Cumberland County, Virginia, Wills: William Anderson Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Norma Skinner Transcribed by Sharon Hamilton ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. ==================================================================== Will Book 3, Page 270 I William Anderson do make this my last will in manner and form following I desire that my Just debts be first paid, out of the money arising from the sale of such property as my Executors shall in their Judgment think can best be spared out of the personal or perishable property. I give and bequeath unto my two sons, Thomas Anderson, and Philemon H. Anderson all the tract of land whereon I now live, to be equally divided betwen them, which said land I give to them and their heirs forever except one acre including the meeting house which I reserve so long as it is made use of as a place of publick Worship. I constitute and appoint Charles Allen Jun'r, Benjamin Allen Jun'r., and my son Thos. Anderson Executors of this my last will and Testament revoking all others heretofore made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty third day of April one thousand Eight hundred and three William Anderson (seal) signed sealed & acknowledged as my last will & testament in presence of Jno. Michaux Anderson Cocke John Peck Cumberland January Court 1805 This last will & testament of William Anderson was exhibited in Court by Tomas Anderson one of the Executors therein named, and proved by Anderson Cocke one of the witnesses thereto