Oakley Indenture, 1832 Deed Book 21 Page 54 Cumberland County Courthouse, VA This Indenture made and executed this 8th day of October eighteen hundred and thirty two between Rhoda Oakley widow and relict of Erasmus Oakley decd of the first part and John Oakley, Thomas Oakley, Maryann ?Cruize, Wife of Peachy ?Cruize, Martha Alderson wife of Thomas Alderson, Emily Tyree, Martha Tyree, Jno Tyree and Marcus E Miles son of Catherine Miles (the four last children and grandchildren of Elizabeth Tyree formerly Elizabeth Oakley) of the second part witnesseth that whereas a certain military land warrant number 6760 for two hundred acres have been issued to the sd widow and heirs of Erasmus Oakley by the State of Virginia and the same has been surrendered to the commissioner of the General land office at Washington to be exchanged for scrip and there being a difficulty in issuing the scrip so long as the said widow retains her dower interests in the same now in consideration of the premises and for the natural love and affection which Mrs Rhoda Oakley entertains for her said children and grandchildren as well as for the further consideration of one dollar in hand paid to Mrs. Rhoda by the parties of the second part, she Mrs. Rhoda hath bargained sold and released and by these presents doth bargain sell and release to the sd (said) parties of the second part all her right and title to and interest in the sd (said) military land warrant and any warrant or warrants for which the same may be exchanged and to the scrip which may issue for the same to be held by them in the same way and to possess the same extent of interest therein, as they would take in the event of the natural demise of Mrs Rhoda. To the only proper use of them and their heirs forever. In testimony whereof Mrs Rhoda Oakley hat hereunto affixed her hand and seal the day and first above written. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm Jenkins Jno W. Nash G. Booker At a Court held for Cumberland County on the 23rd day of October 1832. The foregoing Deed of Gift was presented in court and proven to be the act and deed of Rhoda Oakley a party thereto by the oaths of William Jenkins, John W. Nash and German Booker _________ subscribing witnesses thereto and thereinfrom the same was ordered to be recorded. Teste: P? H? Nunnally D.C. Submitted by Stanthia Oakley **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************