CAMPBELL COUNTY, VA - MILITARY - William Truitt, Revolutionary War Pension Record ----¤¤¤---- Revolutionary War Pension Record William Truitt #6266, Private. Invalid. Rev. War. June 7th, 1832, Vol. M, Page 378. Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress ( ?) the 7th June 1832. State of Virginia Campbell County. On this 12th. day of November 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the County of Campbell, now setting, Wm. Truit a resident in the county of Campbell and state of Virginia. Age seventy-two years who being first sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress says the 7th. June, 1832 that he entered the service of the United States under the following named officer and served as herein stated. I was drafted in the month of February 1781 and joined a company of militia commanded by Capt. Roland Ward and Lt. Daniel Jones. We marched to Chesterfield Court House and stationed there two weeks and a few days and were discharged. About the first of March 1781 I again entered the service of the United States in a company of militia commanded by Capt. John Dennis and Lt. Archer Jones. I was at that time a resident of Amelia County, Virginia. We marched to Richmond crossing James River about eight miles above at Tuckahoe. At Richmond we joined for three or four weeks making Richmond headquarters. We left Richmond, marched by the way of Scotch Town in Hanover county where we (intended?) to meet the enemy. From thence, we were discharged after serving two months. At Amelia Court House about the 15th. June 1781 I enlisted in the Virginia state line under Capt. Peter Randolph, Lt. Louallen Hutson and Ensign Patterson. We marched from said to Perry's (?) ordinary in the county of Chesterfield where we were stationed about a month from thence to Geneto Bridge in Powhatan County, Va. After being here a few days we were ordered to march to York Town, Va. and marched as far as Richmond and were discharged having learnt that Cornwallas had surrendered. I was from the time I enlisted to the time I was discharged four months in the service. I was born in 1760 in the county of King William and when I entered the service I was a resident of Amelia County. I have no documentary evidence and I know of no person whose testimony I can provide who can certify to my services. I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and I do (?) that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. William Truit We, Abner Early, a clergyman residing in Campbell county, and Jesse Burton residing in the same, do hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William Truit who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be seventy two years of age that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we (?) in that opinion. Sworn, subscribed to the day and year aforesaid. Abner Early From questions asked by the court, the information can be found in the statement. One answer was, " I was drafted for the first tour, but after my discharge from the militia I enlisted in the regular army during the war. In the regular army the regiment to which I was attached was commanded by Gen. Muhlenburg and Col. A.(Averett) Mead. 1835 Pension Roll. Wm. Truitt, Pvt. Campbell Co., Va. Militia $21.66 annual allowance; $54.16 received Jan. 31, 1833. Pension started age 74. Selected Final Pension Payment Vouchers. R929.375/P615S/1999/Vol. 2 Truitt, William Richmond 1832 Campbell County, Va. 22 Sept. 1834, William Truit [his X mark], 74 or 75 years old (former private under Capt. Peter Randolph, Col. Averett Meade), resident of this county for about 40 years and previous thereto of Amelia County, appoints Jourdan Anthony attorney to collect pension due from 4 Sept. 1833 to 4 Sept. 1834; witnesses John I. White, Thomas Murrell. Richmond, 22 Oct. 1834, J. Anthony collected $21.66. Truitt, William. Pvt. Virginia Line. # 7303. 200 acres. Executive Department, Richmond 18 Dec., 1832. William Truit is allowed Land Bounty for his services as a soldier in the state line for the war if not heretofore drawn. The Register will issue a warrant accordingly. Know all men by these presents that I, William Truit, of the County of Campbell and State of Virginia do make, constitute and appoint James B. Denning of said county & state my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name to apply for and receive from the Land Office of the State of Virginia the grant or warrant for the land I am entitled to for my services during the Revolutionary War as a soldier of the Virginia State Line, agreeable to an act of congress, passed and to do for me and in my name all necessary and requisite acts for procuring the titles to the land aforesaid hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney shall do as fully as if I had done the same. In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 22 day of January 1832. To Wit: This day William Truit personally appeared before me, Charles A. Lynch, a justice of the Peace for the county aforesaid, and acknowledged the above power of attorney to be his act and deed in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my land and affixed my seal in my county this 22nd of January 1833. Signed, Charles A. Lynch. January 29th 1833. Received of the Register Warrant #7303 for 200 acres. James G. Denning, Atty. for Wm. Truit. William Truitt, deceased by October 1834. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Michael Clardy ___________________________________________________________________