BUCHANAN COUNTY, VA - CENSUS - 1880 Census, Owens Surname ====================================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the Virginia USGenWeb Archives by: Susan Ryntz SissyRZ@aol.com ====================================================================================== 1800 Buchanan County, Virginia Census Owens Suname Year Enum. Page Family Name Age Relation Dist. No. No. 1880 16 1 1 Owens, James M. 49 Owens, Amey A. 40 Owens, Albert 19 Owens, Floyd 17 16 4 Owens, William 57 Owens, Sarah 44 Owens, Sampson 19 Owens, Lorenzo D. 12 Owens, Amey A. 9 Owens, K---? 8 son Owens, Andrew 6 Owens, Pheley 4 Owens, William 2 Owens, Harden 1 16 10 Owens, William 33 Owens, Barbara 29 Owens, George W. 12 Owens, Elisha 10 son Owens, B----? 6 son Owens, Mary J. 4 Owens, James 1 16 11 Owens, Andrew J. 36 Owens, Louisa E. 31 Owens, Columbus 10 Owens, Malinda 8 Owens, Pricy J. 6 Owens, Larkin 4 16 16 Owens, Smith 24 servant (residing w/Anderson Runion) 16 36 Owens, Andrew J. 24 Owens, Phebey 24 Owens, Londy (?) 8 Owens, Mindy 6 Owens, Harden 4 Owens, Martha 1 16 37 Owens, Harden 86 Owens, Deliah 67 wife Owens, Jasper (?) 21 16 38 Owens, Almareen 24 Owens, Mary 20 wife Owens, Lidda M. 1 16 18 Owens, Martin 18 (he did have at least a wife) 16 23 184 Owens, Almareen 44 Owens, Phebey 41 Owens, P---? 20 dau. Owens, Margrate (?) 19 Owens, Nancy 17 Owens, Lorenzo D. 15 Owens, Martha 13 Owens, James 11 Owens, William W. 9 Owens, Morgan T. 7 Owens, Andrew J. 5 Owens, Lidda 3 Owens, Pheley 36962 Owens, Rebeckah 36962 16 24 188 Owens, James 30 Owens, Silvia 24 Owens, Albert 7 Owens, Burbridge 6 Owens, Alm----? 5 Owens, Martha 2 16 25 197 Owens, Pricey 48 (head) (there were others in this household) 16 39 298 Owens, Noah 30 Owens, Ellen 25 Owens, Rosina 8 Owens, Loundy 6 son Owens, Cornealus 4 Owens, Mary A. 2 16 41 317 Owens, Harden 39 Owens, Lydia A. 26 Owens, Pricy 12 Owens, Martha A. 8 Owens, Elisabeth 4 Owens, Mary A. 2 16 42 320 Owens, Mathew 35 Owens, Lucretia 30 Owens, Isabell 12 Owens, Thomas 11 Owens, Mary 8 Owens, William M. 6 Owens, Diana (?) 4 dau. Owens, Pricey M. 2 16 46 359 Owens, Elisha 33 Owens, Sarah 36 Owens, Birtha A. 14 dau. Owens, Letty 9 Owens, William 7 Owens, Elizah 5 son Owens, Meradeth 3 son