Craig County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Deed.....Sarver, John - Virginia, Commonwealth Of April 29, 1859 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet King March 5, 2009, 8:41 am Written: April 29, 1859 Recorded: August 1, 1866 John Letcher Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia; To all to whom these presents shall come -- Greeting; KNOW YE, That in conformity with a Survey made on the twenty-ninth day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine by virture of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 15099 there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto John Sarver a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing one hundred and forty two acres lying in Craig County on the waters of John's Creek, and bounded as follows, viz; Beginning at a black oak at the foot of a hill South of a branch on a line of his own land, Thence N.20 1/2.E.141/139 poles crossing a branch at road at 94poles & crossing a branch at 130poles to a double & single black oaks on the South side of a ridge S.36.E.56 poles down a branch to 2 pines & a Chestnut oak on the North side of said branch, East 113/110 poles to a white oak on a ridge N.42 1/2.E.311 poles crossing a branch at 10poles to 4 white oaks on Givens line, and with the same N.70.E.12 poles to a pile of stones on said line; Thence leaving S.47 1/2 E.20 poles passing Givens corner at 4poles to 7feet South of a pine by a path S.15.W.50 poles to live Spruce Pine & two maples on both sides of a branch by a road; Then down the branch S.25,E.85/83 poles crossing said branch six times to a pine and chestnut oak on a bank N. E. of said branch S.25.W.60 poles to a pine S.63 1/2.W.3 3/4 poles to a stake where a pine was culled for corner to said Sarver survey of 496 acres and with the lines of the same N.3 1/2.62 poles crossing a branch to 2 pines dead and a white oak added N.72.W.124 poles crossing a branch to two small red oaks S.38.W.52 poles crossing a branch to a pine on the S. side of Stait road N.72.W.85 poles crossing a branch to the beginning with all appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with the Appurtenances, to the said John Sarver and his heir forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said John Letcher Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his hand and cause the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty-two and of the Commonwealth this eighty Seventh. John Letcher Additional Comments: This was probably John Sarver born 5 June 1803 Montgomery Co., Virginia to Henry Sarver & Nancy Champ. He married to Martha Patsey Givens. John Sarver died in Craig Co., Virginia 15 June 1871. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb