Charlotte County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Robertson, Henry 1793 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Virginia Crilley October 30, 2013, 12:23 pm Source: Will Book 2 Pg 163 Written: 1793 Recorded: 1800 Charlotte County Virginia 1793 Oct 22 Will Book 2 pg 163 In the name of God Amen. I HENRY ROBERTSON, of Charlotte County being in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say Imprimus. After all my just debts are paid, Item, I give and bequesat to my two sons, JONATHAN BROOKS and HENRY ROBERTSONS, my tract of land I had of Nicklas Vaughn and all my land lying in the Outer Creek and the east side of Bluestone Creek to be equally divided between them. Also I give to my son JONATHAN BROOKS ROBERTSON, three negros Abram, Abey, Munear. I also give to my son HENRY ROBERTSON three negroes Ned, Primus, Phibb. Item. My desire is that my daughter, ANN FARLEY, shant inherit any more of my estate than what I have already given her. Item. I give and bequest to my Daughter, SUSANNA ROBERTSON five negros viz Judey, John, Frankey, Dolley, Caul. also one feather bed and furniture and one horse and saddle. Item, I lend to my beloved wife Johanna Robertson during her natural life four negroes vix. Sanko, Davey, Siller and Bobb also all my household and kitchen furnitre, stock of all kinds, horses, cattle, sheep and hogs and still to be at her discretion to dispose of to my four sons as she thinks proper. J. Brooks, Henry, William and Christopher Robertsons. Item, I given and bequest to my son William Robertson my tract of land and ordinary in Halifax County. Item I give and bequeath to my son, Christopher Robertson my tract of land where I now live, his mother having possession of the houses and plantation during her natural life, also I give and bequeath to my two sons, William and Christopher Robertson all the rest & residue of my negros not mentioned to be equally divided between them. And I do nominate and appoint my beloved wife, Johanna Robertson, William Robertson and Christopher Robertson executors of this my last will and Testament revoking all former wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this twenty second day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety three. Henry Robertson Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Elizabeth Robertson, Absolam (his mark) Hasten, Nelson Bruce At the court held for Charlotte County the 7th day of April 1800, this last will and testament of Henry Robertson dec'd was presented in Court by Joanna Robertson the executrix herein named and the same was proved by the oath of Absolem Hasten and Nelson Bruce two of the witnesses hereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. On the motion of the said executrix who made oath according to law, certificate is granted her for obtaining a protabe of the said will in due form she giving security. Whereupon she with Christopher Robertson and Thomas Polles? her securities entered into and acknowledged their bond according to law for that purpose reserving liberty to William Robertson & Christopher Robertson the two Executors herein named to join the probate thereof when they shall think fit. Test. Thomas Read. Truly recorded. Additional Comments: I believe that Johanna Brooks married Henry Robertson Jr. July 11, 1765 in Gloucester, VA. Johanna's will was made 1814 and includes the similar children. I believe Susanna Robertson married on Sept 24, 1802 Nelson Bruce. Ann Farley, to whom her father had previously given her portion, was married to Archer Farley on Nov 29, 1789, Charlotte Co. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb