Campbell-Appomattox-Buckingham County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Oglesby, Thomas February 4, 1786 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Victor Oglesby February 23, 2007, 4:24 pm Source: Photocopy Of Original Will And Estate Inventory Written: February 4, 1786 Recorded: January 9, 1787 Will of Thomas Oglesby In the name of God Amen the forth [sic] day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six I Thomas Oglesby of Campbell County being in Health of Body and of Sound mind and memory therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my Body knowing that it is apointed [sic] for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say punctually and first I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me and as Touching such Wordly [sic] good wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and Dismise [sic] and dispeace [sic] of the same in the following manner and form. Item I lend unto my loving Wife Lucy enduring [sic] her natural Life the Thirds of the Land and plantation the House Included where I now live and after her Discease [sic] I give unto my son Richard one hundred acres of the said abovementioned Land the abovementioned House Included I also give unto my Son Thomas Three Hundred acres of Land being the remaining part of the aforementioned Tract I also give unto my Son Richard One Hundred and forty six acres of Land ajoining [sic] the Tract I Formerly gave him I also give unto my loving Wife Lucy Seven Hundred and Thirty acres and an half acres of Land lying in Buckingham county laying [sic] on The Branches of Wreck Island and James River dispose of as she pleases I also lend unto my loving Wife Lucy the Third part of the negroes namely Peter Sepear Jane Jude Sam Jack Ben Rachel Nan Bob Pat Fanna also of the Stock and moveables Induring her natural Life I also give unto my Two Sons Richard and Thomas the remaining two Thirds of the above mentioned negroes Stock and moveables. Item I give unto my Grand Son Thomas Oglesby Rosser one negroe man named York under the care of Jonathan Rosser. I likewise constitute my son Richard Oglesby and Lucy my Wife Executricks [sic] of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and date above mentioned. his Teste Thomas X Oglesby mark Benjamin Pendleton John Harris Mary x Harris At a Court held for Campbell county January 9th 1787: The within last Will and Testament of Thomas Oglesby Decd was proved by the oaths of Benjamin Pendleton and John Harris Witnesses thereto Subscribed and Ordered to be Recorded. And on the motion of Richard Oglesby the Executor herein named who made oath thereto according to Law Certificate is granted him for obtaining probate thereof in due form giving Security Whereupon he together with Charles Hall William Gilliam Charles Gilliam and John Helm his Securities entered into and acknowledged Their Bond in the Penalty of Two Thousand pounds conditioned as the Law Directs for the said Executors due and faithful administration of the said Decedents Estate and performance of his Will Lucy Oglesby the executrix in the said Will named having Refused in Open Court to Join in the Probate thereof. Ex. Teste. ___ Ro Alexander C. C. C. T. Oglesbys Invy &c.: Agreeable to an Order of the Worshipfull Court of Campbell we the Subscribers have appraised the Estate of Thomas Oglesby Decd as follows— One negro Woman Jude and two children [Pounds] 120.0.0 One negro man Peter L75 – one negro Boy Ben L40 115.0.0 One negro boy Sam L55 – one negro boy Jack L45 100.0.0 One negro Woman Jenny and three children 140.0.0 One negro Woman Pat L15 – one negro man Scippio L82.10 97.10.0 One pair Stilyards 12 s. – one Mare Sadle Bridle and Boll L12 12.12.0 One Gun 12 s. – one Bed and furniture L7.0 7.12.0 One Loom two Slays and Harness 15 s. – one Horse L11 11.15.0 One two year old colt 12.0.0 One Mare Sadle Brdile and Sundrie other articles 11.9.6 One Bed and furniture 5.10.0 Three Tan Cow hides hand Saw and Chisel 1.7.6 Five Sheep and Sixteen Hogs 9.5.0 To Sundry Articles of Houshold furniture 5.13.0 Twenty Head of Cattle 35.12.0 One Dutch Oven 0.16.0 _______ Whole amount 682.2.0 Chas. Hall William Brown John McAllister John Helm Apprs. At a court held for Campbell County October 4th 1787: The within Inventory and appraisment of the Estate of Thomas Oglesby Decd was produced in court and ordered to be Recorded Exd. Teste. ___ Ro. Alexander C.C.C. Additional Comments: [Thomas Oglesby first patented lands in the 1740s in Goochland Co. on Totier Creek & Hardware River; sold these to Hugh Morris several years later and moved to the Wreck Island Creek area in Albemarle County [later Bedford, then Campbell, now at approximately the Appomattox/Campbell Co. line, near Stonewall/Concord]. Along Wreck Island Creek and into Buckingham Co. he eventually held 1151 acres of land.] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.6 Kb