Will of Peter Bright (1806 - 1872) Source: Bath Co., VA Will Book 6, Page 594 Submitted by: Wayne Coffey [wcoffey@mindspring.com] --------------------------------------------------- This is to certify that I Peter Bright, a citizen of Bath County near Green Valley in the State of Virginia do hereby make and constitute this to be my last will and Testament revoking and disassembling all others heretofore made by me in manner following (to wit) first after all my just debts are paid for which purpose I order my executors as soon as practical to sell my two tracts of land known as the wolfman tract of 115 acres and the other, the Scotchtown tract of 81 acres and to apply the proceeds of the same to paying of my debts. I first acknowledge one hundred and fifty dollars due to my son, John E. Bright for services rendered to me after he was of age, also I acknowledge sixty five dollars due my son Wm. Henry Bright which I have executed my Bond for. I also acknowledge fifty dollars due my son James Luther Bright for services rendered after he was of age. Secondly I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Bright if she survives me, all the balance of my real and personal estate during her natural life time to hold and use for her comfort and support and after her death, I order what is left of real and personal estate to be sold and equally divided between all my legal heirs and __relatives. Lastly I appoint my son John E. Bright and my wife Elizabeth Bright as my executor and executrix. Given ___ under my hand and seal this twenty first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy two in presence of Peter Bright (Seal) David N. Wandless John H. Jordon P.S. If my son John E. Bright should not be here to act as my executor, I appoint my son Wm Henry Bright to act in his place. Peter Bright (Seal) I do further more bequeath to my everdutiful and faithful son John E. Bright a sorrel colt called ___ and a rifled gun which I bought for my son James L. Bright. These I desire him to have if he should return home and remain. I do further more desire my son Wm. H. Bright to satisfy himself for repairs to be done to sawmill out of the _______ said sawmill yard. Peter Bright (Seal) Teste: Wm. C.S. Jordon John H. Jordon In the County Court of Bath County April 8, 1873. This last will and Testament with a codicil thereto amended of Peter Bright dec’d was presented in court and proved by the oath of David N. Wandless, John H. Jordon, William C.S. Jordon the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste Wm. H. McDonald, Clk. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.