyman. Affiant was best man about
fifty-six years ago.
JUNE, 1803 (I to Z).
Patton's heir vs. Patton's Executors.--Continued. William, soon after
marriage, went to America, leaving issue one.son, viz, John Patton, who died
about twenty years ago, leaving James Patton, his son, and only issue, who
now lives at Carickafaden. Certificate by John Pitt Kenedy, rector of
Donagh Parish, that he knows said James Patton, is about twenty-four
years old, five feet nine inches high, wears his own hair dark brown, blue
eyes and weighty eyebrows, of dark complexion, pretty stout, 29th August,
1801. Elizabeth Caruthers deposes that she was well acquainted with Mary
Beatey, wife of William Patton, although she was called Mary Beatey, it
being a custom in Ireland among poor people for married women still to
retain their maiden names. Heard that William left Ireland when son, John,
was infant. Was well acquainted with John. John died, leaving child by
Ruth Wallace. Never heard John acknowledge the child, but it lived with
him, he treated it as his child and she always understood it was his. Child
lived with grandmother, Mary Beatey, until nine years old, when affiant left
Ireland about eight years ago. Complainant now present is said child. 10th
February, 1801. Samuel Scott deposes. Is twenty-eight years old and always
acquainted with plaintiff, living in same neighborhood. Mary Beatey
died December two years ago. John Patton had many relations on his
mother's side. 30th May, 1801. Mathew Patton being a non-resident, order
publication. Removed to Kentucky. Bill states James is only son and heir
of John Patton, who was only son and heir of William Patton, late of
Augusta. William left them in Ireland in 1741. Mathew's answer states
that William was a distant relative of Mathew.
MARCH, 1801 (H to L).
Habersham, Postmaster General, vs. Vincent Topp, Postmaster at
Staunton.--Verdict vs. defendant.
Kennerley vs. John Allison.--Caveat dated 7th April, 1795. Plaintiffs,
James and William Kennerley, George Craig, John and Christopher Fowler,
Martin Grove. Involves 215 acres on South River, surveyed for John,
13th September, 1794. Claimed by caveators by reason of patent, 1st
December, 1740, to William Russell. These 215 acres were decreed to John in
caveat proceedings in District Court. Thomas Turk, Sr., deposes about
sixty years ago he, Thomas, carried the chain upon survey of a tract for
William Russell. Thomas Lawson settled at the Spring now owned by
Martin Grove, and James Kennerley ordered him off. Again survey made
forty-eight years ago near where deponent now lives and then lived. He has
lived sixty-seven or sixty-eight years on land where he now lives. Special
verdict finds patent to Russell, 1st December, 1740. Beverley Manor lines.
Lands in dispute have been in possession of John and Christian Fanber and
Martin Grove and their predecessors for upwards of thirty years. Land was
conveyed by Russell to Bloodworth and afterwards became vested in James
Kennerley, father of caveators.
AUGUST, 1804.
Charles Massie's death.
AUGUST, 1803 (N to Z).
George Slagle vs. Martin Grove.--Trepass.
OCTOBER, 1803 (A to C).
William Abney vs. Robert Garland. Robert Christian, apprentice to
plaintiff, went to Amherst Court, where he lost money and hats of plaintiff,
which he was there to sell for plaintiff, at cards to defendant. Christian was
afterwards a soldier in United States Army.
AUGUST, 1802 (A to C).
Catherine Baylor, wife of Jacob Baylor, by Alexander Anderson, vs.
Jacob Baylor.--Lived faithfully with defendant in Virginia and Pennsylvania,
and is now aged and infirm, having raised twelve children.
Campbell vs. Connelly.--William Hinds and Joseph Patterson, witnesses,
living in Jessamine County, Kentucky.
MARCH, 1802 (A to L).
Mathew Burnet vs. John Strain and Eleanor.--Slander. Mathew was a
school teacher.
MAY, 1803.
James Flack vs. Michael Hannon.--Thomas Chinn had removed to Tennessee.
MARCH, 1802 (M to Z).
George Weir's Orphans vs. James Mitchel, Executor of Thomas Beard.--
Arbitration awarded in plaintiff's favor, 1786. Defendant was to pay before
oldest child of Jane, daughter of Thomas, came of age.
OCTOBER, 1803 (P to Z).
Mary Swallow vs. Jacob Swallow.--Divorce.
OCTOBER, 1803 (D to M).
Daniel Muse, of Northumberland County, vs. John Monroe, of Richmond
County.--Note dated -- May, 1794.
AUGUST, 1801 (A to B).
Brownlee vs. Myers.--Original deed by Phinley McClure, of Orange
County, to John Brownlee, of same place, dated 26th May, 1742, conveys
tract in B. M. Glade, of Hammock's Branch, Cor. Pat. Campbell, Cor. David
Mitchell, 444 acres. Test, Shurley Whatley, James Clark, Catlett Conway.
FEBRUARY, 1806 (M).
Mustoe vs. Graham.--Deposition of Charles Arbuckle, 1st November,
1805, in Greenbrier. He possesses a receipt by Jacob Skiles, 6th April, 1792,
from George Clendennin for collection from War Department at Philadelphia,
pay roll of ninety-two privates, one captain, one lieutenant, two ensigns,
four sergeants, also list of rations, allowing each officer and private a ration
per day for 153 days. Certificate of ammunition furnished all for service
in 1790. George, receipts, 24th April, 1793, for having received the several
allowances for services of the Kanawha Rangers. William Clennondon, of
Mason County, taken first Tuesday of October, at house of John Vanhever,
in town of Point Pleasant, before Justice John Boush and John Henderson.
Brother of George Clendenon. Letter of Joseph Graham from Monroe
County. Certificate, 1st September, 1791, by George Shaver, Lieutenant,
and Andrew Lewis, Ensign, that Joseph Graham has served as a soldier at
Kanawha. Deposition of Reuben Slaughter, 14th May, 1805. He negotiated
sale of goods by Mustoe and Chambers to the soldiers in Kanawha County in
1791. Col. George Clendenin was considered paymaster. Joseph Graham
was a soldier on Kanawha River in 1791 and came down from Greenbrier
with George Shaw, who was lieutenant. George died about 1796. Order,
11th May, 1791, by William Miller on Col. George Clendennin for his pay
as soldier accepted by George. David Johnson's similar order. Ditto James
Robertson, David Johnston, James Spencer, John Sharp.
MAY, 1804 (D to H).
John Dixon vs. George Anderson.--Affidavit, 17th October, 1801, that
John Campbell is an inhabitant of Kentucky, and is about to return to
that State. Deposition of John states that in 1785 or 1786 he assisted his
brother, Robert Campbell, to build a house for defendant. John Patterson
and his brother, Thomas Patterson.
Andrew Honeyman vs. Hugh Donaghe.
DECEMBER, 1803 (A to G).
Cochran vs. Hopkins.
OCTOBER, 1807 (M to O).
McCue vs. Mathews, Administrator.--Richard Mathews died 9th October,
1802, at his home in Kentucky.
MAY, 1807 (N to Z).
Stone vs. Woods.--John Yates is about to leave, remove from the State.
Hyden vs. Hyden.--Joshua Hyden is brother of Joseph.
MAY, 1811 (F to I).
Fisher vs. Alfred.--Contract, 1809, with George Alfred as schoolmaster,
signed by Alexander Nelson, Samuel Lessley, Joshua Hiden, James Johnston,
Archibald Griffey, George Tevenbaugh, Daniel Fisher, John Brown,
Jane Crawford, John C. Baskin, Charles Baskin, James Anderson, George
Anderson, Thomas Galbreath, James Kelley, Robert Hansberger.
MAY, 1815 (R to Z).
James Williamson vs. Charles B. Rhodes.--Breach of Covenant. Plaintiff,
in 1811, was editor of "Spirit of the Press" in Staunton, and engaged
defendant as printer.
Peter Moore vs. Rice.--Letter of Peter Moore, February 27, 1815. Peter
Moore and John Jenkins were soldiers in War of 1812.
Bowyer's Administrator vs. Griffin.--Bill to foreclose mortgage recorded
18th September, 1781. John Griffin and Elizabeth to Bowyer. Original
mortgage filed. From 1794 to 1803 John Griffin was residing at German
Town, in North Carolina.
Crawford's Orphans vs. Crawford's Administrator.--Charles Surface
and Florence, his wife, late Florence Crawford.
JUNE, 1812.
John Campbell, of Kentucky, formerly of Augusta County, vs. John Mills.
--Plaintiff and defendant were executors of Martha Burnsides. Bill sworn
to in Mason County, Kentucky. James Campbell was nephew of John.
Fleiger vs. Scott's Administrators.--Contract, 14th September, 1797,
mentions plantation whereon Christian Gregory now lives.
APRIL, 1806 (H to Z).
Robert Reed, Caton Reed, Hugh Ballantine and Frances, his wife, heirs
of Robert Reed, vs. Margaret Reed, widow of Robert, who has married
George Mathews.--Suit for accounting. Notice, 30th March, 1799, to take
depositions of Ann Gibson, Elizabeth Cavens, Mary Edwin, Margaret Erwin,
Samuel McKee and Martha McKee, to be taken in Fayette County, Kentucky.
MAY, 1806 (A to G).
Boswell vs. Boswell.--Plaintiff was Elizabeth Slusher, daughter of Conrad
Slusher. Depositions to be taken, 13th July, 1805, in Abingdon, of Robert
Kincaid, James and Samuel Vance, Robert E. Cummins, Rev. Charles Cummins,
Thomas Moffett, Philip Kesner and wife, Sarah Fink, Bartholomew
Baker and wife, Hannah Baker, James Maxwell, John Collins and wife,
William King and John Nutty. Depositions of James Maxwell and Grizzy,
his wife. Deposition of John Kistner and Rachael, his wife. Deposition
of Sarah Fink, formerly Sarah Cunningham. Deposition of Sarah Baker,
wife of Bartholomew Baker. Deposition of Hannah Baker, daughter of
Bartholomew Baker.
AUGUST, 1807 (L to Z).
Malcom vs. Hogshead.--June, 1806, notice to take deposition of John
Bing, of Gallia County, Ohio. Deposition taken, 11th August, 1806, before
Andrew Erwin and Peter Aleshine, Justices of Gallia County.
Hopping vs. Hines.--Original deed, Ebenezer Alexander and wife to
Hinds, 1778. James Bridget, son-in-law of Thomas Hinds.
FEBRUARY, 1804 (H to L).
Lear's Administrators vs. Thornton.--Peter Fleming, Presiding Justice
of Bambeau County, Kentucky. Mention of Coate Thornton, Daniel Lear.
Lyle vs. Stuart.--Original letter of Owen Owens.
SEPTEMBER, 1807 (A to Z).
Graham vs. Risk.--Joseph Graham went to Monroe County about 1800.
John Strain vs. Connelly.--James Strain, father of complainant, died
intestate, 1789, leaving land. Descended to his children, Robert, James, Allen,
Polly, Jinney, Nancy, Peggy and complainant. Polly married David Connelly
and died, leaving Arthur Connelly and James Strain Connelly, infants
of five and seven years.
Isaac Rankin.--Commission de Lunatico inquirendo.
MAY, 1806 (A to E).
William Chambers vs. James Lang.--Defendant was inhabitant of Kentucky
or Tennessee since 1789.
MAY, 1816 (M to Z).
West's Administrators vs. Humphrey's Administrators.--Deposition of
William Gibson, in Landesburgh, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
Robert and David Griffith, sons of Abel Griffith, who died in 1812, vs.
Magdalene, Caleb and Hiram.--Magdalene was widow, Caleb and Hiram
were two infant sons. Bill for partition.
Moore vs. Stockdale.--Robert Stockdale came to America, 1775, and settled
on line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, then went to Loudon
County, Virginia, thence to Rockingham, thence to Augusta. Was related
to Stogdells in Pennsylvania. William Hart deposes that he was born in
Hambleton Township, Pennsyvania, and removed to Amherst County, Virginia.
James Ellis deposes ditto.
FEBRUARY, 1815 (A to G).
William Black vs. John Bosong's Administrators.--John Bosong died,
January, 1793. His widow, Elizabeth, married Robert Bailey. He left two
children, William and Polly. Polly married Jesse Minter. William died
intestate, leaving children.
Doake vs. Stone.--John Stone, a garnishee, came to live with his father,
Gotleib Stone, the defendant, who was a hatter.
Donoghe vs. Duerson.--John Duerson was Donoghe's overseer, 1804.
Givin vs. Fulton.--John Graham no inhabitant, April, 1812.
FEBRUARY, 1811 (H to M).
Robert McDowell vs. William G. Dudley.--Plaintiff kept tavern at
Jenning's Gap.
John Campbell vs. Arthur, John and David Connelly.--John and David
are sons of Arthur. Settlement of Walker's estate.
AUGUST, 1813.
Commonwealth vs. Ballard.--Single papers. Capias to hear judgment.
Defendant, John M. Ballard, was constable at Waynesboro, and was prosecuted
by information for extorting money by color of his office.
MAY, 1804 (R to Z).
Richardson vs. Cupps.--Thomas Sawyers is about to remove out of the
State, 28th September, 1801.
MAY, 1813.
Morton vs. Seymour.--Joseph Seymour (Leamer?) is about to remove
from State.
AUGUST, 1815 (M to Y).
Hogshead vs. McCue.--Thomas Erwin is about to remove out of State.
MAY, 1816 (A to C).
Campbell vs. Humphreys.--Affidavit, 19th January, 1811, of James
Campbell in Green County, Kentucky.
MAY, 1813 (H to Z).
Wilson vs. Shultz.--In 1799 Thomas Wilson kept tavern in Rockbridge.
James Alexander, nephew of Hugh Alexander.
AUGUST, 1813.
Bumgardner vs. Thompson.--Single package.
OCTOBER, 1815 (S to Z).
Frederick L. E. Ameling and Sophia, late Sophia Leekemp, administratrix
of Albert Leekemp, deceased, vs. Jacob Fackler.
MAY, 1814 (D to I).
Donaghe vs. Headrick.--Andrew Honeyman has removed to the Western
County, 25th October, 1809.
MAY, 1814 (K to O).
Benjamin Mosby vs. James Allen and Alexander Nelson.--Deposition,
27th November, 1812, of James Edmonson in Fleming County, Kentucky,
migrated to Kentucky in fall of 1809. Capt. James Edmondson. It required
from 5th October to 30th October to make journey from Augusta to Fleming
County, Kentucky.
Connelly vs. Donoghe.--Sam Blackburn testifies as to sale by George
Mathews to Donoghe of 1,000 acres on Ohio River, belonging to James
Culbertson. Plat filed shows survey on Miami River for James Wood, 1,000
acres; James Galt, 1,000 acres; James Culbertson, 920 acres; Francis
Whiting, 1,000 acres; James Findley. Plat and description of Culbertson tract
calls for Ohio River, Turkey Creek, 1,000 acres, survey No. 453. This is
suit to recover expenses of making survey in 1799 for Donoghe. See
the papers.
AUGUST, 1814 (E to I).
Johnston vs. Orr.--Journal of James Johnston's vendue, 3d December,
1798. Leonard and Isaac Garman are about to remove from State, 12th
August, 1806. William and David Orr. David E. Orr was son of William.
Robert Patterson, of South Carolina. Samuel Gregory is in service of his
country, 22d November, 1813.
Harrow vs. Gardner.
Elizabeth Harman, widow of Michael Harman, vs. John G. Flack and
Polly, his wife, late Harman, Lewis, Sally, Alexander and Susannah Harman,
children and heirs of Alexander.--Michael died, August, 1807.
OCTOBER, 1808 (L to M).
McCue vs. Miller.--Patent by Henry Lee, 13th July, 1792, to Henry Miller,
assignee of Adam Stephens, assignee of William Minter, on Mossy
Creek, 192 acres. Patent, 23d October, 1788, by Randolph to Samuel
McFeeters, assignee of Moses Hall, 213 acres by survey, 11th October,
1768, on drafts of Mossy Creek. Plat, 36 acres in dispute.
MAY, 1810 (M to S).
Stuart vs. Moore.--9th May, 1810, Henry McCadden (McAdden, McFadden)
will remove to Ohio next Monday.
OCTOBER, 1810 (M to W).
Turk vs. Magill.
MARCH AND APRIL, 1808 (A to D).
Moses vs. Floyd's Administrator.--Deposition, August 19, 1805, in both of
Van Swearingen. Thomas Green was schoolmaster in Calfpasture, 1782,
his deposition sworn to in Flewanna, 1805. Isabella McGlammery tertifies
of Greene's bad character. Letter to Van Swearingen, Jr., January, 1805.
John McKenny. son to William McKenny mentioned. Charles Floyd was
blind. Charles had only a wife, Janet their only child having died.
1823, 1824, 1825 (I to N).
John Jamison vs. Thomas Todd.--In 1797 plaintiff, while inhabitant of
Kentucky, gave his bond to Thomas Todd, of same State. Afterwards,
before 3d November, 1805, plaintiff moved to Virginia.
King's Administrator vs. Dennison.--Writ of Ne Exeat. 1819, Daniel
Dennison is about to remove from the State.
Laird's Executors vs. Hodgson.--1795, received of Master William Hodgson,
for his father, Mr. James Hodgson, May, 1803, rule for security for
costs, plaintiff, widow Laird, having removed to Kentucky.
Henry Miller and Hannah, late Hannah Crawford, Peter Hanger, Jr.,
and Patsey, late ____ Crawford, vs. James Bourland, et al.--Daughters of
George Crawford. George died intestate, leaving six children, viz, the two
female plaintiffs, Polly Bourland, who married James Bourland; Nancy
Miller, late Nancy Crawford, who married John Miller; Jane McCue, who
married Franklin McCue, Peggy Crawford, minor. Bill for petition.
Report of Commisisoners filed, 25th December, 1824.
William Moore vs. Elizabeth Boyd.--Elizabeth was widow of John Boyd,
deceased, testate, and John Varner (Vernum) was her son. John Boyd was
son of Andrew Boyd. Some of her children have gone to Kentucky.
Andrew and John McClure, heirs of James McClure, deceased, vs. Bill
for partition. James died, 13th September, 1799, intestate, leaving widow
and eight children, viz, Elizabeth McClure, his widow; Andrew, John,
Margaret, James, Samuel, Josiah, Eleanor and Elizabeth. His children, Eleanor
and Elizabeth, are infants. Josiah died while infant.
John E. McClanahan vs. John Carter Littlepage, Nathaniel Wilkinson,
John Oliver.--Involves a lot in town to be laid off at Hot Springs.
David Miller vs. William, John, Francis (of age), Josiah, Elizabeth and
Jane Johnston, infants, heirs of John Johnston, deceased, who was heir of
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