Sexton Family Cemetery, Grayson County, Virginia ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Submitted by: Arbadella Lynn Sexton Buwalda Headstones: HARRY RAY PAUL T SEXTON SEXTON Nov 3 1916 Mar 5 1901 Feb 11 1937 Apr 29 1918 Christ loved him A fairer bud of and took him home promise never bloomed MARTHA SEXTON TROY S SEXTON BORN MAY 13, 1877 JUNE 18 1881 APR 16, 1945 DIED SEPT 22, 1950 His memory is blessed WE TRUST OUR LOSS WILL BE HER GAIN AND THAT WITH CHRIST SHE'S GONE TO REIGN This is a duel headstone: MOTHER FATHER M. J. E. F. SEXTON SEXTON MAY 13, 1850 AUG 29, 1854 MAY 10, 1924 MAY 12, 1925 Let our Father's will be done Flat ground marker: LUCILLE SEXTON EMERSON JUNE 6, 1923 JULY 15, 1988 Headstones: OUR DARLING BABY EMERSON MARGARET CHARLES S. CLAUDETTE SEXTON AUG 4, 1950 NOV. 7, 1941 APR 27, 1951 APR 26, 1942 Unmarked grave: ARBADELLA SEXTON Infant Approximately birth/death 1935 The cemetery is located on private property off of Route 58 in Mouth of Wilson, Grayson County, Virginia