Jones Gift Deed, 1799 - Campbell Co. VA Deed Book 4, page 572 June 10, 1799 Page 572 } Jones to Jones} Deed of gift } This Indenture made this 10th Day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine between Thomas Jones senr. of Campbell County of the one Part and Powhatan Jones his grandson an infant of the other Part. Witnesseth that he the said Thomas Jones intended to have given to his son Thomas Jones junr. a certain Parcel of Land off the upper end of the falling River Tract and that he the said Thomas Jones junr pos'sesed the Place tho without a Deed lived and died there and left this one son Powhatan Jones an infant for and in consideration whereof he the said Thomas Jones senior hath given and by these Presents doth give grant alien and confirm unto him the said Powhatan Jones his heirs and assigns for ever one certain tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred and twenty five acres be the same more or less the same being part of 2314 acres granted to Thomas Jones and his son Thomas who is now Thomas Jones senr. By Patent bearing Date August 16, 1756 (situate in Campbell County on both sides of Falling River & Beginning at old corner red oak on the river bank east side at the mouth of a small branch thence with the old line S50 E24 Poles to corner Pointers S50 W74 Poles [could be either 24 or 74 poles. The number was definitely marked through] to corner Pine S20 W16 poles to Pointers thence dividing lines N73 W50 poles to falling river then cross the river to the mouth of manlys Creek and up the Creek 14 poles to a treple horn beam [??] off N40 W66 poles to a shrub white oak N 14 W 54 poles to a shrub white oak on the Patent Line near Tanners thence with the Patent Lines N80 Page 573}E86 poles to corner Pointers N10 E10 poles to corner Pine N 86 E76 poles to corner Pine N35 E30 Poles to corner Pine N80 E12 Poles to corner white Oak upper corner on the River and down the river as it meanders to and crossing to the beginning . To Have and to Hold the above granted Land and premises with every of the appurtenances priviledges profits and enjoyment there unto appertaining with the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders and every Part and Parcell thereof unto him the said Powhatan Jones his heirs and assigns for ever and he the said Thomas Jones Senr. Doth for himself his heirs covenant grant and agree to and with him the said Powhatan his heirs and assigns that he the said Thomas Jones and his heirs the above granted land and Premises free from the claim or demands of all other person or Persons whatsoever unto him the said Powhatan Jones now an infant his heirs and as'signs shall and will by these Presents warrant and for ever defend in witness where of he the said Thomas Jones senior hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the Day and year first above written} Thomas Jones Senr {Ss} Signed Sealed and acknowledge In Presence of MEMORANDUM. That on the day and year first within written Livery of Seisin of the within granted Land and Premises was by the within named Thomas Jones Senior made done and executed unto him the within named Powhatan Jones according to the Tenor of the within written Deed. In Presence of Thomas Jones senr. {Ss} At a court held for Campbell County June 10th 1799. This Indenture together with the memorandum of Livery of Seisin there on Indorsed was acknowledged by Thomas Jones Senior. Party thereto and ordered to be Recorded. Teste Ro. Alexander C.C.C. _____ Livery Seisen= legal delivery of property to the new owner who has the right to pass on the title through inheritance. Submitted by Tom Almquist **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************