Deed Book 11 (partial), Cumberland County VA Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Joyce Lewis Coleman ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Page 541 This indenture made this 23 of September 1811 between John Trent of Cumberland county of the one part and Matthew Wilson and Alexdr Trent of the other part withesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand pounds which he, the said Trent owes to Joseph Hobson per bond bearing even date with these presents and which he honestly desires to secure and pay to said Jos Hobson and for and in the further consideration of the sum of one dollar to the said Trent in hand paid by the said Wilson and at and before the sealing and delivery of this, the receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge he the said John Trent has granted bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents does grant, bargain sell and confirm unto the said Matthew Wilson and Alex dr Trent their heirs or assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land laying in Cumberland County on Willis River adjoining the land of Matthew Wilson, Henry Coleman, Geo Southall and John C. Page containing five hundred and twenty five acres more or less with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging to have and to hold the said tract of 52 5 acres of land unto the said Matthew Wilson and Alex dr Trent their heires or assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of them the said Matthew Wilson and Alex dr Trent their heirs or assigns forever ___? Said John Trent does hereby covenant to and with the said Matthew Wilson and Alex dr Trent their heirs and assigns that he the said John Trent aid his heirs and every of them shall and will warrant and forever defend the said tract of 525 acres of land and every part and parcel thereof with sole and singular its rights and appurtenances unto the said Matthew Wilson and Alex dr Trent their heirs and assigns forever against him the said John Trent his heirs and against every other person whomsoever. Upon Trust nevertheless that if the said John Trent his heirs executors or administrators shall fail on the first day of October 1816 to pay and satisfy the said debt of one thousand pounds without interest due to the said Joseph Hobson as per bond aforesaid that then and there upon or at any time there after the said Matthew Wilson and Alex dr Trent or other of them shall when requested by the said Hobson his heirs or assigns with satisfactory evidence to them or other of them adduced that the said thousand pounds or any part t hereof is still due proceed to sell the said tract of 525 acres of land at public auction one month previous notice of time and place by advertisement being given and from the proceed thereof pay and satisfy the said thousand pounds or such part thereof as may be in there opinion due to the said Joseph Hobson as also all expenses attending this sale and the balance if any to the said John Trent his heirs executors or administrators and provided all so that on the 25 day of December 1811 that they the said Matthew Wilson and Alexander Trent their heirs and assigns shall permit the said Joseph Hobson his heirs or assigns to take quiet possession of the said tract of land together with all its appurtenances and to be by him held as tenant for years until the 25th December 1816 according to articles of Lease entered into by said John Trent and Joseph Hobson bearing date the 25th day of September 1811 provided always that if the said John Trent his heirs executors or administrators shall pay to the said Joseph Hobson his heirs executors administrators or assigns the aforesaid thousand pounds on or before the day of that then this indenture shall become void and the estate hereby granted except the lease of five years aforesaid shall cease in the grantees and be ipso facto revisited in the grantor and his heirs in testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written. Test John Trent Jr. (Seal) Jno C. Page as to ___ Trent Jo Hobson (Seal) Hobson d Wilson Matthew Wilson (Seal) J A Allen do Alex. Trent (Seal) Benj Allen Jr. Cumberland September Court 1811 This deed was exhibited in court acknowledged and ordered to be recorded Attest Jo Hobson DC