Miscellaneous Documents for JAMES STEUART - Bath County, VA Contributor: Merry Hanning --------------------------------------------------------------- Bath County, Virginia Marriage Bonds MARRIAGE BOND - JAMES STEUART AND NANCY MOORE Know all men by these presents, that we James Stuart and Henry Stuart are held and firmly bound unto the commonwealth of Virginia in one hundred and fifty dollars current money, to be paid to the commonwealth--to the which payment well and truly to be made--we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 17th day of October 1794. The condition of the above obligation is, that if there be no lawful cause to obstruct a marriage intended to be had and solomnized between the above bound James Stuart and Nancy Moore then the above obligation be void, else to remain in full force. James Steuart Henry Steuart Signed, sealed and acknowledged, in the presence of Chal Cameron, Cble ----------------------- PERMISSION FOR MARRIAGE OF NANCY MOORE TO JAMES STEUART BY MARGARET MOORE October 17th 1794 This is to certify that there is not any objection in James Stuart to have my daughter Nancy. Giving under my hand this day and date above written Margaret Moore Teste John Hughart Henry Steuart ----------------------- Transcribed from National Archives Microfilm REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION JAMES STEWART (STEUART) The Commonwealth of Virginia, Bath County, to wit, On this 12th day of February 1833 personally appeared before the Justices of the Court Court of Bath in the State of Virginia now sitting in open Court, James Stewart aged about seventy six years a resident of this County who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he was born on the 2d of January in the year 1757 in the County of Augusta (now Bath) in the state of Virginia that he entered the service of Virginia as a private in the year 1778 or 1779 and was drafted for and served a tour of three months to guard the frontier of Augusta County at Clover Lick Fort, against the Indians under the command of Captain Andrew Lockridge, he was discharged, but does not recollect receiving any written discharge. That in the year 1779 or 80 he was again drafted as a private and served a tour of one month to guard the frontiers of Augusta County at Warwicks Fort against the Indians under the command of Captain Thomas Hicklin and was discharged but received no written discharge. And that he was again drafted as a private in the year 1781 and served a three month tour of duty against the British was marched from Augusta County under the command of Captain Thomas Hicklin, Lieutenant Joseph Gwin and Ensign Thomas Wright who were under the command of Colonel Sampson Matthews and Colonel William Bowyer down to New Castle crossed James River at Shady Point and next day joined the army from thence he marched to Suffolk and thence to Camp Carson where he was stationed during winter and where he took a prisoner he was frequently in scouting parties and in the month of March marched to Portsmouth and was there in a skirmish in which several prisoners were taken and the next day marched back to Camp Carson where he was discharged but received no written discharge. He further states that in June 1781 he was again drafted as a private and served a tour of twenty days, he marched on horseback from Augusta County to James Town under the command of Captain Peter Hall and Colonel John McCreery, was in the battle at James Town and was then discharged but received no written discharge. He further states that he served a tour of one month and ten days as a substitute for James Carlile in the year 1781 during that time he crossed and recrossed James River at Westham in pursuit of General Tarlton and was in the counties of Chesterfield and Amelia and the town of Petersburg he was discharged but received no written discharge. He is not in possession of any documentary evidence by which he can establish the fact of his services as above set forth - That he does not know of any person now living by whom he could prove the same that there is no minister of the Gospel residing in his neighborhood. That John Sharp, John Carlyle and William McClung are his neighbors who will testify as to his character for veracity and their belief as to his services as a revolutionary soldier that he has no record of his age and that he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed this day and year aforesaid. James Steuart (Signed) -------------------------- Bath County, VA Wills Will Book 4 Pages 568-571 WILL OF JAMES STEUART In the name of God, Amen. I, James Steuart of the County of Bath and State of Virginia, being of sound mind and disposing memory, for which, I thank God. But being weak in body and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life, am disposed to make distribution of this worlds goods, that God has pleased to help me with, in the manner and form following. Viz. In the first place, it is my will and desire, that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. 2nd. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane Steuart all my household and kitchen furniture, together with the bed and bedding, etc. that may not be disposed of otherwise, to her and her heirs forever. I will Negro man Harry to be to her used during her natural life, also Negro woman Hannah during her natural life, also Negro girl Bitsy to her and her heirs forever. Also the use of the house and kitchen-house, yard, garden and the use of as much fruit as necessary for family use, and the land in the orchard and the piece below the orchard, during her natural life. I will to her the choice of two horses out of my stock of horses, her choice of my cows forn and ten head of sheep her choice of the flock, to her and her heirs. Also the small stable. 3rd. I will and bequeath to my eldest son William Steuart that plantation on which he now lives, by paying five hundred dollar. Beside what has been paid already. Also, I will him on dollar, to him and his heirs forever. 4th. I will and bequeath to my son James Steuart, a portion of my home place. Viz. A piece, in the Fork Lick bottom, then down the meanders of the river to the Sugar Tree Bottom, then with the fence as now divided. Also a survey of two hundred acres made on the south of my lands, also have of the Clover-Lick survey, to be divided by a conditional line agreed on, and to be marked off, to him and his heirs forever. (he resided on sd. lands now). 6th. I will and bequeath to my son Jno B. Steuart one Negro boy named Philip, and one Negro child named Jude, to him and his heirs forever. Also, I release him from the payment of a hundred dollar bond, now in the hands of my son, James Steuart. Also my old waggon, to him and heirs forever. 7th. I will and bequeath to my son St. Clair Steuart the balance of the home place, not otherwise disposed of, also one half of the Clover Lick survey to run with a line marked off, also a survey on the west side of said place, also part of the survey made joining the home and bottom land by a line to be named hereafter, said land I reside on now, to him and his heirs forever. Also, one Negro man Harry at the decease of my wife Jane Steuart, to him and his heirs forever. Also, all my farming utensils, wind mill in the barn, my rifle gun to him and his heirs forever. Also a five hundred dollar bond on my son Wm Steuart, and all at any time heretofore given him to him and his heirs forever. Also as an equivalent, I will that my son St. Clair Steuart furnish my wife Jane Steuart in the comfortable necessaries of life such as meat, bread, fire wood, etc. Also pasture and wintering for her stock. Also, to furnish my brother Usher Steuart in a comfortable living and a decent burying. Also, I will that boy Harry when not in the immediate employee of my wife Jane Steuart, that he work on the farm under the control of my son St. Clair Steuart. 8th. I will and bequeath to my son Robert Steuart the upper end of my lands adjoining Geo. Erwin on the Cowpasture and extending down below the mill to a marked white oak tree, by the river side, thence to the back fence a straight line to a marked white oak on the out side; thence to a north east direction on the marked line, to a tree on the point of a ridge, thence more north to a marked tree, above the meadow ground hollow on the top of the ridge below Tom's Cabin Hollow, thence on a straight line to a small swamp below the mouth of the cold spring hollow (Tharp's pitch orchard hollow) to two marked trees, then all the land owned by me above, to Geo. Ervins land, to him and his heirs forever. Also one man slave named George to him and his heirs forever. And all at any time heretofore given him. 9th. I will and bequeath to my daughter Dorothy Ervin one Negro give named Milly Ann to her and her heirs forever, also, fifty dollars, in cash, to her and her heirs for ever. 10th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Friel on Negro girl named Violet to her and her heirs forever. Also, a portion of my mountain land, Viz. to include all the land that will be on the west of a straight line to run in a parallel line with a division fence which separates cau's field from the other improved land, that is to make a straight line from the back line to the road, thence to a corner on the point of the ridge south east from the house to her and her husband during their natural lives, then to descend to their sons and their heirs forever. Also, to have the use of cau's field during the time said Jane and Wm Friel continue to live there. 11th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly Hupman, one slave Negro child called Eley Ann, to her and her heirs forever. 12th I give and bequeath to my son St. Clair Steuart the balance of my mountain land to him and his heirs forever. 13th. I leave to the use of my son Robt. A. Steuart the pine timber included in the piece of land marked off by the Clover Lick during the time he continues to live where he now resides. 14th. I give to my son's my library of books to be equally divided, that may not be otherwise disposed of. 15th. I give and bequeath to my son Jno B. Steuart my silver watch, also my old black smith tools, to him and his heirs forever. 16th. I leave to my wife Jane Steuart my family bible. 17th. I will and direct that my son Robert A. Steuart leave an open lane above the mill to the Bull-Pasture Mountain side, for the benefit of St. Clair Steuart to do hauling, etc. 18th. I will and direct that Negro woman Hannah be left free at the death of my beloved wife Jane Steuart and is to have her choice of living with any of the members of my family and also that one good cow be left to her, out of the property left to my wife Jane Steuart. 19th. I will and bequeath, that all the ballance, of my property not particularly mentioned, be left jointly between my beloved wife Jane Steuart and my son John B. Steuart, or my son Jno B. Steuart may take Negro woman Rachel, and Increase, should he think proper, to his part, and the balance to go to my wife Jane Steuart, to them and their heirs forever. 20th. I will and direct that my executor be not required to give security. And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my son John B. Steuart, Executor of my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills, by me made, in testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six. James Steuart Signed and acknowledge, in the presence of John Gwin William E. Gwin Moses Gwin Bath County Court October Term 1841 This last will and testament of James Steuart decd. was presented in Court and proved by the oath of John Gwin and Moses Gwin subscribing witnesses there to and ordered to be recorded Teste S. A. Porter -------------------------------- Bath County, VA Will Book 5 Pages 22-23 The Apraisment Bill of the Goods and Chattels of James Steuart dec'd. rendered by me J.B. Stuart, Ex. Dec 23rd 1841 One large table server Two dishes, two tea pots, cream jug and salt seller One candle stick, one looking glass One bureau One large wheel, one small do One small do, one reel, two plains One two inch barrel auger One trunk, one table One bed and bedding, bed-sted, and cord One do and do One large kettle and boles, one pot and do. Two wooden boles, one cooler One still and worm, one slack tub Two large hogsheads One bay horse One light brindle cow and one speckled do. One red and white do., 7 head of sheep One cupboard, one falling leaf table One coffee mile, One puter basin Two jars one crock, one large Bible One large chest, one pair stillard One pail, coffee pot strainer One bole, smothing iron Two hackels, One fire shovel One large oven and boles, one small do. Two pot racks, one meal sifter One large copper kettle One sorrel horse One brindle cow Two chairs One large kettle Two one year old cattle (Total) 291.05 According to an Order of October Court and to us directed, we, being first sworn attended at the late residence of James Steuart dec'd and appraised as shown us by the executor, the goods and chattles thereof to the best of our skill and judgement, and the above is a true inventory thereof. Given under our hands this 23rd day of Dec 1841. Moss Gwin William E. Gwin Hamilton Benson Bath County Court September Term 1843 This Inventory and Appraisement of the personal Estate of James Steuart dec'd was so returned to Court and ordered to be recorded Teste S.A. Porter (seal) ------------------------------------ Bath County, Virginia Will Book 5 Pages 23-24 SALE BILL of goods and chattles of James Steuart dec'd, this 23rd of December 1841 One large waiter and Two dishes Two tea pots and One cream jug candle stick and salt sellar One looking glass One bureau One small wheel One small wheel One large wheel One reel, One bole One hogshead, One cooler One large bole One large auger, One large table Two plains One trunk, One small table One bed and bedding, cord and sted One bed and bedding, cord and sted One large kettle One pot and boles One still, worm and tubs One large hoghead One light brindle cow One red and white brindle cow One speckled brindle cow Seven sheep One meal sieve, One coffee mill One puter basin, One pail One large bible, Two jars, One crock Two hackels and large chest One fire shovel One smothing iron, One bole One oven small One large oven, One pot rack One pot rack One large copper kettle One falling leaf table, Two chairs One large kettle One cupboard One pair stillard Two one year old cattle One sorrel horse One brindle cow One bay horse Two pots (Total) $270.07 Rendered by me Jno B. Steuart, Exe. of James Steuart dec'd this 5th of Sept 1843. Bath Count Court September Term 1842 - This Sale Bill of the personal estate of James Stuart dec'd was returned to court and ordered to be recorded Teste S.A. Porter, Clk ----------------------------------------------- Bath County, Virginia Book 6 Page 19 SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR JAMES STEUART ESTATE In presence of an order of the County Court of Bath made at its February term 1844 the undersigned commissioner proceeded on the 3rd day of April 1844 to settle the account of John B. Steuart Executor of James Steuart dec'd as follows. To wit: John B. Steuart In ase To amt Sale Bill $269.75 list on same from 3rd december 1842 up to the 3rd of April 1844 71.58 ------- CV $291.33 By ticket paid Stephen A. Porter Clerk of Bath County 3.03 interest on same .63 By ticket paid John Gwin for attending at the courthouse as witness to the will 1.00 By ticket paid Tho Douglas for crying sale principal and interest 2.24 By ticket paid Stephen A. Porter prin & inst 1.79 By ticket paid Hamilton Benson as one of the appraisers 2.00 By ticket paid Clerk of Bath Court .36 An account paid Dr. John T. Blair and interest on same up to this date 12.80 An account paid Rebecca Conley with interest 12.55 Paid commissioner for making settlement 2.00 ------- Amount paid out on the 3rd April 1844 $38.40 Commission on the same of 5 percent allowed by commisiones 1.72 ------- $40.12 Amt due as by settlement with commissioners $251.21 By the foregoring statement it appears that there was on the 3rd of April 1844 in the hands of the executor the sum of $251.21 all of which things are respectfully submitted by Chas Steuart, Com Bath County Court January Term 1855 This settlement of the Executoral accounts of John B. Steuart Executor of James Steuart dec'd was presented in court and ordered to be recorded. Teste S.A. Porter, Clk ****************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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