Deed Book 3; Botetourt County Virginia Circuit Court Clerk's Office ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legalrepresentative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWebarchivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ P. 393 This Indenture made this 8 Day of August one thousand seven hundred & eighty six between William Terry & Patiance his wife of the county of Botetourt of the one part & Martain Mason of the same county of the other part. Witneseth that the said William Terry & Patiance his wife for the consideration of one hundred fifty pounds curent Money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Martain Mason the recept whereof is here by acknowledge have granted bargained & sold aliened and confirmed unto the said Martain Mason his Heirs & assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred & twenty seven acres more or less in Botetourt county on Roanoak joining the Land of George Hannah being the land whereon the said Martain Mason now lives & lyes within the county hereafter mentioned BEGINING at a Hiecory & black Oak then North eighty three degrees East thirty two poles to two black Oaks North eleven degrees East thirty six poles to three white Oak on a Ridge North seventy six poles to two black Oaks North sixty three degrees West fifty three poles to two white Oaks South twenty eight West twelve poles to a black Oak South eighty degrees West eighty poles to a white Oak North thirty degrees West thirty poles to a white Oak corner to George Hannah & with his line North eighty West fourty two poles to his corner white Oak West ninty eight Poles to a black Oak South twenty degrees East fourty six poles to a black Oak & two white Oaks South thirty degrees East thirty six poles a white Oak & two black Oaks South eighty degrees East thirty six poles to three blacks South sixty degrees East fourty foure poles to a white Oak by a Burch South twenty degrees East twenty eight poles to two black Oak South fifty degrees East twenty poles to a white Oak and black Oak North fourty two degrees East one hundred poles to the Begining with all profit advantages and appertainances what soever to the said Tract or Tenement blonging or\ in any ways appertaining and also Revision & Reversions & Remainder & Remainders of the premises and every part thereof & also all the estate Rights Title Interest Claime and Demand whatsoever of these said William Terry and Patiance his wife in & to the premises or any part thereof To have & to hold all & singular the premises with the appertainance to the said Martain Mason his heirs & assigns to the sale 4 proper use & behoof of the said Martain Mason his heirs & assigns for ever & the said William Terry & Patiance his wife for themselves there Heirs the said Tenements priciples & every part there of against them the said William Terry & Patiance his wife there heirs & every other person or persons what so ever to Martain Mason his heirs & assigned shell & will warrant & for ever defend by there presents IN WITNESS whereof the said William Terry & Patiance his wife has here unto set there hand & affixed there seals the day & year above written Signned sealed & delivered in presence of us William Terry (mark) Pataince Terry (mark) 394 August Botetourt Court 1786 This Indenture of Bargain and Sale was acknowledged by William Terry there upon ordered to be recorded Tate A Smyth DC Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Frank E. Mason frankemason @