CRAIG COUNTY, VA - LAND RECORDS - John Reynolds to Archibald Caldwell, 12 Oct 1802 ----¤¤¤---- Botetourt County, Virginia John & Magdalin Reynolds to Archibald Caldwell Deed Book: 8 Page: 70-71 Acknowledged: At October Court 1802 by John & Magdalin Reynolds. This Indenture made the twelvth day of October in the Year of Christ One Thousand eight Hundred and two Between John Reynolds of Botetourt County & State of Virginia of the one part and Archibald Caldwell of said County & State of the other part. Witnessesth that the said John Reynolds for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred & fifty Pounds Current Money of said State to him in hand paid by the said Caldwell at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained & Sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said Archibald Caldwell his heirs and Assigns a certain tract or parcel of Land patented in the name of Lodovick Thomas and bequeathed to said Reynolds by the last Will and Testament of the said Lodovick Thomas (as will more fully appear by the records of the Worshipful Court of Botetourt)lying and being in the County of Botetourt on Johns Creek the waters of Craigs Creek a branch of James River and bounded as followeth (to wit, Beginning at the North side of the Creek at a Poplar corner to Sarvers Land now the property of John Caldwell & with a line there of North thirty three degrees West one hundred and two poles to a white oak then following the said line North seventy seven degrees West Eighty poles to a pine sapling South Seventy degrees West Eighty one poles to two white oaks South ten degrees West Sixty poles to a pine on a ridge South West sixty six poles to a pine South Ten degrees West Twenty nine Poles to a white oak South Thirty degrees east twenty six poles to a red oak on the Creek North Seventy six degrees East two hundred & sixty six Poles to the Beginning containing one hundred and eighty five Acres be the same more or less together with all and singular the appurtenances & C to have and to hold the said Land to the only proper use and behalf of him the said Archibald Caldwell his heirs & Assigns for ever and the said John Reynolds and Magdallen his wife the said Land with all & singular the appurtenances unto the said Caldwell his Heirs and Assigns free from the Claim or Claims of them the said Reynolds and his Wife and their Heirs and of all and every Person or Persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant and for ever defend by these Presents. In Testimony where of we have here unto set our Hands and Seals the day and Year above written. John Reynolds (seal) Magdalin X Reynolds (seal) her mark At Botetourt October Court 1802 This Indenture of Bargain & Sale was Acknowledged in Court by the with in mentioned John Reynolds & Magdalin his Wife she having been first privily examined as the Law directs & ordered to be recorded. A copy teste H Bowyer CBC *********************************************************************** Magdalin (Thomas) Reynolds was the d/o Lodowick Thomas d. 1778 & -?-, and the w/o John Reynolds (Sr), d. intestate ca. 1815, the s/o Thomas Reynolds, d. 1804 & Ann -?-, d. 1810. John & Magdalin Reynolds lived in the part of Botetourt that is now Craig County (Sinking Creek side of Johns Creek Mountain). This tract of land, willed to Magdalin by her father Lodowick, was located on Johns Creek in the part of Botetourt County that is also now Craig County. See The Library of Virginia land records for patent. (Author's Note) *********************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Roger T. Morris ----------------------------------------------------------------------