CAMPBELL COUNTY, VA - DEEDS - Nathan and Lucy Thurman to John Franklin, 22 Oct 1804 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Deed Book 6 page 588 This indenture made this twenty second day of October one thousand eight hundred and four between Nathan THURMAN and Lucy his wife of the County of Campbell of the one part and John FRANKLIN of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Nathan THURMAN and Lucy his wife for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred and sixty Pound current money to them in hand and the receipt whereof they hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed unto the said FRANKLIN and to his heirs and assignees forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the waters of Falling River containing by survey four hundred and eighty four and ½ acres be the same more or less and bounded as followed to wit. Beginning at Pointers in William O. WINSTON'S line this being a part of a tract formerly his thence north fifty degrees west ninety eight poses to a scrubby white oak in the said line still in the same eight one degrees west ninety eight poles to a shrub white oak south forty six degrees west three hundred and seventy poles to white oak on said line thence new lines south twenty seven that forty two poles to a stake thence south eighty four degrees east two hundred and sixteen poles to Pointers in the old line thence with the same North thirty four degrees east three hundred and seventy poles to the beginning. To have and to hold the aforesaid land and promise with every appurtenance thereunto belonging clear of encumbrance to him the said John FRANKLIN his heirs and assigns forever and they the said Nathan THURMAN and Lucy his wife shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defend the above said land and premises with all its appurtenances as to him the said John FRANKLIN his heirs and successors. In witness where of they have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this day and date first above within. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of John T. HOWL, Richard THURMAN, Anthony ASKEW his Nathan x Thurman (seal) Mark Memorandum That one the day and date within written possession of the within land and premises was held by Nathan THURMAN and Lucy his wife and was then given to John Franklin according to the tenor of the written deed. His Nathan x Thurman (seal) Mark In presence of teste John T. HOWL, Richard THURMAN, Anthony ASKEW, Campbell County of the Commonwealth of Virginia to Robert HUNTER and Oliver W. REYNOLDS gentlemen justices of Campbell County greeting. Whereas Nathan THURMAN by his certain indenture of bargain and sale bearing date the 22nd day of October 1804 hath sold and conveyed unto John FRANKLIN four hundred and eighty four and one half acres of land lying and being in the County of Campbell and whereas Lucy the wife of the said Nathan THURMAN cannot conveniently travel to our County Court of Campbell to make acknowledgement of the said conveyance therefore we do give unto you or my two or more of you power to receive the acknowledgement which the said Lucy shall be willing to make before you of the conveyance aforesaid contained in the said indenture which is hereto annexed and we command you that you do personally go to the said Lucy receive her acknowledgement and examine her privately and apart from the said Nathan THURMAN her husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without the persuasion or threats of her said husband and whether she is willing that the same be recorded in our said court and when you have examined and received her acknowledgement as aforesaid that you distinctly and plainly send and certify us thereof in our said court under your hands and seals returning also the said indenture and this writ. Witness Robert ALEXANDER Clerk of our said court the 30th day of October 1804 in the 29th year of the common wealth. Robert Alexander Campbell County towit. By virtue of the within commission to us directed we have examined Lucy the wife of Nathan THURMAN to the indenture annexed and she freely and voluntarily relinquishes all claim of dower in the lands and premises conveyed by the said indenture without the persuasions or threat of her said husband and is willing that the same be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 31st day of October 1804. Robert Hunter (seal) O.W. Reynolds (seal) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah Parks ___________________________________________________________________