Goochland County, Virginia, Deeds: William & Nancy Carter Thurman Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deborah Parks ==================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. ==================================================================== Goochland Co VA, Deed Book 19 page 125 The Commonwealth of Virginia to Leond H. Bradley and H. Harrrison Gentlemen justices of the peace for Fayette County in the State of Kentucky greetings wherever Susanna Carter widow of Robert Carter decd., William Thurman and Nancy his wife and others by their certain indenture bearing date the 22nd day of September 1803 have sold and conveyed unto Ellis Purveyor the fee simple estate of and in a certain track or parcel of land containing two hundred acres more or less with the appurtenances lying and being in the County of Goochland and whereas Martha Wood the wife of William Wood _____ here to cannot conveniently travel to the courthouse of our said County of Goochland to make her acknowledgement of the said conveyance. Therefore we give unto you or any _____ or more of your power to receive the acknowledged recent which the said Martha Wood shall be willing to make before you of the conveyance aforesaid contained in the said indenture which is hereto annexed and we therefore command you that in your proper persons you go to the said Martha Wood and receive her acknowledgement of the same and examine her privately and apart from the said Wm Wood whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuasion or threats and whether she be willing that the same shall be recorded in our said County Court. And when you have receive her acknowledgement and examined her as aforesaid, that you ____________ and openly certify in thereof in our said Court under your seals sending them there this writ and this indenture. Witness William Miller clerk of our said court at the Courthouse this 20 day of October 1803 in the 28 year of our foundation. W. Miller