CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Eyler Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Eyler graveyard: 1936 Dec. 9 Research made by Craig Romaine Cemetery Location: 6 miles east of Chester, Virginia; 200 yards north of Burmuda Hundred Road. 2.5 miles northeast of Winterpock on Route #153. Chesterfield County DATE: 1841 – date of oldest grave marker. OWNERS: (blank) DESCRIPTION: This graveyard lies in a field which, though once cultivated, is now covered with high weeds and young pines. Situated within sight of the road that leads to Bermuda Hundred, this small graveyard is marked by a lone cedar. Here within a small cleared spot are several tombstones, hemmed in by a concrete wall about two feet in height. The epitaphs found on these markers are found below. The Walke graveyard, which is now a part of a cow pasture, is distant only by a few feet from the old Walke house, erected according to the date on one of the bricks in the chimney in 1815. There is only one grave here, and this is marked by a large headstone which bears a brief inscription. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: M. E. Eyler Born April 3, 1841 Died May 16, 1922 Susan B. Eyler Born March 28, 1846 Died Aug. 25, 1911 A tender mother and a faithful friend. Sacred to the memory of Martha B. Walke Wife of John R. Walke Who died 19th March 1841 Aged 52 Years and 6 Months She walked with God SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Court Records, Chesterfield County, Virginia Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________