Will and Inventory of Christopher Kitterman, July 7,1806--Probated In the name of God Amen, I Christopher Kitterman of the county of Franklin and State of Virginia being week of body, but of sound mind and disposing memory, for which I thank God, and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life, and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with, Do hereby make this my last will and testament, in the maner and form as followeth; In the first place I desire that my executors herein after named shall after my decease pay all my just debts and funeral expences; Item 1--I give and bequeth to my dearly beloved wife Christina Kitterman the hole of my estate both real and personal during her natural life, except that part of my estate that I was entiteled to from my brother John George Kitterman, deceased, which I have put in the hands of John Fishburn and my son John Kitterman by a deed of trust, which estate I give and bequeth to my several legatees hereafter named, to be equally devided amongst them provided they shall give to my securities John Fishburn, William Akers, and George Ferguson bonds with sufficient securities to indemnify them; It is my will that if any of my legatees hereafter named except the heirs of Michael Kitterman, deceased shall fail to give their bonds as aforesaid, shall have but one dollar; It is also my will that if any of my said legatees shall bring any vexatious suites contrary to the deed of trust that I have executed to John Fishburn and John Kitterman, that the cost shall be taken out of the money that I have left to them by will, and given to them before; Item 1--I give to my son Michael Kitterman deceased heirs, heirs of his body, one equal seventh part of the estate of John George Kitterman, deceased that I was entituled to which I have put in the hands of John Fishburn, provided there shall come no other heirs; but if there should; I give what shall be my real part of the estate of the said John George Kitterman deceased, I also give to my son Henry Kitterman the same, I also give to my son John Kitterman the same, I also give to my daughter Mary Harter the same, I also give to my daughter Susanna Fishburn the same, I also give to my daughter Catharenia Miksel the same, all which estate as aforesaid I give and bequeth unto them and their heirs for ever, And no other part of my estate, until the decease of my wife Christina Kitterman, it is my will that what remains in her hands at that time may be equally devided amongst my several legatees hereunto mentioned, except George Harter husband of my daughter Mary Harter. It is my will that my executors shall deduct out of his seventh part of my estate the amount of the cost of the suit which he caused to be brought against Lewis Davis in my name for the benifit of Saunders, with interest on the same from the first day of October eighteen Hundred and four; It is also my will that if Adam Ader does not make Nancy Glass an equal heir whith his children that she shall have fifty pounds out of what I have left her mother Elizabeth Aader provided that Adam Ader shall be the longest liver; but in case the said Adam Ader should die without a will, it is my desire that said Elizabeth shall have her choice to give her fifty pounds or make her equal with the rest of the children; It is also my will that Adam Ader shall haave the tract of land whereon I lived containing three hundred acres more or less, on his paying my other legatees one hundred and eleven pounds and eight shillings and seven spence, and shall have two years to pay the money in without interest, and in case the said Adam Ader cannot conveniently pay the money in that time, he shall have one year more to pay it in, upon his paying interest on it at the rate of six percent per annum, It is my desire that my executors shall make a deed of conveyance in fee simple to said Adam Ader to the aforesaid land as soon as the nature of the business will admit of; It is my desire that there shall be no appraisement of my estate until my wifes decease; and lastly I do constitute and appoint Jacob Boon Senr. and Thomas Crutcher executors, and my wife Christina Kitterman executrix to this my last will and testament revoking, renouncing and sidannulling all and every other will or wills by me made, as witness my hand and seal this sixteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and five. Signed sealed and published in presence of us---James Callaway Junr., Walter Dent and Thomas Greer. Christopher Kitterman At a Court held for Franklin County July 7th. 1806---This last will and testament of Christopher Kitterman deceased was proved by the Oath of James Callaway, Jr., and Thomas Greer, two of the witnesses hereto, and ordered to be recorded. Teste, Jas. Callaway Franklin County Courthouse--February Term--1802--page 107 On the motion of Christopher Kitterman, administration is granted him of the personal estate of John George Kitterman, deceased--on his giving bond and ----- ------ to Law, whereupon he together with Lewis Davis, George Ferguson and William Acres, executed bond in the sum of $10,000. with contition as the Law requires. Will was made 19th of August 1809 and probated 4th of September 1809 Franklin County, Virginia--Page 352-353--Will Book 1 In the name of God Amen, I Christina Kitterman of the county of Franklin and State of Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank God and calling to mind the uncertainity of human life and being desirous of disposing of all such worldy Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with do make this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows (to wit) in the first place i desire after my decease that all my just debts and funeral expences shall be honestly and punctually be paid by my executors hereafter named. Idem, I desire that the hole of my estate both real and personal shall be equally divided amongs my several legatees hereafter named, agreeable to the last will and testament of Christopher Kitterman deceased. viz. I give and bequeath to my son Michael Kitterman heirs of his body one equal seventh part of what remains in the hands of my executors after paying all just debts and all necessary expences. Also I give and bequeath to my son John Kitterman the same, also I give and bequeath to my son Henry Kitterman the same, Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Harter the same, I also give and bequeath to my daughter Caterannah Mikesell the same, I also give and bequeath to my daughter Susannah Fishburn the same, Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Ader the same. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint Lewis Davis and Robert Woods Executors of this my last will and testament, Revoking all and every other will by me heretofore made allowing this and no other to be last will and testament, as witness my hand and seal the 19 day of August 1809. August 9, 1809 Christina X Kitterman Executors: Lewis Davis Robert Woods Witness: Adam Ader Jacob Ader Mark Willis At a Court held Franklin County Sept 4, 1809, The last will and testament of Christina Kitterman, deceased was proved by the solomn affirmation of Adam Ader and Jacob Ader two of the witness hereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Lewis Davis one of the Esecutors herein named who took the oath prescribed by law and gave bond and Security conditioned as the law decrees certificate is granted him for allowing a probate in due form, liberty being reserved to the other Executors in the said will named to join in the probate when he shall think fit. Teste James Calloway Will Book 1 pages 391 and 392--Franklin County, Virginia In obedience to an order of the Worshipfull Court of Franklin we have appraised the personal Estate of Christena Kitterman, deceased in current money this 22 nd. day of Sept. 1809 Ignatious Harrison 1 note 1. 15. 0 Richart Date 1 note 3. 4. 0 William Akers 1 note 12. 18. 0 Fredrick Fishburn 1 note 30. 13. 0 Henry Kitterman 1 note 7. 18. 6 Walter Dent 1 note 3. 13. 0 John Fishburn 1 note 27. 10. 0 William Barrett 1 note 8. 8. 6 William Harrison 1 note 1. 0. 0 Jacob Fishburn 1 note 15. 10. 6 Melcher Wagoner 1 note 5. 0. 0 A Judgement against Plesant Talley 4. 1. 1 William Stewart 1 note 4. 13. 3 1 saw 3/ 1 pott & hooks 4/6 7. 6 1 cream pott-1 q--1 hand ax 4 4. 9 3 chizels, 1 gauge, 1 pear of haggs-tongs 3. 0 4 augers, 3 gumbets, 3/-3 wagon augers 36/ 2. 2. 0 1 cutting knife, 1 shovel, 2 lock 1. 0 3 cow chains 6/ 1 dung fork 3/ 9. 0 1 rundlet 1/- 1 foot adz & round shave 3/6 4. 6 2 barrels 4/ 1 rounded /6 4. 6 1 old wagon 66/ 3. 6. 0 3 pewter dishes, 4 basons, 13 plates 2. 8. 0 1 punch bowl 1/6, 1 shuger box 5/ 6. 6 1 large kittle and bale 15. 0 1 large washing tub 1.6 1 logg chain 6.0 1 chest 36/- 2 truns, 1 box 6/ 2. 2. 0 3 sheets not made 1. 2. 6 5 table spoons 4. 0 1 mans hat 18/ a quanity of womans clothes 6 of. 3. 18.0 a quanity of mens clothes 18/ 18.0 1 pear of shoes 3 /- 2 hats 3/ 6.0 1 rasp, 1 compas, & sundres 2.6 total 182. 0. 1 George Menefee George Ferguson George Belcher At a Court held for Franklin County October 2, 1809 This Inventory and apparisement of the Estate of Christina Kitterman, deceased, was returned and ordered to be recorded. Teste, James Calloway C.F. Will Book 2--page 166-167--Franklin County, Virginia The Estate of Christina Kitterman deceased, In account with Lewis Davis, Executor To cash paid John Fishburn prov. acct. 1. 12. 6 Ditto paid the appraisers of said Estate 12. 0 Ditto paid Joseph Hale orging said estate 12. 0 5 gallons whisky for the sale 15. 0 2 Ditto of Brandy 10. 0 Cash paid for Linder Clarks tickets 3. 19. 11 1/4 Taking 6 Bonds from the legatees 1. 16. 0 To the Comm. for settling the acct. Curnt. 9. 0 For making Christina Kitterman's coffin 12. 0 To the executor for his services 10. 10. 0 21. 8 5/4 total To a ballance the hands of Exec. 154. 13. 5 By the amount of the Estate 176. 1. 10 Persuant to an Order of the Worshipfull Court of Franklin to us directed we have settled the account current of the late Christina Kitterman, deceased with the executor and find a balance in the hands of the Executor of one hundred and fify four pounds, thirteen shillings and fife pence as given under our hand this 2nd. day of December 1816 George Ferguson Robert Woods J.G. Newbill At a Court for Franklin County March 4, 1817. This account current of Lewis Davis Executor of Christina Kitterman, deceased was recorded and ordered to be recorded. Teste Caleb Tate C.F.C. 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