Chancery Papers -- Brown v. Hurford -- Frederick County, Virginia *********************************************************** Submitted by: Charolette "Chocy" Brown Date: 28 April 2006 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Frederick County, Virginia Chancery Causes, 1805-1806 Frederick County/Clerk of the Circuit Court County Court Ended Chancery Causes 1745-1898, Undated and Miscellaneous Chancery Papers 1805-43 Brown v Hurford Sheet #1 Mr. Jn’o HURFORD & Mr. Rob’t MALONY Take notice that at the house of Jonas POTTS in the Town of Leesburg at the 29th of this month between the hours of nine AM and for PM. I shall take the depo’t of Jonas POTTS to be read in evidence on the trial of the dent. In 6L7 (?) pending in the County court of Fred’k where you and I am pla’f. William BROWN March 23rd, 1802 Loudoun County to wit. The depossion of Jonas POTTS _______ (?) age taken at his own house in Leesburg agreeable to annexed notice, in a suit now pending in the county Court of Frederick wherein William BROWN is Plat’f and John HURFORD and Robert MALONY an defe’t This stapoena being duly qualified deposth and said, That, he ____(?) in William Browns Mill in the County aforesaid between the third and tenth day of Feb’y 1807. The Mill at that time was occupied by William BROWN the Plat’f and John HURFORD the def’t this deponent at that time asked Joseph HARFORD how many Barrels of Flour they had made since harvest, which he answered nearly Two thousand, this dissonant further states that he asked the said Joseph HURSFORD How much the Corn Mill ground per day, to which he made answer but this deponent cannot recollect the answer. JONAS POTTS Signed and affirmed on the 29th day of March 1802 before us two of the Justices of the peace for the County of Loudoun. Given under our hands. JOHN LITTLEJOHN & JOSEPH SMITH