Administrator's Acct. Statement, Nelson Abshire, 1860-1863 - Franklin County, Virginia Will Book 13, Pp. 457-459 Nelson Abshire Decd. Administrator's Account Statment 1859 Dr July 20 " To cash paid Henry Thurman $ 13 50 " 27 " " " Wilson & Booth 20 95 " 30 " " " James M. Abshire 25 47 Aug 1 " " " " George Doran's Admr 10 45 " 1 " " " " J A Wright Const on Execution's 12 90 " 1 " " " " For Taxes 12 92 Octo 1 " " " " Asa Wright 102 70 " 20 " " " " Isham M Fergurson for Martha Perdue 659 21 " 27 " " " " Conelious Showalter " R On Harper 107 01 " 28 " " " " Jacovus Wray 36 31 Nov 7 " " " " McDonald & Peters 3 72 " 12 " " " " Robert T Abshire 5 00 " 13 " " " " Wade & Linkous[?] 32 19 " 15 " " " " James M Abshire 108 00 " 16 " " " " Esabus Pate 33 30 " 16 " " " " John D Burton 1 50 " 16 " " " " Jefferson Wade 41 63 " 26 " " " " Smith & Bush 351 47 " 27 " " " " Sheriff on Sunday executions 16 62 Dec 3 " " " " Mary M Lyon 2 00 " 5 " " " " Paschal Meador 2 99 " 5 " " " " Stephen Kesler Jr 2 33 " 5 " " " " Sheriff on Argabrights execution 9 40 " 5 " " " " Jonathan H McNiel 15 50 " 6 " " " " R & G Bush 181 65 " 6 " " " " Stephen Showalter 89 85 " 6 " " " " S Showalter & Co 97 04 " 10 " " " " Jabez L Abshire 190 30 " 10 " " " " Fleming S Minix 11 35 " 12 " " " " Robert J Webb 28 45 " 15 " " " " John Boon 9 20 " 15 " " " " Benjamin H Wade 55 40 " 17 " " " " J H Fergurson 16 80 " 20 " " " " G W B Abshire 9 84 " 29 " " " " Otey Wright 14 38 " 31 " " 5/100 of $2742.78 for compsensation to Admr 137 14 " 31 " " Balance in hands of Administrator this | day carried to page 5 | 274 31 $2742 78 1859 Cr July 20 " By cash of Henry Thurman $ 25 95 " 27 " " " " Wilson & Booth for sale of Tobacco 210 06 Augt 1 " " " " Henry Thurman 4 35 Nov 15 " " " " Reubin Flora 52 62 " 26 " " " " Finney & Murphy for Sale of | 3 Slaves Mary & her child and boy Nathan | $2450 00 $2742 78 1860 Dr Jan 1st To cash paid Charles Pritchard's Executor $ 67 81 " 4 " " " " Joseph Sink 3 00 " 14 " " " " James G Brim 3 44 [page] 1860 Mar 17 " To cash paid William Turner $ 10 94 April 2nd " " " John A Smith 444 68 " 10 " " " " Ammon Abshire 2 65 June 4th " " " Jubal A. Early 40 00 July 6 " " " " John A Forbes 1 99 Augt 1st " " " Smith & Bush 32 18 " 6 " " " " George Doran's Admr 3 58 " 8 " " " " Lewis B Taylor 3 63 " 10 " " " " Abram Teel's Admr 29 49 " 11 " " " " Paschal Meador 14 43 " 11 " " " " For Taxes 7 20 Sep 8 " " " " Joseph Wray 1 72 " 15 " " " " Cornelious Showalter 13 35 " 29 " " " " G W B Abshire 30 72 " 29 " " " " John Wade Jr 5 25 Octo 1st " " " Joseph A Hambrick 7 75 Nov 6 " " " " John Turner 3 24 " 24 " " " " Elizabeth Abshire 8 75 " 26 " " " " William R Saul 35 53 " 26 " " " " John A Wright 13 61 Dec 1st " " " John Bowman 1 62 " 22 " " " " Stephen Kesler 58 33 " 31 " " " " J H Turner 2 50 " 31 " " " " D D Forbes Admr 40 70 " 31 " " " " Buckey & Boon 28 61 " 31 " " " " Mary Abshire for maintaining | Old woman Creasey in 1860 | 25 00 " 31 " " " " Nelson & Saunders for attorneys fees | due them | 48 00 " 31 " " " " Hugh Nelson Cony for this acco 6 00 " 31 " " 5/100 $983.15 for compensation to Admr 49 16 " 31 " " Cash paid Thomas J Forbes 14 53 " 31 " " " " John A Smith 252.89 $1312.28 1860 Cr By Balance in hands of Admr 31st Dec 1859 $ 274.31 May 15 " " Cash from sale of perishable property 648 85 Nov 26 " " Cash of Peter Boitnett 43 20 26 " " " " Henry Thurman 25 35 27 " " " " Edmond Turner 26 50 Dec 31 " " " for hire of slaves for 1860 162 25 31 " " " " Rent of land for 1860 77 00 31 " " Balance due Admr this day 54 82 $1312 28 1860 Dr Dec 31 " Balance due Administrator this day all principal $ 54 82 The undersigned Commissioner of Franklin County Court reports that having given notice by advertisement posted at the front door of the Courthouse of said County as required by law. that the accounts of Jabez L. Abshire Administrator of Nelson Abshire deceased were before him for settlement their ten days having elapsed since the posting of said advertisement he has proceeded to settle and adjust said accounts and has made a [page] statement thereof on pages 2 3 4 & 5 which shows that on the 31st day of December 1860 the estate of the said decedent owed to the said Administrator the sum of fifty four dollars and eighty two cents all of which is principal. All the disbursements are supported by proper vouchers. Rocky Mount | Hugh Nelson Cony 17" April 1861 | At a Court held for Franklin County at the Courthouse on the 4th day of August 1863. This report and settlement of the account of Jabez L. Abshire Administrator of Nelson Abshire deceased having been filed in the Clerks Office for one month and no exceptions being filed the same is confirmed and admitted to record. Teste R. A Scott CFC Submitted by Robert J. Molloy A 3rd-great grandson of Nelson Abshire. Transcribed from copies provided by Mrs. Edith McGhee Sigmon of Franklin County. **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************