GILES COUNTY, VA - DEEDS - John Mccommack Grants and Deeds ----¤¤¤---- ABSTRACTS OF LAND TREASURY WARRANTS-GILES CO VA No 64 p 357 1813-1815 Jonathan Mccommack 71 ac Giles "Wilson Cary Nicholas Esq Gov of Commonwealth of VA in conformity with a survey made the 17 of Sept 1812, by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No 7802, issued the 1st of Nov 1781, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Jonathan McCommack, a certain parcel of land containing seventy one acres, situated in the Co of Giles, on Johns Creek Mountain and bounded. . .. beginning at two hickories on the south side of the mountain on a line of said McCommack . . . . Wilson C Nicholas to be affirmed at Richmond on the 13 Jan 1815 No 67 p 457 1817-1818 John McCommack 20 ac Giles "James p Preston Exq Gov of Commonwealth of VA in conformity with a survey made on the Thirteenth day of January 1814 by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant Number 4599, issued the 8th December 1809 there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto John Mccommack a certain tract or parcel of land containing 20 acres, situate in the Co of Giles on John's Creek bounded . . . .bank of Johns Creek at the head of an island and down the creek with the meanders thereof . . .Jonathan Martins land." James P Preston Esq Gov of Commonwealth of VA 1 October 1818 No 67 p 458 1817-1818 John McCommack 58 ac Giles "James P Preston . . . . .survey 13 Jan 1814 by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Number 4599, issued the 8th Dec 1809, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto John Mccommack, a certain tract or parcel of land containing Fifty Six acres, situate in the Co of Giles on Johns Creek and bounded . . .Jonathan Martin land." James P Preston Esq Gov of Commonwealth of VA to be affirmed at Richmond 1 Oct 1818 No 67 p 458 1817-1818 Jonathan McCommack 54 ac Giles "James P. Preston . . .. survey 15 Mar 1815 by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No 7802 (7801??) issued the 1st day of Nov 1781, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Jonathan Mccommack a certain tract or parcel of land containing Fifty four acres situate in the Co of Giles on the waters of Dicks Crk and bounded . . . south side of creek . . crossing creek." James P Preston Esq Gov of Commonwealth of VA to be affirmed at Richmond 1 Oct 1818 NOTE VA Land Office Index shows a John McCormack receiving thousands of acres in Lee County VA in 1801. This should probably be pursued at a later date. DEED BOOK H P 224 30 JAN 1847 Jonathan Mccommac & Preston Mccommac of Co of Monroe to Martin Huffman of Co of Giles in consideration of $14.00. . .2 tracts of land on Johns and Dicks Creek –1 tract bought by William Mccommac of the Prestons 275 acres known by the forks place. 2 patent (?) to William Macommac joining the forks plase on north side ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Robert E. McCormack ___________________________________________________________________