Cumberland County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Anderson, George August 12, 1816 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Norma Skinner August 26, 2007, 9:42 pm Source: Will Book 5, Page 198 Written: August 12, 1816 Recorded: October 1816 Will Book 5, page 198 The Will of George Anderson I George Anderson of Cumberland County do hereby make this my last will & testament That is___ say I lend to my beloved wife Jinney, the land and plantation whereon I now live, also my lands & plantations, which I bought of Jeffery Robertson and Willis Wilson, together with all of my negroes horsed, hogs cattle & sheep together with all of my household & kitchen furniture & plantation untensils with the crops of all kinds. It is my will and desire that she my said wife may at any time when she may see fit move down to the lands which I bought of Mr. Robertson & Wilson as above stated at which time or at such convenient time as she may see fit to require, my executors to sell the lands & plantation on which I now reside which I support may contain one hundred & eighty acres be the same more or less and the proceeds of the sale divide giving to her one third part & the balance to be equally divided among all of children or their representatives, that is that the child or children of any deceased child stand in the place of his Father or mother and that my executors do at that time or any other time when required by my wife divide suc part of the slaves or other goods & chattels as she may require among all of my children & their representatives as above directed. The tract of land which I bought of Edward Robertson which contains about sixty acres I direct my executors to sell and divide the money amongst all of my children & their representatives as above directed and it is my will and desire that all of my Estate which I have lent to my wife except my negroe boy Sam be equally divided amongst all of my children or their representatives as before directed at the death of my wife. The negro boy Sam as before excepted I give to my said wife Jinney to be disposed of as she may see fit to any one or more of our child or children. It is my will that the negroe boy Daniel which I gave to my son David be taken into account with his children & that they be charged with five hundred dollars to come out of their part of my estate or the division as above directed. Lastly I appoint my son Lewis Anderson and my son in law William Dunkun my executors charging them to pay my debts out of any money that come to their hands. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of August 1816 George Anderson (his mark and seal) In presence of Willis Wilson John Anderson Cumberland October Court 1816 This last will and testament of George Anderson dec’s was exhibited in Court and proved by the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Wm. Duncombe one of the executors named in the said will who made oath according to law a certificate for obtaining a probat thereof in due form is granted him he having entered into bond and security conditioned according to law. Test Miller Woodson Jr. D C File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb