CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Bethlehem Cemetery: 1937 Jan. 12 Research made by Craig Romaine Cemetery Location: 6 miles west of Richmond, Virginia on Route #60, thence north .1 mile on private road. Chesterfield County DATE: 1836 OWNERS: Bethlehem Baptist Church DESCRIPTION: This small cemetery lies a short distance to the read of the old Bethlehem Baptist Church, on a hill overlooking the Midlothian turnpike and surrounding territory. It borders a forest and is situated among very old oaks. The tombstones are small upright granite slabs and are scattered irregularly. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Within this small cemetery are buried three Confederate soldiers, all of whom were in Troop B. 4th Virginia Cavalry – John B. Baugh, 2nd Lieutenant, Edward J. Baugh, and David Forloine, whose tombstone bears only the date of his birth and death, and who enlisted in Richmond in March 1862. A few feet in front of the cemetery, and facing the highway, stands the old Bethlehem church, one of the early Baptist churches in Chesterfield County. Inscriptions on the tombstones are as follows: David Forloine May 23, 1841 May 4, 1921 Melissie E. Forloine Dec. 12, 1843 April 17, 1913 They died as they lived a – Christian Mary S. Clifford April 2, 1841 July 12, 1907 A tender Mother and a faithful friend. William A. Brown June 23, 1848 Sept. 19, 1929 and Gamelia A. Brown June 1, 1845 Dec. 3, 1922 Dying is But Going Home Edward J. Baugh TR. B. 4 Va. Cav. C.S.A. Mary I. Baugh 1853 – 1916 2 Lt. John B. Baugh TR. B. 4 Va. Cav. C.S.A. Ann S. Baugh 1838 – 1902 Claudius Marshall Cook Aug. 1, 1867 Jan. 1, 1929 Beyond the smiling and the weeping Pattie F. Cook 1836 - 1918 SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Court Records, Chesterfield County, Virginia Muster Roll of Co. B. 4th Va. Cavalry, located at Clerk’s office Chesterfield Court House. Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________