Mary Ann Hatton Scott Obituary - 1902 - Fairfax Co., VA OBITUARY OF MARY ANN HATTON SCOTT NOBLE COUNTY LEADER, March 5, 1902: "Mrs. Mary Scott, aged 79 years, was found dead in bed at her home near Dudley last Friday morning and was buried Saturday afternoon in the Dudley cemetery. She was highly respected and had a large circle of friends in the vicinity in which she lived." Note: Dudley Cemetery is in Noble County, Ohio, south of Caldwell. Also: "Mary A. Hatton was born June 15th, 1823, in Fairfax County, Va., and was married to Ellis Scott, March 18, 1846, in Olive Township, Morgan Co., Ohio, by Rev. John S. Corp. To this union was born one child, Susan. Her husband died on Dec. 1st, 1847, in Aurelius Township, Washington County. Soon after her husband's death she moved back to her father's home (Boling Hatton) and took care of her father for twenty-seven years. She joined the M.E. church in her youth. She died February 28, 1902. "A FRIEND Note: Boling Hatton’s home was in Noble County, Ohio, (Noble County was formed from part of Morgan County April 1, 1851). The Kellars and Hattons came from Strasburg, Shenandoah County, VA, and some of the family is buried in the Old Strasburg Cemetery on Queen St. Mary Ann Hatton Daughter of Boling and Margaret Kellar Hatton Granddaughter of Michael and Catherine Monroe Kellar (Catherine from Westmoreland Co., VA) ----------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Susan Kellar Ratcliffe skrat@midohio USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material AND permission is obtained from the CONTRIBUTOR of the file. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.