BATH COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Armentrout Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Armentrout cemetery: 1937 Jan. 4 Research made by Russell G. Wood Cemetery Location: 2 miles west of Millboro Springs, Virginia Route #301 Bath County OWNERS: (1937) Mrs. Adam McLaughlin, present owner. DESCRIPTION: Private. In rather bad condition. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Joel Armentrout, a prosperous farmer, who owned 1500 acres of farming and grazing land, was buried in this cemetery. He was a member of Windy Cove Church for 50 years, and his wife died in that fellowship (Foot Note #1) Mary Elizabeth Dau. of Joel & Mary E. Armentrout Died Sept. 26 – 1860 Aged 7 yrs. 6 mo. 11 days SOURCES OF INFORMATION: (Foot Note #1) Information from Hardesty’s History of Bath, page 425. Informants: ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________