Franklin County, Virginia, Wills: William Greenwood Estate Inventory, 1842 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Edna McPherson ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. ==================================================================== William Greenwood Estate Franklin County Virginia Will Book 5, Pages 492-494 Administrator's Account Statement William Muse Administrator 1842 In Acct with the Estate of Wm Greenwood Decd March 12th To Sundry Articles purchased at Sale as per Sale bill 12.67 ¾ " Cash Recd on day of sale 5.85 " Collections since the 12th March 1842 229.01 ¾ $247.54 ½ " Amount John W Bowlins & Samuel Stoners note `` due 12th March 1842 in suit 39.30 " Balance James & Wm Tailers bond due 12th March 1842 (in suit) 18.50 " Amt Charles & Nancy Richardsons bond due 12th March 1842 (in suit) 18.10 " Amt James Taylors & John Richardsons bond due 12th March 1842 (in suit) 14.72 " Amt Abram Patesel & Silas Mckee bond due 12th March 1842 (in suit) 4.75 " Balance in Skelton Simmons & Geo. Meadows bond due 12th March 1842 (in suit) 19.12 " Demarcus Greenwood & Silas McKee bond due 12th March 1842 (in suit) 4.98 " Amt John Gishes Bond due 12th March 1842 11.87 ½ " Bal on Shadrick Selby & Wm Gish's bond due 12th March 1842 95.22 " Amt Andy Coopers acct due 12th March 1842 6.06 " Amt Mark Paynes & Reed Paynes bond due 19th Augt 1842 4.32 " Amt John Corleys & Henry Bushes bond due 19th Augt 1842 3.75 " Amt Stephen Turnbulls & Robert Earlys bond due 19th Augt 1842 10.62 ½ " Bal Charles Bushes & George Bushes note due 19th Augt 1842 2.75 $254.07 $501.61 ½ 1843 March 5 Bal due the Estate of Wm Greenwood Decd $246.12 ½ 1841 May 19th By cash paid Joel Wrightsman pr Rect. in his claim for making coffin 10.00 Nov By cash paid James Thornhill pr Rect as witness in case vs Blankenship .53 1842 By cash paid G. B. Board const. pr Recpt for serving wart. & summs. 2 Witnesses .81 By cash paid Clerks Tickets of Franklin 2.36 By cash paid Clerk of Bedford pr Tickets 183….? 1.22 By cash paid Sheriff Roanoke 3 tickets (…?) 1841 x 42 3.51 18.43 By cash paid Clerk of Franklin pr Ticket 1840 2.16 By cash paid Phillip Horne as apraiser pr Recpt 1.00 By cash pd Thomas McVey ditto pr Recpt 1.00 By cash pd Wm Gish and his Ex on vs Wm Greenwood per Recpt 22.11 By cash pd Peck & McCaron Ex on vs Wm Green- wood per recpt 10.22 By cash paid Clerk Bedford pr ticket 1841 3.42 39.92 (39.91) By cash paid Clerk Franklin pr ticket 8.07 By cash paid Shrff Bedford pr recpt. land tax .45 By cash paid Clerk Roanoke pr recpt 1838 1.50 By cash paid Shrff Bedford Land Tax pr rect .46 By cash paid Wingfield & Johnson amt of Rays Judgmt & Cost pr recpt 107.07 By this amt paid John Groggin amt his acct for legal services pr recpt 56.00 By this amt for Wm Muse acct vs Wm Greenwood for Board Schooling (..?) in 1840 23.59 197.14 By Balance due the Estate 246.12 ½ $501.61 ½ Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Franklin having first been duly sworn I have proceeded to State & Settle the acct current of William Muse, Admin of Wm Greenwood Decd as represented by the annexed statement having a balance of $246.12 ½ in favor of said decd and Estate. Given under my hand this 3rd day of March 1843. Matthew Pate Commis. At a Court held for Franklin County the 6th day of March 1843 This Account current of William Muse Administrator ot William Greenwood Decd was returned and continued for exceptions, and at a Court held for said County the 3rd day of April 1843 this said account was again exhibited unto Court and ordered to be recorded. Teste Moses G. Carper William Greenwood Estate Franklin County Virginia Will Book 5, Page 372 Administrator's Account Statement List of Sales List of the sale of the perishable property belonging to the Estate of William Greenwood Decd on the 19th day of Feby 1842 George Bush 1 Cow 10.00 Charles Bush 1 Bay Horse 22.75 Shadrick Selby 1 Loom 1.15 John Cawley " 1 Oven .63 " 1 Pott .61 " 1 Spotted Sow 2.51 3.75 Reed Peasey 1 Pr Scales & Weights .37 ½ James Casley 1 Flax Wheel 2.51 Stephen Turnbull 2 Feather Beds & furniture $10.50 (…?) 11.12 ½ $51.66 12 ½ x 3 51.66 William Greenwood Estate Franklin County Virginia Will Book 5, Page 707 - 708 Administrator's Account Statement 1842 Sept 26 To cash paid John A Wharton amt his fee $ 5.00 1843 March 15 To cash paid Joel Wrightsman bal his acct for making coffin 2.00 29 To cash paid Stephen C. Hunt (..?) amt their (…?) 103.08 May 10 To cash paid Jas. C Madison amt his (..?) 53.38 June 8 To cash paid George & John Davis their (…?) 85.94 249.40 July 30 To cash paid Shurwood Selby his attendance as a witness 1.06 Oct 18 To cash paid Wm Gish amt his (…?) 128.72 To cash paid " " amt Arringtons (…?) 79.52 To cash paid John Gish amt his acct for 5.00 whiskey for sale 214.30 1844 Jany 29 To cash paid George W. Wilson for legal services 2.51 Aug 30 To cash paid Frederick Threshor amt his (…?) 7.76 Sept 27 To cash paid Wm McGeorge amt his judgmt 10.59 1845 Feby To cash paid Andy Cooper amt his two judgments & Costs 76.95 97.81 To cash paid Clerk of Franklin his ticket for 1842 4.36 To cash paid " " " " " for " 1.31 To cash paid Clerk S. Court Bedford for 1842 1.25 To cash paid Clerk Bedford his ticket for 1843 2.20 To cash paid land tax for 135 acres .50 9.62 To cash paid Clerk Bedford his ticket for 1843 .58 To cash paid Clerk S Court Bedford for " .96 To cash paid Clerk Franklin his ticket for " 1.36 To cash paid land tax & town lotts for 1844 .51 To cash paid Matthew Pate for setling acct current in 1843 2.00 To cash paid " " " for settling this acct 2.00 7.41 To Balance due the estate 141.26 ½ 1843 By balance due as per settlement in 1843 246.12 ½ 718.79 ½ Mar 9 By cash (…?) of Mathew Pate com. $ 129.00 29 By " " " " Hunt & Co. judmt 103.08 By " " " of Matthew Pate com 200.00 By " " " of " " " " " 30.00 1844 Sept 29 By " " " paid Wm McGeorge judgmt 10.59 472.67 718.79 ½ 1845 Feby 28 By balance due the Estate $ 140.26 ½ Pursuant to an order of Franklin March Court 1844 I have proceeded to adjust & settle the account current of William Muse admr of Wm Greenwood decd as represented by the ammend statement, having charged the admr with no interest he having paid the moneyes out nearly as fast as he recd it nor have I made any allowance to him for commissions, he prefering that matter to be left for the Court to adjust. Given under my hand this 28th day of Feby 1845. Matthew Pate comr. At a Court held for Franklin County the 3rd day of March 1845 This account current of William Muse Administrator of William Greenwood decd was returned and continued for exceptions and at a Court held for said County the 7th day of April 1845 this said account was again exhibited into Court and ordered to be recorded. Teste Moses G. Carper C.F.C.