1936 August Military Academy RECALL, Fort Defiance, August, Virginia Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Trudy R. McKean, tmckean1@tampabay.rr.com. *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal epresentative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ THE 1936 RECALL The 27th Annual Publication of the Cadet Corps of AUGUSTA MILITARY ACADEMY, Fort Defiance, Virginia DEDICATION The backbone of an army is its non-commissioned officers. The Gibraltar of this R.O.T.C. Unit is LIEUTENANT JOHN E. CALDWELL, Assistant P. M. S. and T. He is quiet, even tempered and efficient. These qualities, combined with a keen sense of humor, make him an ideal man for a Junior Unit. With a mild-mannered confidence, born of experience, he imparts a Military Science of self discipline and gentlemanly courtesy. "Sarge" is a credit to the service and an honor to Augusta. FOREWORD We, the Recall Staff of 1936, have earnestly endeavored to present to the Corps a book that will accurately recall to the cadets the events that have taken place at this school during the past year. And if in years to come this Recall brings to the minds of former cadets pleasant memories of their school days, we have fulfilled our task. ADMINISTRATION PRINCIPALS COLONEL T. J. ROLLER. When Colonel Roller is mentioned, the word Character leaps to the mind as the most fitting description. Kindliness, understanding, and loyalty all have dominant places in his make-up. He is kind to all he meets, no matter what their rank or station; he understands our troubles from the trivial to the great; and he is loyal to his God and his Country and to all the ideals and traditions of the school. He is a man of noble vision in all that makes for greatness and success in the life and work of a school. He is an unfailing and sympathetic friend of youth, with an understanding of its ideals and interests, a clear insight into its shortcomings, and a just and fearless readiness to rebuke its errors. We salute you, and wish you continued success in your work of guiding the youth of the nation. MAJOR C. S. ROLLER, JR. Versatility is the key-note to Major Roller. A soldier, athlete, scholar, gentleman, and friend, he is the man to whom we go when in need of advice or aid, and we always know that our interests are his interests, our troubles are his troubles, and our happiness his happiness. Unafraid to discipline any, gracious enough to forgive the errors of all, he guides us, leading us toward the path of right which he himself has so conscientiously blazed. He is a Christian gentleman whom increasing numbers of friends and acquaintances have learned to honor and respect. May his life be a long, successful and happy one in the prosecution of all the tasks he has set for himself with such unswerving and tireless devotion. FACULTY H. A. JACOB, MAJOR A.M.A. Instructor in Mathematics Virginia Military Institute, 1905-1909 Augusta Military Academy, 1909-1936 NATHAN PARKINS, CAPTAIN, A.M.A. Instructor in French University of Virginia 1883-1884, 1887-1888 Augusta Military Academy, 1916-1917, 1921-1936 University of Virginia Summer School, 1917, 1924 University of Paris Summer School, 1925-1927, 1929-1931 ROY F. LYND, Major A.M.A., Major U.S. Infantry Professor Military Science and Tactics Infantry School 1926-27 Detailed to Augusta Military Academy 1935-36 W. S. ROBINSON, Major A.M.A., Major U.S.R. Instructor in Mathematics Virginia Military Institute, 1907-1911 Augusta Military Academy, 1911-1917 United States Army, 1917-1922 Augusta Military Academy, 1922-1936 W. McC. YARBROUGH, Captain A.M.A. Post Adjutant and Bookkeeper J.E. CALDWELL Lieutenant A.M.A., Lieutenant Infantry O.R.C. Staff Sergeant U.S.A. Assistant Professor in Military Science and Tactics Detailed by War Department to Augusta Military Academy, 1927-1936 H.C.HOUSE, Lieutenant A.M.A. Instructor in History University of North Caroline, 1927-1931 Instructor, Statesville High School, 1932-1933 Instructor, Edenton High School, 1933-1935 Augusta Military Academy, 1935-1936 J.C. McCUE, JR. Instructor in Physics University of Virginia, 1927-1932 Instructors, Stuarts Draft High School, 1932-1934 Instructor, Mt. Sidney High School, 1934-1935 Augusta Military Academy, 1935-1936 M. B. RODERICK, Captain A.M.A. Instructor in Spanish West Virginia Wesleyan, 1929 Augusta Military Academy, 1929-1931 Headmaster, Harris Military Institute, 1931-1933 Augusta Military Academy, 1933-1936 M. B. MANCH, Captain A.M.A. Instructor in German Sherwood Music School Augusta Military Academy, 1914-1929 Royal Conservatory of Stuttgard Augusta Military Academy, 1934-1936 W. D. ALTMAN, Lieutenant A.M.A. Instructor in the Primary Department Chicago Y.M.C.A. College, 1922-1923 Ohio State University, 1924-1932 Augusta Military Academy, 1935-1936 E.T. MOORE, Sergeant A.M.A. Western Reserve University Augusta Military Academy W. B. WEBB, Captain A.M.A. Instructor in English Washington and Lee University, 1918-1922 Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Graduate Work), 1923 Mt. Sidney High School (Principal), 1923-1924 Augusta Military Academy, 1924-1936 H.D. DEANE, Captain A.M.A., Lieutenant U.S.R. Instructor in English University of Virginia, 1919-1923 Augusta Military Academy, 1924-1936 W.C. ROLLER, Doctor A.M.A. University of Virginia, 1896-1899 Practiced Medicine in Augusta County, 100-1931 School Physician 1916-1936 C.S. ROLLER, III, Lieutenant A.M.A. Instructor in Geography Virginia Military Institute, 1928-1932 Augusta Military Academy, 1933-1936 STUDENT OFFICERS Four men characterizing Augusta-four men tried and true. These four were elected at the beginning of the year by all the old cadets. The new cadets are allowed no voice in this election, as they have not been here long enough to thoroughly acquaint themselves with those who have become accustomed to the life at Augusta. In the selection of these officers, popularity is one of the chief considerations, but it is not a false popularity, for it is one that is founded on sincerity, character, and honor. These men are not only elected for the above qualities, but also because they posses the prerequisites of one who holds the high office which they have attained. These men automatically become members of the honor committee and therefore must be men of the highest integrity. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a cadet, the president of the student body, was received and earned by "Tommy" Roller. He is a man who more than fills the above requirements and one whom we are proud to call our friend. The vice-presidency, the second highest honor to be had at Augusta, was attained by Jack Cason. He upheld his office with all the dignity and efficiency required by this important position. The selection of "Ned" Somerville as secretary was by far the best that could possibly have been made. He is one that we all honor and one who does everything well that is given him. A treasurer must not only be one of great honesty, but also one who has an eye for business. These traits stand out in "Eddie" Huffman, the man who was unanimously elected to this post. To these men falls the job of being the connecting link between cadet and faculty, and to do this they must be outstanding as well as being men of the greatest ability. Together these men form a group that represents the best in Augusta, and they are of the type that we all either secretly or openly some day wish to be. During trials and tribulations, they have guided and directed us through one of the most successful years Augusta has ever seen. To them we have the greatest appreciation for their ceaseless work in our behalf. In parting, we wish to again extend to them the heartiest of goodbyes and express the wish that all their life they will be respected and admired as they have been at Augusta. JAMES M. ANDES, Fort Defiance, Virginia We never suspected that there was numbered in the population of the metropolis of Fort Defiance a motion picture magnate. Jim for the last two of his five years has been the chief operator of the movie machines. He took part in wrestling, and this year he demonstrated his great ability in tumbling. His academic standard has been consistent and June will find him near the top of the graduating list. Never has there been a dance at which Jim did not grace us with his presence. He has done well and is respected for his perseverance and loyalty. We know that he will succeed and we wish him the very best of luck in future attainments. Favorite Expression -- "-!-*$%!!!" RICHARD E. BUCHANAN, Ave. 5a Entre 20 Y 22, Miramar, Havana, Cuba It was in the fall of '33 when a young man from Cuba first walked through the "arch" at A.M.A. It wasn't long until he had accustomed himself to the new life and had acquired the nickname of "Boogey." His academic work has been consistent along with his military ability. It is also noted that he has won a high place in the ranks of Major's "best men," which was shown by his receiving a platoon sergeant the first part of this year. "Boogey" doesn't care for the weaker sex, but it is rumored that "she" is one of those dark eyed "senoritas" we hear so much about. --Farewell, Good Luck, Bon Voyage, -- Favorite Expression - "I ain't no `spik'." NORVAL E. BYRD, 309 Ruby Road, Baltimore, Maryland And I am Captain of the swimming team too." This captain is none other than Norvie Byrd, speed king of the waterways. Norvie has distinguished himself in the military line by being First Lieutenant of Company "C", and in the athletic line by being elected captain of the swimming team for two years. He is one of the best 220 men Augusta has had for some time. Norvie is not the least bit lax in his attendance at all social functions of the school, for he makes quite a hit with the young ladies, possibly because of his ingenious ability at novel dance steps. As he leaves the portals of A.M.A., we, the corps, wish him the high position in life that we know he will attain. Favorite Expression - "Peter Fick isn't any good." THOMAS G. CAUTHORNE, Windsor Farms, Richmond, Virginia It would take more pages than this volume contains to tell of the esteem which we hold for "Tommy". He has always been ready to help with everything, and he has been loyal and true to the Academy since his very first day. He does not know what it means to be selfish and he is a gentleman in every sense of the word. "Tommy" regards life as just so much spare time, but do not think that he is only "Happy- go-lucky". The esteem of his brother "Rats", good academic standing, and chevrons, once below and once above the elbow, attest his worth. Three years with you have resulted in one of those friendships for which the Academy is famous, but the time has come for the parting of the ways, and so we must say Adieu". Favorite Expression - "Don't worry." CALHOUN S. CHANDLER, 26 West Ninth Street, New York City Few, if any, within the walls of the Academy have as lengthy a vocabulary as has "Satch". We sometimes think that he doesn't know what he is talking about, but neither do we, so we cannot argue. All kidding aside, though, cal is a fine lad and we are all very fond of him. While he is ever willing to trifle, he still finds time to stay on the Honor Roll and match his wits with the best. Cal is an accomplished horseman and the Cavalry would be at a loss without him. Let us not forget to mention his ability as a strategist. This year his sleeve was adorned with two stripes below the elbow. We shall miss this friendly boy of cheerful ways, but we all must part, so let us do so with a smile. Favorite Expression - "Thay, I don't lispth." JOHN M. COLBOURNE, 5898 Woodline Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia is a promising neighborhood. It has given us "Jake", an admirable character who has crept into the lives of each of us. His easy-going and pleasant disposition, his personality, cheerfulness and his strong character made us all admire him. As a student he stands well above the average in all of his classes and is occasionally found on the Honor Roll. In his social and love-making facilities, we all think that he could teach Casanova or Don Juan a few tricks. As an athlete, "Jake" has shown us his might and proved that he is not only a fine wrestler but a good football player. We think that "Jake" will be a great success in whatever business he chooses, and we wish him the best of luck. Favorite Expression - "Blimey Guv'nor." R. FRANKLIN FELTS, Galax, Virginia For three years we have been honored with the presence of the inimitable Frank, and we have found that he has more than one unique quality of which we are all very envious. Chief among these is his ability to make friends immediately with those of both sexes with whom he comes in contact. The beauty of this trait is that it requires very little effort, if any, and the effect produced is everlasting. Perseverance plus, fitly describes Frank, for without this quality how would he have received such honors as have been bestowed upon him, socially, academically, and athletically. Well, ole fellow, your amicable and sterling qualities have endeared you to all of us, and if we ever need a lively companion or a staunch friend, you will be sure to see us headin' your way. Favorite Expressions - "I've got a million of `em." THOMAS G. FELTS, Galax, Virginia Upon the arrival of "Tom" we immediately searched our geographies for the location of Galax, Virginia. This town was soon indelibly impressed upon our minds by the association with those inimitable Felts brothers. "Tom", this year, has gained practically every honor that A.M.A. can bestow. To name a few: president of the Cotillion Club, member of the Honor Committee, and co-captain of the wrestling team after being a member of the team for three years. We shall not mention his academic work, but will let his standing in the graduation class speak for itself. The future holds in store for you more than a mere fortune teller would think. Go out and conquer the world, Tom, we're behind you to a man. Favorite Expression - "Anybody that wants to send out a bid, come up to my room." WILLIAM E. GREGORY, Aguiar 104, Havana, Cuba Cuba lends its sunny smiles through our good friend Ned. Within a short time after arriving he had won a place for himself in the hearts of his classmates and friends. This year he became one of the favored few by winning a pair of the coveted corporal stripes. His academic work has been well done. Though he does not shine in varsity athletics, he does, occasionally, unknown to most, indulge in "after-taps excursions", requiring no little ability. It is also believed that he owns and operates a hidden arsenal. As he leaves Augusta and goes in search of new fields to conquer, he takes with him the good wishes of all. Favorite Express - "Wake up, Blackshear." GRAHAM M. HEILMAN, 354 North Jefferson Street, Kittanning, Pennsylvania Some rise to the pinnacle of athletic success, others attain the height of military glory, and there are others who achieve fame in the academic world. We who are acquainted with the young man of whom we are speaking, know him to be a rare combination of all of the three types. In this, his second year, he was made a corporal, elected captain of the basketball team, starred on the football team, and has been consistently found on the "Honor Roll". As a comrade and loyal friend, he is the "tops". "Gus" has taken little part in the social life, but we suspect that, unknown to most, he has done admirably well. We can see him in the future gaining the merit that he is rightfully due. Favorite Express - "Let's go, boys." J. HERBERT HOLLOMON, 104 West 29th Street, Norfolk, Virginia Little did we thin, four long years ago, that this lad would rise to such academic heights. We are inclined to believe that Herbert holds a monopoly on the Highest Average Medal, having won it for the last two years. Characterized by a high sense of honor and duty, by courage and loyalty, he leaves an ineradicable memory with us, his comrades. Herbert, you leave these four silent walls and the class of '36, the friend of all who know you. Here, you have tasted the bitter and the sweet; you have lost, you have won; but whatever has been your lot, "you have played the game." In parting, we won't say "good-by", but we leave you with a hopeful "au revoir." He was a good fellow and `twill all be well. Favorite Expression - "Gotta work." J. EDWARD HUFFMAN, 312 Ninth Street, Charlottesville, Virginia If we should listen to our good friend, "Eddie", we might think that Charlottesville was the Paradise of all Creation, for he seldom ceases to praise his home town. "Eddie" is a hard worker and in view of that fact he was given the position of Lieutenant Commander of the Quartermaster Department. His conscientiousness extends to all walks of cadet life and for this reason "Eddie" can be counted on to do his best no matter what the task may be. His task has not always been easy, but he has executed it well and faithfully, and we admire him for it. A man with such spirit cannot fail, and if he carried on elsewhere with the same vigor that he has displayed at Augusta, he will be little short of perfection. Favorite Expression - "Let's go in here." SAM P. JORDAN, 1506 Cherokee Road, Louisville, Kentucky The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel." Thus, to quote from Shakespeare, it has been with "Sam". He has been tried and found true, even unto the last. "Sam" will always be remembered for his commendable work as Second Lieutenant of the Quartermaster Department. His conscientiousness and untiring efforts have done much to better this organization. His interest in athletics has been shown by his presence on the Varsity baseball and wrestling teams. He has won a major monogram by starring in the latter sport. "Sam", your amiable character will be missed, but we are sure that the future holds success for you, to no mean degree. Favorite Expression - "I ain't in love with her." L. NEWHALL MACOMBER, Wharton Grove, Weems, Virginia When we can say of a man that he is faithful, honest and upright, we want him for a friend, and that is just why everyone would like "Newt" for a comrade. He came to us in '34, and through his winning personality he rapidly endeared himself in the hearts of his fellow-cadets. Being elected treasurer of the "Y" at the end of his first year is proof enough of the responsibility with which his friends entrust him. As a bandsman, "Newt" is "par-excellence", and at the beginning of the year he was made a corporal. Let us also remember his accomplishments as "Rhythm Man" for the orchestra. When "Newt" leaves us this June it will be with fond remembrances of pleasant school days that we bid him "Good-bye." Favorite Expression - "Trigonometric functions in general, Hup! ______________ Hup!" DALE S. MARK, 3520 37th Street, N.W., Washington, DC Dale, better known as "Oscar", came to Augusta from the dear city of Washington. "Oscar", although a private his first and second years, was a Platoon Sergeant his third year and this year he was the First Lieutenant of "A" Company. He has done excellent work in the military line and still better in the social line. This can be seen by his regular attendance at M.B.C., on Monday afternoons. "Oscar" has made many friends while he has been at Augusta, and we, the Corps of '36, will regret saying "Farewell" to such a swell pal. We know, however, that his excellent qualities will assure him of a successful prosperous, and happy future. Favorite Expression - "A couple of easy chairs and we would have a club room." ROBERT R. NEALE, 4616 Edmanson Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland Maryland has favored us with one of her favorite sons, and he has proven himself worthy of the noble state from which he comes. Although athletics interest him, most afternoons one may find Bob practicing on the rifle range. His time was well spent, for this year finds him captain of the rifle team, and an excellent marksman. Bob is a conscientious worker, and in view of this fact he was made Sergeant-Major this year. As a friend he is unsurpassed, and is ever willing to share with all to the last of his possessions. Good-bye, Bob, may you tread the road of success, and this is inevitable if you give the world the good work you have given Augusta. Favorite Expression - "H_ _ _ yea." FRANCIS W. PAYNE, 1002 Wall Street, Dunbar, West Virginia Gong - in this corner we have Francis Payne, South Atlantic Prep School Boxing Champion. Four years a member of the boxing team and this year, captain. Besides athletics, Frannie has distinguished himself in the military and social walks of life at Augusta. He was this year a high ranking Lieutenant, and as vice-president of the Cotillion Club, a dance was not a true success without his presence. Frannie, you have won, by your smile and winning ways, a secure place in the hearts of the faculty and cadets. It is with faith and hoe that we wish you the greatest success in all that you choose to undertake. Favorite Expression - "D_________ this place." DOUGLAS B. REID, Augusta Springs, Virginia With his quiet and unassuming ways, "Doug" has acquired the friendship of all with whom he has come in contact. Known for his neatness, there are few Sundays that go by without his being the possessor of the "best room in barracks." How well he handles himself in the military line is exemplified by the fact that he holds the position of corporal in "B" Company. Needless to say, he is one of the best. "Doug" has displayed an enviable enthusiasm in his work that we all admire. When the time comes to call on a man for punctuality we are sure that he will be selected. A.M.A. will feel your loss, but you leave with its highest words of praise. Favorite Expression - "What do I do now?" THOMAS A ROLLER, Fort Defiance, Virginia Tommy is gifted with a brilliant mind and a magnetic personality. Throughout his cadetship he was never in want of friends. His seriousness of purpose, his high sense of responsibility, and his courageous spirit mark the makings of a real solider. A man with such make-up can't help but be a success in life. Here we usually pause to inform you of one's social life, but in bidding Tommy farewell, this must be omitted. Well, Tommy, we cannot be stationed within these stone walls forever. The time has come to say good-bye, and no one can appreciate this occasion of parting more than we. As we close our eyes we can imagine that the glory of success is waiting for your command. Favorite Expression - "Gosh Darn." BERNARD K. SCHROEDER, 519 Broadway, Camden, New Jersey Karl is one of our neatest and most exacting cadets. Never since his arrival at Augusta has his room ever been anything but perfection, or his personal appearance near reproach. When the day for "Make-Overs", the day of appointments and disappointments, arrived, Karl was not among those disappointed, for he had emerged triumphant with an assignment as Corporal in Company "B". Karl's hobby is that of a radio making. It is not uncommon for one to see him, at various and sundry hours, amid a mass of wire, tubes and strange mechanisms, trying to pry music from this seemingly twisted wreckage - and he succeeds. It is with deep regret that we shall have to bid him "Adios", but we know that he will make a success in later life. Favorite Expression - "Go buy some of your own." JOSEPH L. SHOMO, 578 Merchant Street, Ambridge, Pennsylvania Little did we realize that the small Pennsylvania lad, who entered A.M.A. in '32, would attain the position he now occupies. Noted for his doggedness, he tried for four years before he made a varsity team. Too light for football, "Bud" was a "natural" on the basketball court, and in his first year as regular he was honored with a position on the all-state basketball team. His leadership of the Band is unexcelled and we are unable to express our admiration of a man who has worked up from the ranks as has "Bud". Wherever you may chance to go, you shall, succeed, because your stick-to-it-ness is a quality with which no man can fail. Favorite Expression - "You owe me fourteen sweeps, Tyler." WINSTON M. SOMERVILLE, Winston, Virginia Some people achieve glory, others have it thrust upon them. "Ned's" long list of achievements is of the former. Indeed, "Ned" himself is a boy of personality, ability and character. His good nature has been appreciated more than once during his school days at the Academy. To relate his honors and accomplishments would be almost an impossibility. It suffices to say that in the five years of his career at A.M.A. he has been a splendid example for all to follow. In the military he has displayed his ability by being steadily promoted until he became Captain of "B" Company. To one who has made life just a little better and more pleasant for his fellow cadets, we bid a fond farewell. Favorite Expression - "Listen to me, please." CARLOS SOUFFRONT, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Four years ago, a little fellow came to A.M.A. from way down in Puerto Rico. At first Sou could speak very little English, but he learned very rapidly, and now he speaks our language very well. He has never grown to be very tall, but we all know of his prowess among the "grunt and groan" athletes. Socially "Sou" is a real "Don Juan", and never fails to delight the ladies with his presence at the dances. Incidentally, the Bar is his aim in life, but do not misunderstand, for we are speaking of his ambitions of becoming a first rate lawyer. We wish him the greatest possible success in everything that he attempts n the years to come. Favorite Expression - "Sober up, Jake." JOHN STEVENS, 714 Mason Street, San Antonio, Texas It was just a few years ago that this whimsical youth from the "Lone Star" State packed his saddle bags and headed for the Academy. Could this whimsical youth of two years ago be the stalwart young gentleman that we see today? "Jack" passed through the stormy days of his first year with the determination of a true Texan, and, as a result, emerged triumphant this year with a pair of the coveted stripes. This year he swam the back-stroke for Augusta and was awarded the "A" as a result of his excellent work. "Jack" plans to enter the "Point" and, judging by his splendid academic record here his ambition should be fulfilled. "Jack," your graduation means the departure of a man and a gentleman. Favorite Expression - "Why, in Texas we have everything." JOHN R. TALBOTT, 604 Rosalind Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia Nobody will deny that Johnny had quite a time in becoming accustomed to the rules and regulations of A.M.A. He weathered the storm, however, and stuck out three years of it. He has shown his athletic ability by participating in football, wrestling, and baseball. His academic worth may be summed up by saying this his name has never been found on the "study hall" list. The making of a soldier is no bed of roses. His life is one of hardships and responsibilities, but Johnny has chosen this life for the next few years. He hopes to go to V.M.I. to study civil engineering. The time for the inevitable parting has arrived, and so our farewell wish is, that: "May your life be long, and your troubles be little ones." Favorite Expression - "I don't give a d___!" ROBERT W. TENCH, 202 East 43rd Street, Brooklyn, New York When one hears the command of "Fall In" way down at the end of the battalion, one knows that "Stench" has "taken charge". Small of stature, but large of heart, he has won himself a place of popularity in the hearts of his fellow-cadets that will not be easily forgotten. Although study hour usually finds him visiting in 207, he is, by no means, a "nincompoop". On the contrary, however, he stands near the head of his class. In the afternoons he may usually be found at Harry's, but don't let this lead you to believe that he is totally un-athletic, for there are few in the Academy that he is unwilling to trade punches with. We bid farewell to a fine gentleman and we know that the future contains success for him. Favorite Expression - "Let's go to Harry's." THOMAS B. TIGHE, Quantico, Virginia He is quite an athlete, quite a solider, and quite a gentleman. Combining all of the features of a "jolly good" fellow with an enviable seriousness of purpose. "Tommy" has won the friendship of all. His feats in the pool are to be marveled at, and his gridiron ability is "tops". "Tommy" is a Marine Corps junior and the "bull dog" spirit of that organization has shown itself in him at Augusta. It takes something of a man to finish that last yard in the tank, but to all who have seen him finish a race we know that he is not one who does not finish his race with the drive that he started it. It has been a treat to have associated with you, "Tom", and we hope we shall see you again in those years to come. Favorite Expression - "Well, I swear." JOSEPH H. ZERBEY, III, 1441 Howard Avenue, Pottsville, Pennsylvania Our blonde friend from Pennsylvania, who is exceedingly fond of his state, is very prominent in A.M.A. athletics. In his first year at Augusta, "Joe" was an important cog in the Tigers, but this year found him graduated to the Varsity. He did well in football and in basketball and was awarded a monogram for his good work. Aside from his prowess as an athlete, "Joe" finds time to stand well in his classes and devote a great interest to the cavalry. His tactical ability may be verified by the fact that he was awarded a corporal in "C" Company. When "Joe" leaves this June, Augusta loses a boy of high character, and we wish him every possible success. Favorite Expression - "Where do ya think you're at?" THIRD YEAR MEN Acosta Anderson Blackshear Bruch Clyborne Fernon Hoover Hume Hunter Knox Lee Monarch McMahon Phillips, J. Phillips, R. Smith, C. Wiener SECOND YEAR MEN Allen Ast Barnes Beeson Board, W. Bowden Carrillo Conner Corken Darr Dasher Dillard Edwards Fox, B. Freed, W. Gagarine Gale Hill, J. Keller Leapard Leatherman, E. Manch Mitchell Nelson Netherwood, D. Payne, W. Pelton Roberts, H. Roberts, R. Round Ryder Schroeder, K. Searcy Sedwick Shook Shiplett Tilley Walker, P. Welch Welliver Williamson Young, J. FIRST YEAR MEN Aguilera Aldrich Alvis Beegle Beerbower Blumberg Blakemore Board, C. Chatham Christian Clayton Collins Constance Craven Crisman Crudup Culpepper Diaz Dickerson, T. Dickinson, W. Donald Dorn Dukes Dundala Fitz Patrick Ford Fox, R. Frank Freed, M. Gans, G. Gans, P. Gordon Gray, W.E. Gray, W.L. Grow Guerrant Hackney Haley Hamm Harris Hevia Hill, F. Holt Hopkins, J. Hopkins, O. Horton Jones, C. Jones, K. Jones, R. Kendall Kennedy, J. Kennedy, W. Krouse Kurtz Lawrence Leatherman, G. Leavel Lewis, E. Lewis, R. Luce Mesanko Mikules Montgomery Moore, H. Moore, J. Netherwood, F. Nevius Pappas Pedigo Pierson Pittard Pollack Porterfield Post Purcell Renfro Riggal Rosenstock Rossello, S. Rossello, W. Ruppert Russell Scheeren Schmidt Shafer Shires Smyth Snyder Sposato Steel Stone Studen Turner Turp Van Voorhis Walker, S. Waldron Webster Welte White Worthington Wright, J. Wyatt Wygall Yingst Young, E. Young, H. TACTICAL OFFICERS As A.M.A. is essentially a military school, the military department is very important. That department this year is under a new head. Major Roy F. Lynd. While this was his first year in the teaching of cadets at a military school, Major Lynd has put forth every effort to keep Augusta at the top. Not only has he given all his time in order to better us in the military line, but he has won the admiration and respect of all with whom he has come in contact. He has been ably assisted by Lieutenant Caldwell, a veteran of many years' service. The assistance of Captain Deane with aerial photography, of Lieutenant Altman with first aid, of Major Robinson in howitzer weapons and machine gun, and of Major Yates, a former member of the faculty who returned to assist in all departments, has been greatly beneficial to our military system. Without these men the subjects studied could not have been thoroughly understood. We are grateful for the work that each of the faculty mentioned above has done in behalf of Augusta and we know that it has been only through their teaching that we have been able to attain any measure of success. We wish to extend to them our sincerest appreciation for their untiring efforts. COMPANY A Captain Roller, T. Lieutenants Mark, D.; Clarke, B.; Miller, S. First Sergeant Tyler, G. Platoon Sergeants Clyborne, C.; Felts, F. Line Sergeants Monarch, J.; Anderson, F. Corporals Chandler, S.; Heilman, G.; Netherwood, D.; Ryder, C.; Searcy, J.; Shook, C. Privates Allen; Alvis; Crisman; Christian; Dickinson; Edwards; Freed, M.; Grow; Gray, W.E.; Gray, W.L.; Horton; Hamm; Harris; Jones; Krouse; Leapard; Leatherman, G.; Mitchell; Pierson; Pollock; Porterfield; Rosenstock; Ruppert; Russell; Scheeren; Shires; Steel; Stone; Wyatt; Young, H.W. COMPANY B Captain Somerville, W. Lieutenants Payne, F.; Somerville, F. First Sergeant Felts, T. Platoon Sergeants Wright, D.; Buchanan, R. Line Sergeants Smith, C.; Board, W. Corporals Reid, D.; Schroeder, B.; Sedwick, D.; Tighe, T.; Welch, R. Privates Barnes; Beerbower; Blackshear; Board, C.; Craven; Crawford, N.; Darr; Fitzpatrick; Ford; Fox, R.; Gagarine; Guerrant; Hackney; Hevia; Holt; Hopkins, G.; Hopkins, J.; Keller; Kurtz; Lawrence; Mikules; Montgomery; Pappas; Pedigo; Pittard; Purcell; Renfro; Roberts, R.; Rosello, S.; Rosello, W.; Schmitt; Shafer; Smyth; Snyder; Van Voorhis; Waldron; Webster; White; Williamson; Young, E.; Young, Jr. COMPANY C Captain Cason, J. Lieutenants Byrd, N.; Payne, R. First Sergeant Cauthorne, T. Platoon Sergeants Talbott, J.; Lee, J. Line Sergeants Bruch, A.; McMahon, E. Corporals Payne, W.; Stephens, J.; Walker, P.; Zerbey, J. Privates Aldrich; Ast; Beeson; Blumberg; Chatham; Constance; Corken; Coulbourn; Crudup; Diaz; Donald; Dorn; Dundala; Fernon; Haley; Hill, F.; Kendall, Kennedy, J.; Leavel; Lewis, E.; Moore, H.; Nelson; Schroeder, K.; Walker, S.; Welte; Worthington; Wygal COMPANY D Captain Higbee, J. Lieutenant Wales, S. First Sergeant Tench, R. Platoon Sergeants Souffront, C.; Wilson, R. Line Sergeants Phillips, J.; Phillips, R. Corporals Carrillo, J.; Knox, B.; Hunter, R. Privates Aguilera; Barnes; Clayton; Culpepper; Dasher; Fox, B.; Gordon; Hume; Jones, K.; Jones, R.; Mesanko; Moore, J.; Netherwood, F.; Riggall; Shiplett; Wiener BAND Lieutenant Commander Shomo, J. Platoon Sergeant Hoover, T. Line Sergeant Round, W. Corporals Freed, W.; Macomber, N.; Roberts, H. Privates Tilley, Drum-Major; Beegle; Dukes; Gans, G.; Gans, P.; Kennedy, W.; Manch; Luce; Post; Redmond; Turner; Turp; Welliver; Wright, H.; Sposato; Pelton; Studen; Lewis, R.; Yingst NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Neale Tyler Felts, T. Cauthorne Tench Bell Clyborne Talbott Hoover Felts, F. Buchanan Lee Wilson Wright, D. Smith Anderson Bruch McMahon Phillips, J. Phillips, R. Round Acosta Board, W. Zerbey Shook Ryder Netherwood, D. Welch Schroeder, B. Reid Gregory Searcy Stephens Walker, P. Knox Hunter Freed, W. Roberts, H. Macomber Sedwick Heilman Chandler Payne, W. Carrillo ATHLETICS DIRECTORS No school can be without an athletic department, for the body must be developed as well as the mind. In order to furnish a well-rounded education. Augusta is represented in all sports. The teams of A.M.A. have this year been quite successful. We have not as yet gained the distinction of being undisputed state champions in any sport, but as this volume goes to press we can visualize the baseball team as potential winners of this great honor. There can be no athletic system without supervision. Major Roller, as the athletic director, is unexcelled. Major, along with Captain Deane, assistant director, arranges the schedules for the teams. These two men make the necessary arrangements for the games and see that all the details are carried out. In spite of his many duties, Major Roller finds time to aid the coaches by giving valuable advice to both the players and coaches themselves. Captain Deane supervises the issuing of all uniforms and directs the coaching of the entire junior division of the athletic department. We have never been able to understand how Captain Deane ever finds time to go home, because he has more than a thousand and one things to do a day. We have been most fortunate to have had the continuous services of such a man as he, and we hope that he may never find reason to leave us, as his services are non-replaceable. The coaching staff consists of Lieutenant House, graduate of the University of North Carolina; Lieutenant McCue of Virginia; Lieutenant Roller, of V.M.I. All these men have fulfilled their various positions the very best they knew how, and we take this opportunity to compliment and thank them, one and all. FOOTBALL Sponsor: Mrs. Sedwick; Coaches: Lieut. House; Lieut. Roller. Manager: Cadet Hollomon. Players: Tighe; Sposato; Zerbey; Welch; Krouse; Mitchell; Sedwick (Captain); Fox, R.; Shafer; Richardson; Heilman; Crisman; Donald; Shires. BASKETBALL Sponsor: Miss Heilman; Manager: Cadet Clyborne; Players: Board; Mitchell; Gans; Scheeren; Zerbey; Heilman; Captain: Studen. SWIMMING Sponsor: Miss Beasley; Assistant Captain: Somerville, F.; Captain: Byrd; Manager: Cadet Miller BOXING Sponsor: Miss Lasley; Manager: Cadet Cason; Captain: Payne, F.; Boxers: Shires; Rosello; Payne, W.; Sposato; Moulton; Sedwick; Shafer; Cauthorne; Crudup. WRESTLING Sponsor: Mrs. Somerville; Manager: Cadet Clarke; Wrestlers: Smith; Crisman; Redmond; Somervile, W.; Captain; Tyler; Miller, W.; Felts, T.; Souffront; Acosta; Krouse. BASEBALL Sponsor: Miss Danner; Manager: Cadet Mark; Coach: Lieutenant Roller; Captain: Corken; Players: Pedigo; Studen; Fox, R.; Dickinson; Waldron; Shires; Beeson; Gans, G.; Keller. PEEPS Acosta; Beerbower; Board, C.; Crudup; Gans, P.; Hill, F.; Holt; Jordan; Nelson; Nevius; Payne, W.; Post; Purcell; Renfro; Somerville, F.; Souffront; Stone; Tyler; Walker, P.; Welte. INTRA-MURAL WINNERS BOXING: Knox; Luce; Shiplett; Smyth; Wygal; Keller; Crudup; Payne, W.; Gagarine; Fox, R.; Moulton; Studen; Welch; Shires. WRESTLING: Knox; Carrillo; Dorn; Welte; Guerbrant; Keller; Tyler; Pelton; Schmitt; Moulton; Reid; Studen; Welch; Sposato. SWIMMING: Lewis, E.; Guerbrant; Schroeder, K.; Walker, P.; Carrillo; Walker, S.; Mesanko; Gagarine; Renfro; Scheeren; Christian; Clyborne; Searcy; Harris; Allen; Steel. RIFLE TEAM: Entered in Hearst Trophy matches and Third Corps Area matches. Neale; Round; Searcy; Payne, R.; Rosenstock; Shook; Sedwick; Walker, P.; Ruppert; Grow. High Score Men: Round - First; Neale - Second; Payne, R. - Third; Searcy - Fourth; Shook - Fifth. AD ASTRA PER ASPERA Faculty Members: Major C.S. Roller, Jr., Captain Nathan Parkins, and Lieutenant C. S. Roller, III. Cadet Members: Thomas Roller, Winston Somerville, Edward Huffman, Jack Cason, Herbert Hollomon, and Thomas Cauthorne. RECALL STAFF Editor-in Chief J. H. Hollomon Business Manager T. G. Cauthorne Advertising Manager J. E. Lee Sports Editor L. N. Macomber Literary Editor T. A. Roller Humor Editor Wm. Round Art Editor F. W. Payne Directory Editor R. E. Buchanan Photography Editor C. A. Clyborne Assistant Advertising Manager C. A. Bell MONOGRAM CLUB FOOTBALL Allen; Crisman; Donald; Fox, R.; Frank; Heilman; Krouse; Mitchell; Sedwick; Shafer; Shires; Sposato; Studen; Tighe; Welch; Zerbey. WRESTLING Acosta; Conner; Crisman; Felts, F.; Felts, T.; Huffman; Jordan; Krouse; Miller, W.; Roller; Smith; Somerville, W.; Souffront. BASEBALL Beeson; Board, W.; Corken; Dickenson, W.; Fox, R.; Gans, G.; Keller; Pedigo; Shires; Sosato; Studen; Waldron. BOXING Cauthorne; Crudup; Moulton; Payne, F.; Payne, W.; Rossellow, W.; Sedwick; Shafer; Shires; Sposato. SWIMMING Beeson; Byrd; Carrillo; Craven; Harris; Higbee; Somerville, F.; Steel; Stephens; Tighe. BASKETBALL Board, W.; Gans, G.; Heilman; Mitchell; Scheeren; Shomo; Studen. CALVARY Miller, W., Troop Commander; Coulbourne, Guidon; Zerbey, First Sergeant; First Platoon, Felts, T. Commander. First Squad: Chandler; Aguilera; Aldrich; Blakemore; Christian; Chatham; Constance; Young, J. Second Squad: Searcy; Diaz; Dickinson, W.; Fitzpatrick; Frank; Gordon; Gray, W.; Leapard. Third Squad: Barnes; Culpepper; Hackney; Harris; Hopkins; Horton; Roberts, H.; Ford Second Platoon, Talbott, Commander First Squad: Buchanan; Kendall; Kurtz; Leavel; Luce; Mesanko; Nelson; Wright, H. Second Squad: Shipplett; Netherwood, D.; Nevius; Pierson; Pollock; Porterfield; Purcell; Beegle Third Squad: Dillard; Rossello, W.; Rossello, S.; Turner; Turp; Walker, S.; Worthington; Fox, B. SOCIAL Officers of the Cotillion Club T. G. Felts, President F. W. Payne, Vice-President W. L. Miller, Secretary L. T. Higbee, Treasurer L. B. Clarke, Committee J. H. Cason, Committee R. F. Felts, Committee C. H. Smith, Committee FINAL BALL Lester Higbee, Leader Francis Payne, Assistant Leader Tommy Roller, Floor Committee Wilson Miller, Floor Committee Norval Byrd, Floor Committee Fenton Somerville, Decorating Committee Tommy Cuathorne, Decorating Committee Tom Felts, Decorating Committee "NOM" ROLLER - MOST POPULAR OLD MAN "SNITS" HIGBEE - MOST MILITARY CADET "NELLIE" HAMM - LAZIEST CADET "SAM" JORDON - BEST LOOKING CADET "HERB" HOLLOMON - BEST STUDENT "HOG" BYRD - BEST NATURED "GUS" HEILMAN - BEST ATHLETE "SPUZ" SPOSATO - MOST POPULAR NEW CADET "ABE" SHIRES - BEST BUILT "BUCKY" CLARKE - MOST CONCEITED "OINCK" STONE - BIGGEST EATER "GRANPA" REDMOND - BIGGEST HOT AIR ARTIST "JACK" STEPHENS - BEST CORPORAL OF THE GUARD "RED" MILLER - BIGGEST LADIES MAN "DOUG" WRIGHT - BEST DANCER "BOOTS" TILLEY - WITTIEST CADET "JEEP" CLYBORNE - BEST NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER "SNITS" HIGBEE - NEATEST CADET "NED" SOMERVILLE - MOST BASHFUL "RHYTHM MAN" FELTS - BEST OFFICER OF THE DAY "DOC" SMITIH - POLITEST CADET "SNITS" (AGAIN) HIGBEE - BEST COMMISSIONED OFFICER "NOM" ROLLER - BIGGEST WOMAN HATER "WEENIE" WIENER - MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT GLEE CLUB Round; Netherwood, D.; Edwards; Roberts; Kennedy; Pierson; Buchanan; Netherwood, F.; Post; Pelton; Macomber; Turp; Schroeder, B.; Schroeder, K.; Leatherman; Freed. CHEER LEADERS Clarke; Higbee; Somerville, F. STUDENT DIRECTORY ACOSTA, FERNANDO J., P.O. Box 512, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico "Spic" Third Year; Line Sergeant Co. "D." Varsity Wrestling Team, Peep Athletics, Bible Class, Monogram Club. AGUILERA, LUTGARDO L., Country Club Park, Havana, Cuba "Aggy," First year: Private Co. "D." Sardine Football Team. ALDRICH, EDWIN M., 1575 Lee St., Charleston, W. Va. "Red" First Year; Private Co. "D.", Sardine Football Team. ALLEN, FRANK C., 17 N. Jefferson St., Staunton, Va. "Chic." Second Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Basketball Squad, Intramural Swimming Medal, Monogram Club. ALVIS, JAMES R. JR., 3407 Memorial Ave., Lynchburg, Va. "Jimmy" First Year: Private Co. "A.". ANDERSON, FRED, 1717 Poplar Lane, Washington, D.C. "Andy." Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "A." ANDES, JAMES M., Fort Defiance, Va. A member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Day Student, Honor Roll, Second Year: Private Co. "B." Day Student, Honor Roll. Third Year: Private Co. "B." Day Student, Honor Roll. Fourth Year: Sergeant Quartermaster Staff. Varsity Wrestling Squad, Honor Roll. Fifth Year: Platoon Sergeant Staff, Day Student, Honor Roll. AST, ROBERT J., 460 S. Graham St., Pittsburgh, Pa. "Bob" Second Year: Private Co. "C." "Attending only part of the school year. BARNES, RICHARD J., 1403 W. Nash St., Wilson, N.C. "Dick" Second Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football. BEEGLE, THOMAS (Did not complete entire school year.), 6929 Reynolds St., Pittsburgh, Pa. "Tom." First Year: Private Band. Orchestra, Glee Club. BEERBOWER, WILLIAM W., 526 Belleville Rd., R.D., Roanoke, Va. "Bill." First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football, Rifle Team. BEESON, ROBERT H., Mt. Cuba, Delaware "Clown" Second Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Swimming, Varsity Baseball, Monogram Club. BELL, CHARLES, Monte Vista Park, Charlottesville, Va. "Charlie" Fourth Year: First Sergeant Staff, Color Bearer. BLACKSHEAR, WILLIAM M., Washington, D.C. "Blackshear" Third Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football. BLAKEMORE, JACK "Blake" First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football BLUMBERG, GEORGE A. (Did not complete entire year)., 127 Washington St., Portsmouth, Va. "Bloomboig." First Year: Private Co. "C.". BOARD, CHARLES W., Drawer E, Pt. Marion, Pa. "Trunk" First Year: Private Co. "B." Honor Roll, Intramural Athletics. BOARD, WILLIAM H., Drawer E, Pt. Marion, Pa. "Bill" Second Year: Line Sergeant Co. "B." Varsity Basketball Team, Varsity Baseball Squad, Intramural Athletics, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. BOWDEN, JACK B., 310 W. 11th Ave., Huntington, W. Va. "Davy" Second Year: Private Co. "C.". BRUCH, ALFRED E., 2943 Benton St., Washington, D.C. "Home" Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "C.", Glee Club, Bible Class. BUCHANAN, RICHARD E., Reparto de Miramar, Havana, Cuba A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football Squad, Intramural Athletics, Junior Basketball. Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Peep Football Squad, Fencing Team Boxing Squad, Intramural Athletics, Science Medal, Declaimer, Honor Roll. Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "B." Intramural Athletics, Fencing Team, Glee Club, Directory Editor of the 1936 Recall, Honor Roll. BYRD, NORVAL E., 4309 Rugby Road, Baltimore, Md. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "D." Tiger Football Team, Intramural Athletics, Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club. Second Year: Private Co. "A." Tiger Football Team, Assistant Captain of the Swimming Team, Monogram Club. Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "B." Tiger Football Team, Intramural Athletics, Captain of the Swimming Team, Monogram Club. Fourth Year: First Lieutenant Co. "C." Captain of the Swimming Team, Track Squad, Monogram Club. CARILLO, JOSE I., Wilson Ave., 213, Vedado, Havana, Cuba "Joe" Second Year: Corporal Co. "D." Intramural Swimming and Wrestling Champion, Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. CASON, JACK H., 7 B. Buckingham Apts., Norfolk, Va. Ad Astra Per Aspera Fraternity. Fifth Year: Captain Co. "C." Manger of the Boxing Team. CAUTHORNE, THOMAS G., Windsor Farms, Richmond, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class: First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Athletics, Peep Athletics, Varsity Boxing, Honor Roll. Second Year: Corporal Co. "C." Peep Football, Intramural Boxing Champion, Varsity Boxing, Honor Committee, Honor Roll, 1935 RECALL Staff. Third Year: First Sergeant Co. "C." Business Manager 1936 RECALL, Ad Astra Per Aspera Fraternity, Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, Secretary, Bible Class, Honor Committee, Honor Roll, Varsity Football, Varsity Boxing, Monogram Club, Final Ball Committee. CHANDLER, STREET C., 26 W. 9th St., New York, N.Y. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "C." Intramural Athletics, Sardines, Bible Class. Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Intramural Athletics, Bible Class, Honor Roll. CHATHAM, RICHARD M., Elkin, N.C. "Jungle" First Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Wrestling Squad. CHRISTIAN, JAMES, 1416 Harrison St., Lynchburg, Va. "Crabby" First Year: Private Co. "A." Tiger Football Team. CLARKE, L. BLAINE, 3208 Wyoming Ave., Washington, D.C. "Buckie" Fourth Year: Second Lieutenant Co. "A." Cheer Leader, Manager of the Wrestling Team, Cotillion Club. CLAYTON, WILLIAM N., South River, N.J. "Willy" First Year: Private Co. "D." CLYBORNE, CLARENCE A., Maryland Ave., Bluefield, W. Va. "C.A." Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "A." Manager of the Basketball Team, Varsity Football Squad, Vice President of the Bible Class, Secretary and Treasurer of the Ciceronian Literary Society, Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, Honor Committee, Photography Editor 1936 RECALL, Intramural Swimming Medal. COLLINS, DAVID W., R.F.D. No. 3, Frankfort, Ky. "Dave" First Year: Private Co. "D." Intramural Athletics, Secretary of the Junior Literary Society, Tumbling Team. CONNER, MILTON L., Hasting Hotel, Ocean City, Md. "Doc" Second Year: Hospital Aide, Staff, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, Glee Club, Track Squad. CONSTANCE, MONTE K., 1273 Beechwood Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. "Conny" First Year: Private Co. "C." Sardine Football Team. CORKEN, DONALD L., 3919 Shady Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio "El-Paso" Second Year: Private Co. "C." Tiger Football Team, Varsity Basketball Squad, Varsity Baseball Team, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. COULBOURN, JOHN, 5898 Woodbine Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team. Second Year: Private Co. "C." Tiger Football Team, Glee Club, 1936 RECALL Staff. CRAVEN, WILLIAM, 4000 Cathedral Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Bill" First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Swimming Team. CRAWFORD, NATHAN P., Fort Defiance, Va. "Nate" Day Student CRISMAN, LEE R., Cedar Creek Rd., Winchester, Va. "Rudy" First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, Track Team. CRUDUP, THOMAS H., JR., Garnett Rd., Henderson, N.C. "Tommy" First Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Football, Intramural Boxing Champion, Varsity Boxing, Honor Roll. CULPEPPER, THEODORE W., Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va. "Boozy" First Year: Private Co. "D." Sardine Athletics, Tumbling. CURTIS, H. WILLIAM (Did not complete entire school year.) Box A, Hilton Village, Va. "Bill" First Year: Private Co. "B." DARR, EDWARD A., 526 Glade St., Winston-Salem, N.C. "Frankenstein" Second Year: Private Co. "B." Bible Class. DASHER, CHALRES H. JR., Fairlawn, Covington, Va. "Hartz" Second Year: Private Co. "D." Sardine Athletics, Bible Class. DIAZ, G. ORLANDO, Central "Senado" Camaguey Cuba "Polaco" First Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Football Squad, Baseball Squad. DICKERSON, THOMAS, 918 M. St., Washington, D.C. "Tommy" First Year: Private Co. "D." DICKINSON, WILLIAM J., Buena Vista, Va. "Bill" First Year; Private Co. "A." Wrestling Squad, Rifle Team, Glee Club, Baseball Team. DICKSON, CHARLES T. (Did not complete entire school year.) Virginia Beach, Va. "Dickson" First Year: Private Co. "A." DILLARD, DOUGLAS, 1012 N. Eugene Ave., Greensboro, N.C. "Doug" Second Year: Private Co. "A." DONALD, WALTER W., Lexington, Va. "Pedro" First Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Football Team, Wrestling Squad, Baseball Squad, Monogram Club. DORN, JOHN R., JR., 1633 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Bobby" First Year: Private Co. "D." Sardine Athletics, Swimming Squad, Intramural Swimming Champion. DUKES, CHALRES G., Sebyville, Delaware. "Blimp" First Year: Private Band, Intramural Athletics. DUNCAN, JOHN (Did not complete entire school year.) Sears Hill, Staunton, Va. "Dunc" Second Year: Private Co. "A.". DUNDALA, JOHN W., 502 Home Ave., Trenton, N.J. "Wedgehead" First Year: Private Co. "C.". EDWARDS, CHARLES B., 96 33rd St., Newport News, Va. "Eddy" Second Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Squad. FELTS, ROGER F., Galax, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Wrestling Squad. Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Wrestling Team, Bible Class, Monogram Club. Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "A." Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Wrestling Team, Cotillion Club, Glee Club. FELTS, THOMAS G., Galax, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Football Squad, Intramural Athletics, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club. Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Busted Aristocrat, Cotillion Club, Intramural Athletics, Manager of the Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, Commander of the Artillery. Third Year; First Sergeant Co. "B." President of Cotillion Club, Honor Committee, Cheer Leader, Assistant Captain of the Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, Commander of Artillery, Final Ball Committee, Intramural Athletics, Glee Club. FERNION, STEPHEN, 35 Cornell, Cynwyd, Pa. "Stevie" Third Year: Private Co. "C." FITZPATRICK, FRANCIS J., 1997 Mars Ave., Lakewood, Ohio "Fitz" First Year: Private Co. "B." FORD, CHARLES P., 103 Montgomery Ave., Norfolk, Va. "Charlie" First Year: Private Co. "B." FOX, B. BLAINE, 204 First St., Elkins, W. Va. "Foxy" Second Year: Private Co. "D." Sardine Athletics. FOX, ROBERT, Lexington, Va. "Bobby" First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Wrestling, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Baseball, Monogram Club. FRANK, WILLIAM B., Weyers Cave, Va. "Bill" First Year: Private Co. "C.". FRANK, ROBERT (Did not complete entire school year.), Virginia Beach, Va. "Bobby" First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football. FREED, THOMAS M., 528 Pine Ave., Waynesboro, Va. "T. Model" First Year: Private Co. "A.". FREED, WILLIAM M., 336 N. 5th St., Reading, Pa. "Bill" Second Year: Corporal Band. GAGARINE, DIMITRI, Warrenton, Va. "Ga-Ga" Second Year: Private Co. "B." Honor Roll, Fencing Team. GALE, SPARREL S. (Did not complete entire school year.), 707 Averham Ave., Roanoke, Va. "Simmons" Second Year: Private Co. "A." GANS, GENE E., Poland Mines, Pa. "Eddy" First Year: Private Band, Intramural Athletics, Varsity Basketball Team, Baseball Squad, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. GANS, PAUL F., Poland Mines, Pa. "Fil" First Year: Private Band, Peep Football, Tiger Basketball, Honor Roll. GORDON, MARVIN, 2827 28th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Mickey" First Year: Private Co. "D.". GRAY, WILBUR L., 1200 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Willie" First Year: Private Co. "B." GRAY, WILLIAM E., Laurel, Md. "Elmer" First Year: Private Co. "A." GREGORY, WILLIAM E., Box 109, Havana, Cuba. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "C." Fencing Team, Rifle Team. Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Rifle Team, Tumbling Team, Bible Class. GROW, JOHN M., Linchorn Park, Virginia Beach, Va. "John" First Year: Private Co. "C.". GUERRANT, ROBERT S., Algoma Orchards, Calloway, Va. "Bob" First Year: Private Co. "H" Sergeant-at-Arms, Junior Literary Society. HACKNEY, JOHN M., 27 E. Burke Ave., Lowson, Md. "Hack" First Year: Private Co. "B." Sardine Football, Tumbling Team HALEY, JACK W., 43 Keene St., Providence, R.I. "Jack" First Year: Private Co. "C." Sardine Football HAMM, NELSON C., 129 N. Lexington St., Covington, Va. "Nellie" First Year: Private Co. "A." Peep Football. HARRIS, DONALD A., 643 6th Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. "Tad" First Year: Private Co. "A." Tiger Football Team, Intramural Swimming Medal, Varsity Swimming Team. HEILMAN, GRAHAM M., 354 N. Jefferson St., Kitanning, Pa. A member of the Graduating Class, First Year: Varsity Football Team, Varsity Basketball Team, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Basketball Team, Baseball Squad, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. HEVIA, ARTURO, Calle H, Esq. 15, Vedado, Havana, Cuba "Pelusa." First Year: Private Co. "B." HIGBEE, LESTER W., 16 N. Lafayette Ave., Ventnor City, N.J. Post Graduate. Fifth Year: Captain Co. "D." Cheer Leader, Varsity Swimming Team, Treasurer of the Cotillion Club, President of the Final Ball, Monogram Club. HILL, FRANK R., Marlington, W. Va. "Spike." First Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Football Team, Basketball, Baseball. HILL, JOHN E., 154 Puritan Ave., Forest Hills, N.Y. "Bunker." Second Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Swimming, Intramural Athletics, Baseball, Glee Club. HOLLOMON, J. HERBERT, 104 W. 29th St., Norfolk, Va. A member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "E" Intramural Athletics, Peep Athletics, Honor Roll, Medal for Best Student. Second Year: Corporal Co. "E" Intramural Athletics, Peep Athletics, Honor Roll, Medals for Best Declaimer and Highest Average. Third Year: Sergeant Major Staff, Intramural Athletics, Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, Honor Roll, Medal for Highest Average, Co-Sports Editor 1935 Recall. Fourth Year: First Lieutenant and Assistant Adjutant, Ad Astra Per Aspera Fraternity, Manager of Varsity Football Team, Secretary Y.M.C.A., Editor-in- Chief 1936 Recall, Honor Roll, Valedictorian. HOLT, ROLLA B., 1921 19th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Holt." First Year: Private Co. "H" Peep Football. HOOVER, THOMAS D., 524 Lloyd St., Pittsburgh, Pa. "Tom" Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Band, Tiger Football, Glee Club, Orchestra. HOPKINS, JOHN H., 310 N. Potomac St., Hagerstown, Md. "Hop." First Year: Private Co. "B." HOPKINS, O. GORDON, Colonial Beach, Va. "Hoppy." First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team, Intramural Athletics, Varsity Baseball. HORTON, FRANK L., Kenderton, Clarksville, Va. "Frank" First Year: Private Co. "A." HUFFMAN, J. EDWARD, 312 9th St., Charlottesville, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Second Year: Private Co. "B." Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "A." Intramural Athletics, Varsity Wrestling. Fourth Year: First Lieutenant Quartermaster, Intramural Athletics, Treasurer Student Body, Honor Committee, Ad Astra Per Aspera Fraternity, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club. HUME, ZEBULON P., 117 Mountain Ave., Roanoke, Va. "Zeb." Third Year: Private Co. "D." Minnow Athletics. HUNTER, ROBERT F., P.O. Box 523, Columbus Ohio "Chick." Third Year: Corporal Co. "D." JOHNSON, RICHARD C. (Did not complete entire school year.), 4441 Lowell Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. "Johnny" Second Year: Private Co. "B." JONES, CALVIN C., JR., 1818 Kalorama Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. "Wimpy." First Year: Private Co. "A." JONES, KENNETH P., 4801 Indian Lane, Washington, D.C. "Kenney" First Year: Private Co. "D." JONES, ROBERT C., 4801 Indian Lane, Washington, D.C. "Bobby." First Year: Private Co. "D." JORDAN, SAM P., 1506 Cherokee Rd., Louisville, Ky A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Qm. Co. Intramural Wrestling Medal, Minnow Athletics. Second Year: Private Co. Qm. Captain Minnow Teams, Sergeant-at-Arms Junior Literary Society. Third Year: Corporal Qm. Co. Varsity Wrestling Team, Peep Athletics, Monogram Club. Fourth Year: First Sergeant Qm. Co. Varsity Baseball Squad, Peep Football, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club. Fifth Year: Second Lieutenant H.Q. Co. Captain Peep Football Team, Vice-President of the Ciceronian Literary Society, Honor Committee, Varsity Baseball Squad. KELLER, HOLLY M., 1405 Harvard St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Holly." Second Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team, Intramural Boxing and Wrestling Medals, Varsity Baseball Squad, Honor Roll. KENDALL, D. ALAN, 195 Mountain Way, Rutherford, N.J. First Year: Private Co. "C." Sardine Football Team, Rifle Squad, Swimming Squad, Tumbling. KENNEDY, JOHN, Box 368, Dover, Delaware "Author" First Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Football Team, Varsity Wrestling Squad. KENNEDY, WILLIAM S., 2425 Calder Ave., Beaumont, Texas "Tex." First Year: Private Band, Tiger Football Team, Intramural Athletics, Glee Club. KNOX, WILLIAM B., 2110 Kanawha St., Charlestown, W. Va. "Billy" Third Year: Corporal Co. "D." Intramural Boxing and Wrestling Medals, Sardine Football Team. KROUSE, WILLIAM, 3307 O St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Sully" First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Team, Intramural Wrestling Medal, Varsity Wrestling Team, Track Squad, Monogram Club. KURTZ, LAWRENCE A., 3900 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, Texas "Line Sergeant." First Year: Private Co. "B." Fencing Team. LANDES, W. MEREDITH, Ft. Defiance, Va. "Pete" Day Student. LAWRENCE, JOHN, Millboro Springs, Va. "John." First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team. LEAPARD, J. DAVID JR., 1424 Brown St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. "Spots" Second Year: Private Co. "A." LEATHERMAN, EDGAR A., Rada, W. Va. "Leatherneck." Second Year: Private Co. "C." Bible Class, Glee Club. LEATHERMAN, GEORGE F., Moorefield, W. Va. "Bud." First Year: Private Co. "A." Tiger Football Team. LEAVEL, V. PORTER, Staunton, Va. "Jack." First Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Football Team. LEE, JAMES E., 283 Cantrell Ave., Harrisonburg, Va. "Jimmie." Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "C." Advertising Manager of the 1936 Recall. LEWIS, EARL, 220 Waverly Rd., Huntington, W. Va. "Lew." First Year: Private Co. "C." Sardine Football Team. LEWIS, ROBERT., 170 Maplehurst Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. "B" First Year;: Private Band, Tumbling Coach. LUCE, RALPH W., Marine Base, Quantico, Va. "Beakie." First Year: Private Band, Sardine Football Team, Intramural Boxing Medal, Tumbling Squad. MACOMBER, NEWHALL., Wharton Groves, Weems, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Band, Junior Basketball, Varsity Track. Second Year: Corporal Band, Honor Committee, Treasurer of the U.M.C.A., Intramural Athletics, Glee Club, Orchestra, Sports Editor of the 1936 RECALL. MANCH, JACK E., 223 N. Lewis St., Staunton, Va. "Shorty." Second Year: Private Band, Tiger Football Team, Intramural Athletics, Varsity Swimming Squad, Varsity Baseball. MARK, DALE S., 3520 37th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Wrestling Squad. Second Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Football Squad. Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "A." Fourth Year: First Lieutenant Co. "A." Manager of the Baseball Team. MESANKO, FRANCIS G., 702 Cass St., Trenton, N.J. "Messe." First Year: Private Co. "D." Intramural Athletics, Sardine Football Team, Varsity Swimming Squad. MIKULES, PAUL F., 203 D St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Mike." First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football Team. MILLER, SAM R., 3400 Newark St., Washington, D.C. "Sam." Fourth Year: Second Lieutenant Co. "A." Manager of the Swimming Team. MILLER, WILSON H., Broadway, Va. "Red." Seventh Year: Captain Adjutant Staff, Secretary Cotillion Club, Glee Club, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, President of the Bible Class. MITCHELL, JOHN A., 413 McNair St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. "Mitch." Second Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Basketball Team, Varsity Baseball Squad, Varsity Track Team, Monogram Club. MONARCH, JAMES L., 902 Butternut St., Washington, D.C. "Jimmy." Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "A." Intramural Athletics. MONTGOMERY, THOMAS, Ford City, Pa. "Monty." Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Baseball Squad. MOORE, HAL., Minnchaha Springs, W. Va. "Hal." First Year: Private Co. "C." Varsity Football Squad. MOORE, W. JAMES JR., Millboro Springs, Va. "Jimmy." First Year: Private Co. "D." Honor Roll. MOULTON, JACK., Box 115, W. End Station, Richmond, Va. "Jack." Fourth Year: Second Lieutenant Staff, Intramural Boxing and Wrestling Medals, Varsity Boxing Team, Captain Varsity Track Team, Monogram Club. MURPHY, JOHN W., (Did not complete entire school year.), 208 11th St., Virginia Beach, Va. "Murphy." Second Year: Private Co. "A." MCMAHON, EMMET F., 1423 Juniper St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Mac." Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "C." Intramural Athletics. NEALE, ROBERT R., 4616 Edmondson Ave., Baltimore, Md. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "D." Intramural Athletics. Second Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Football Team, Intramural Athletics, Rifle Team. Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "A." Intramural Athletics, Captain of the Rifle Team, Fencing Team. Fourth Year: Sergeant Major Staff, Captain of the Rifle Team. NELSON, ARTHUR J., 929 24th Ave., Seattle, Washington "Art." Second Year: Private Co. "C." Intramural Athletics, Glee Club, Rifle Team, Track Squad. NETHERWOOD, DOUGLAS B., 4929 Rockwood Parkway, Washington, D.C. "Doug." Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Glee Club, Tumbling. NETHERWOOD, FRANCIS B., 4929 Rockwood Parkway, Washington, D.C. "Lucy." First Year: Private Co. "D." Minnow Football Team. NEVIUS, LEONARD M., 7400 14th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Len." First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football Team, Fencing. PAPPAS, GUS W., 109 W. Market St., Charlottesville, Va. "Gus." First Year: Private Co. "B.". PAYNE, FRANCIS W., Charleston, W. Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "C." Intramural Boxing Medal, Varsity Boxing Squad, Track Squad. Second Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Football Team, Varsity Boxing Team, Track Squad, Monogram Club. Third Year: Corporation Co. "B." Tiger Football Team, Varsity Boxing Team, Monogram Club. Fourth Year: First Lieutenant Co. "B." Honor Committee, Vice-President of the Cotillion Club, Leader of the Easter Dances, Assistant Leader of the Final Ball, Captain of the Boxing Team, South Atlantic Preparatory 125-pound Boxing Champion, Monogram Club. PAYNE, RALPH, Fort Lewis, Salem, Va. "Petie." Fourth Year: Second Lieutenant Co. "C." Tumbling Team, Rifle Team. PAYNE, FRANCIS W., Dunbar, W. Va. "Bill." Second Year: Corporal Co. "C." Intramural Boxing Medal, Peep Football Team, Varsity Boxing Squad. PEDIGO, HENRY, Covington, Va. "Pedigree." First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Baseball Team. PELTON, ROBERT S., 2530 Fairmont Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio "B." Second Year: Private Band, Intramural Wrestling Medal, Varsity Wrestling Squad, Varsity Track Team. PHILLIPS, JACK, 137 S. Paint St., Chillicothe, Ohio "Jack." Third Year; Line Sergeant Co. "D." Peep Football Team, Intramural Athletics. PHILLIPS, RICHARD G., 137 S. Paint St., Chillicothe, Ohio "Dick." Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "D." Intramural Athletics. PIERSON, COLIN H., 150 Provincial Rd., Detroit, Mich. "Alice." First Year: Tiger Football Team, Glee Club. PITTARD, WILLIAM, Buffalo Junction, Va. "Grandpa." First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team, Baseball Squad. POLLOCK, ROBERT E., 1757 Q St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Bob." First Year: Private Co. "A." Fencing Team. PORTERFIELD, ALBERT J., 67 E. 87th St., New York City "Al." First Year: Private Co. "A." Swimming Squad, Tumbling. POST, MARSHALL, 1607 Alsace Rd., Reading, Pa. "Postey." First Year: Private Band, Peep Football Team. PURCELL, HAROLD H., ox 296, Louisa, Va. Percy." First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football Team. REDMOND, JOHN B., Winchester, Va. "Globe Trotter." First Year: Private Band, Tiger Football Team, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club. REID, DOUGLAS B., Augusta Springs, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Athletics. Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Rifle Team, Varsity Football Team. RENFRO, HAROLD E., 4957 Hurst Terrace, N.W., Washington, D.C. "Ted." First Year: Private Co. "B." Peep Football Team, Intramural Swimming Medal. RIGGAL, JOHN, (Did not complete entire school year.), 817 10th Ave., Huntington, W. Va. "Johnny." First Year: Private Co. "D." Honor Roll. ROBERTS, HARRY R., 411 N. Wild Olive Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla. "Zep." Second Year: Corporal Band, Glee Club, Varsity Swimming Squad, Intramural Athletics, Tiger Football Squad. ROBERTS, ROBERT, 501 Main St., Cambria, Va. "Rob." Second Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team. ROLLER, THOMAS A., Ft. Defiance, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Boxing Medal, Minnow Athletics. Second Year: Corporal Co. "C." Intramural Athletics, Minnow Athletics. Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "B." Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, Peep Athletics, Latin Medal. Fourth Year: First Lieutenant Co. "A." Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, Treasurer of the Y.M.C.A., Honor Committee, Bible Class, Spanish Medal, Literary Editor of the 1935 RECALL. Fifth Year: Captain Co. "A." Ad Astra Per Aspera Fraternity, President of the Student Body, President of the Y.M.C.A., President of the Honor Committee, Varsity Football Team, Monogram Club, Literary Editor of the 1936 RECALL. ROSENSTOCK, GORDON S., 305 S. Jefferson St., Petersburg, Va. "Rip." First Year: Private Co. "A." Rifle Team. ROSSELLO, SALVADOR, 531 W. 142nd St., New York City "Sa." First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Boxing Team, Monogram Club. ROSSELLO, WILLIAM, 531 W. 142nd St., New York City "Willie." First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Boxing Team, Monogram Club. ROUND, WILLIAM, JR., N.A.D., Dover, N.J. "Dinky." Second Year: Line Sergeant Band, Leader Orchestra, Glee Club, Rifle Team, Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, Intramural Athletics, Humor Editor 1936 RECALL. RUPPERT, WILLIAM R., 3619 Ordway St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Ruppert." First Year: Private Co. "A." Rifle Team. RUSSELL, KENNETH W., 1609 Michigan Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C. "Kenny." First Year: Private Co. "A.". RYDER, CHARLES W., 2126 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. "Charlie." Second Year: Corporation Co. "A.", Tiger Football Team. SCHEEREN, THOMAS McC., Box 532, Ford City, Pa. "Squire." First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Basketball Team, Intramural Swimming Medal, Honor Roll, Monogram Club. SCHMITT, THOMAS C., 6618 Tacoma Pk., Washington, D.C. "Tom." First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Athletics. SCHROEDER, BERNARD K., 519 Broadway, Camden, N.J. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Athletics. Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Glee Club. SCHROEDER, KENNETH J., 519 Broadway, Camden, N.J. "Ken." Second Year: Private Co. "C." Intramural Swimming Medal, Glee Club, Honor Roll. SEARCY, JAMES F., Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, Pa. "Squint." Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Intramural Athletics, Bible Class, Rifle Team. SEDWICK, DEX A., 350 Oak Ave., Kittanning, Pa. "Dex." Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Captain of the Varsity Football Team, Varsity Boxing Team, Monogram Club. SHAFER, HAROLD I., 426 Highland Ave., Kittanning, Pa. "Pete." First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Boxing Team, Monogram Club. SHIPLETT, JOHN E., JR., Mt. Sidney, Va. "Jack." Second Year: Private Co. C" SHIRES, MARSHALL, Alderson, W. Va. "Abie." First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Boxing Team, Varsity Baseball Team, Monogram Club. SHONO, JOSEPH L., 578 Merchant St., Ambridge, Pa. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Band, Sardine Athletics. Second Year: Corporal Band, Peep Athletics, President of the Junior Literary Society. Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Band, Peep Football Team, Varsity Basketball Squad. Fourth Year: Lieutenant Commander of the Band, Varsity Football Squad, Varsity Basketball Team, Glee Club, Monogram Club. SHOOK, CHARLES F., Westchester Apts., Washington, D.C. "Chuck." Second Year: Corporal Co. "A." Rifle Team. SMITH, CHARLES H., Independence, Va. "Smitty." Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "B." Bible Class, Varsity Wrestling Team, Cotillion Club, Monogram Club, Tiger Football Team. SMYTH, BERNARD B., 4343 Cathedral Ave., Washington, D.C. "Smyth." First Year: Private Co. "B." SNYDER, DON, (Did not complete entire school year.),Greensborough Pike, Wilksburgh, Pa. "Don." First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Football Team, Basketball Squad. SOMERVILLE, FENTON D., Winston, Va. "Kitten." Fifth Year: Second Lieutenant Co. "B." Assistant Captain Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club, Cheer Leader, Final Ball Committee. SOMERVILLE, WINSTON McN., Winston, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Boxing and Wrestling Medals, Peep Football Team, Varsity Wrestling Squad. Second Year: Private Co. "C." Y.M.C.A. Cabinet Honor Committee, Varsity Wrestling Squad, Peep Football Team. Third Year: Line Sergeant Co. "A." Treasurer of the Y.M.C.A., Captain of the Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club, Ad Astra Per Aspera Fraternity, Intramural Athletics. Fourth Year: First Lieutenant Co. "B." Varsity Football Squad, Captain of the Varsity Wrestling Team, Honor Committee, President of the Y.M.C.A., Monogram Club, Bible Class. Fifth Year: Captain Co. "B." Varsity Football Squad, intramural Athletics, Honor Committee, Vice-President of the Y.M.C.A., Captain Varsity Wrestling Team, Bible Class, Monogram Club. SOUFFRONT, CARLOS N., Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "D." Peep Athletics, Intramural Boxing Medial. Second Year: Private Co. "C." Peep Athletics, Varsity Boxing Squad, Intramural Boxing Medal. Third Year: Private Co. B" "Busted Aristocrat," Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club. Fourth Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "D." Varsity Wrestling Team, Peep Football Team, Monogram Club. SPOSATO, FRANCIS, 327 Hillside St., Syracuse, N.Y. "Spuz." First Year: Private Band, Varsity Football Team, Varsity Boxing Team, South Atlantic Prep 175-pound Boxing Champion, Monogram Club, Tumbling Coach. STEEL, BROCK, Jamestown Rd., Williamsburg, Va. "Brock." First Year: Private Co. "A." Tiger Football Team, Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club. STEPHENS, JACK, 7100 Mason St., San Antonio, Texas. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Athletics. Second Year: Corporal Co. "C." Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club, Honor Roll. STONE, WILLIAM L., Bland, Va. "Larry." First Year: Private Co. "A." Peep Football Team, Varsity Wrestling Squad. STUDEN, NICK N., 1225 Taylor St., Pueblo, Colo. "Nina." First Year: Private Band, Varsity Football Team, Varsity Basketball Team, Varsity Boxing Team, Monogram Club. SUMNER, FLETCHER K. (Did not complete entire school year.),Wytheville, Va. "Fletcher." First Year: Private Co. "A." Varsity Football Team. TALBOTT, JOHN R., 604 Rosalind Ave., Roanoke, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "A." Second Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Wrestling Squad. Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "C." Varsity Football Squad, Intramural Athletics, Assistant Literary Editor 1936 RECALL. TENCH, ROBERT W., 202 E. 43rd St., Brooklyn, N.Y. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "E" Intramural Athletics. Second Year: Private Co. "D." Sardine Athletics, Intramural Athletics. Third Year: Corporal Co. "D." Sardine Athletics, Intramural Athletics. Fourth Year: First Sergeant Co. "D." Intramural Athletics. TIGHE, THOMAS B., 2350 S. Mead St., Alexandria, Va. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "A." Intramural Athletics, Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club. Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Swimming Team, Monogram Club. TILLEY, ROBERT L., 3123 Stuart Ave., Richmond, Va. "Boots." Second Year: Private Drum Major Band, Intramural Athletics, Orchestra, Glee Club, Bible Class. TURNER, WILLIAM F., 6230 33rd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Bill." First Year: Private Band, Honor Roll, Tiger Football. TURP, ORRIN B., (Did not complete entire school year.), 201 E. 38th St., Wilmington, Del. "Twerp." First Year: Private Band. TYLER, GEORGE G., Rapidan, Va. Fourth Year: First Sergeant Co. "AA" Peep Athletics, Intramural Wrestling Medal, Varsity Wrestling Team, Monogram Club. VAN VOORHIS, EMMET, Dilliver, Pa. "Van." First Year: Private Co. "B." WALDRON, GEORGE J., (Did not complete entire school year.), 04 Schneider St., Syracuse, N.Y. "Slick." First Year: Private Co. "B." Varsity Boxing Squad, Varsity Baseball Team. WALES, SAMUEL S., Algonquin Pk., Norfolk, Va. "Steamship." Fourth Year: Second Lieutenant Co. "D." Intramural Athletics, Assistant Manger of the Baseball Team, Bible Class, Varsity Track Squad. WALKER, PHILLIP G., 2222 Q. St., N.W., Washington, D.C. "Phil." Second Year: Corporal Co. C" Peep Football Team, Intramural Swimming Medal, Rifle Team, Fencing Team. WALKER, STANTON, 317 N. Roper Ave., Gainesville, Fla. "Pots." First Year: Private Co. "C." Sardine Football Team, Intramural Swimming Medal. WEBSTER, THOMAS, Spokane, Wash. "Tom." First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Athletics, Bible Class. WELCH, RICHARD A., 2857 Water St., Keyser, W. Va. "Dick." Second Year: Corporal Co. "B." Intramural Boxing and Wrestling Medals, Varsity Football Team, Varsity Boxing Squad, Monogram Club. WELLIVER, GUY, 812 W. 1st St., Elmira, N.Y. "Wimpy." Second Year: Private Band. WELTE, WILLIAM D., Congressional Country Club, Washington, D.C. "Speed." First Year: Private Co. "C." Sardine Football Team, Intramural Wrestling Medal. WHITE, LORENTZ T., JR., 404 Whitaker Mill Rd., Raleigh, N.C. "White." First Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Athletics, Varsity Swimming Squad. WIENER, RICHARD H., 315 W. 10th St., New York City. "Wienie." Third Year: Corporal Co. "D." Intramural Athletics. WILLIAMSON, ENRIQUE, Monclova, Coah., Mexico. "Pancho Villa." Second Year: Private Co. "B." Intramural Athletics. WILSON, ROBERT L., 221 13th Ave., N.E., St. Petersburg, Fla. "Joe E." Fourth Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "D." Captain Sardine Football Team, President of the Junior Literary Society, Bible Class. WORTHINGTON, LESLIE D., Kinston, N.C. "Buddy." First Year: Private Co. "D." WRIGHT, DOUGLAS S., 1173 Potomac Ave., Hagerstown, Md. "Doug." Third Year: Platoon Sergeant Co. "B." Varsity Swimming Squad, Intramural Athletics. WRIGHT, HOUSTON, Hot Springs, Va. "Legs." First Year: Private Band, Tiger Football Team. WYATT, WILLIAM W., Hampton, Va. "Hiram." First Year: Private Co. "A." WYGAL, RENNY O., R.F.D., No. 3, Washington Hts., Roanoke, Va. "Bulldog." First Year: Private Co. "C." Intramural Boxing. YINGST, J. ALLEN, Cornwall, Pa. "Zinks." First Year: Private Band, Peep Football Team. YOUNG, HAROLD E., (Did not complete entire school year.), 2912 Field Ave., Detroit, Mich. "Bud." First Year: Private Co. "B." YOUNG, HERBERT W., Williamsburg, Va. "Herb." First Year: Private Co. "A." Rifle Team. YOUNG, JOHN S., 105 Penn Ave., Lynchburg, Va. "Little Tad." Second Year: Private Co. "B." ZERBEY, JOSEPH, 1441 Howard Ave., Pottsville, Pa. A Member of the Graduating Class. First Year: Private Co. "B." Tiger Football Team, Varsity Basketball Squad, Varsity Baseball Squad. Second Year: Corporation Co. "C." Varsity Football Team, Varsity Basketball Squad, Monogram Club.