Botetourt County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Court.....Minutes, County Court July 1780 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 5, 2007, 4:06 pm Source: Annals Of S W Virginia Written: July 1780 At a court held for Botetourt County the 13th day of July, 1780. Present: George Skillern, Pat Lockhart, James Barnett, Wm. Ward, Andw. Woods, Wm. Davidson, & Adam Smyth, Gen. Justices. The Commonwealth against Sarah Summerfield a jury sworn to enquire whether the said Sarah is a person attached to the interests of the United States or not towit: Malcom Allen, Geo. Poage, Thomas Hall, Samuel Walker, Joseph Kyle, Saml. McRoberts, Moses Tulley, Jesse Clark, Tollefaro Craig, George Guim, Saml. Lawrence, and John Withers, ,who retd. a verdt. awarding 300 lbs. to the Commonwealth against Richard Summerfield for certain offences committed by his wife against this State, and it is ordered that judgment be given for the same with costs. & ___ The Commonwealth against Geo. Robinson a jury sworn, towit: Josiah Phipps, Solomon Lawrence, James Taylor, Joseph Looney, John Taylor, Wm. Cateret, Wm. Martin, John Keenny, Wm. Stewart, Andw. Armstrong, Jonathan Newman, Joseph Carroll to enquire whether the said Robinson is a person inimical to the liberties of America or not, returned their verdict in these words: "We the jury find for the use of the Commonwealth five hundred pounds current money." And it is ordered that judgment be given for the same with costs &c. The Commonwealth against John Griffeth a jury sworn (towit): Malcom Allen and others the same jury as in the trial against Sarah Summerfield except Jacob Carper in the room of Samuel Walker to enquire whether the said Griffeth be a person attached to the interests of the United States. Returned a verdict for the defendant, upon which the court were of opinion that the said defendant should find security for his good behaviour for & during the term of twelve months and a day from this date, to be bound himself in the sum of ten thousand pounds and his securities in the sum of five thousand pounds. Geo. Skillern, Gentleman, is recommended to his Excellency the Governor as a fit person to execute the office of County Lieutenant for this County. James Mitchell is apptd. Deputy Clerk in this County who took the oath required by law. Geo. Poage is excused from paying a levy for a Negro Fellow of his by the name of Harry, it appearing to the court that he is a charge to his Master. John Watkins is apptd. Surveyor of the Road in the room of John Ritchey who is dischd. from that office. Hugh Crockett is recommended to his Excellency the Governor as a fit person to execute the office of Colo. of the Militia in this County, Wm. Ward Lieutenant Colo. and Thomas Rowland Major, Doctr. John Wood as Captain in Captain Rowland's Company, John Mills, Junr., Lieutenant, Wm. McClelan Ensign, James Woods is appointed Lieutenant in Captain Robinson's Company, Joseph Looney is appointed Capt. in Captain McMurtray's Company, John Reynolds Lieut. and Absolum Looney Ensign. Ord. that Captain Lockhart take into his custody a Negro woman named Hannah Jackson who was taken up some time ago and delivered to this court as a run away, untill he can obtain certain accounts whether she be free or not, but is not to be anserable for her in case she should make her escape. Ordered that Jesse Clark take charge of this court house who is hereby permitted to make use of one of the jury rooms as a dwelling house and to keep the courthouse in repair, and is to give security to Captain Lockhart to endemnify the court against the County in case the buildings may be destroyed through negligence. Ord. that Archibald Kyle be summoned to appear at the next court to shew cause why he shall not be fined for shutting up the road loading from his house to Peter Dierley's house. Ord. that the ct. be adjd. till court in course The mins. of these prcdgs. were signed by George Skillern Additional Comments: Extracted from: Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800 BY LEWIS PRESTON SUMMERS Member of American Historical Association, Virginia Historical Society; Alumnus University of Virginia and Tulane University (Louisiana); Member American Bar Association, Virginia State Bar Association Author of HISTORY OF SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA 1740-1786 WASHINGTON COUNTY VIRGINIA 1777-1870 PUBLISHED BY LEWIS PRESTON SUMMERS ABINGDON, VIRGINIA 1929 COPYRIGHT, 1929, BY LEWIS PRESTON SUMMERS MANUFACTURED COMPLETE BY THE KINGSPORT PRESS KINGSPORT, TENNESSEE United States of America File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.0 Kb