Grayson County, VA Deed - Halsey to Hash - 1832 Book 9, Page 231 This Indenture made and confirmed this fifth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Between all the heirs of William Halsey dead of the County of Grayson and State of Virginia of the one part and Joseph Hash of the County and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that all the undersubscribed heirs for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and Thirty Dollars to us in hand paid, the receipt is hereby acknowledged and ourselves fully satisfied and paid hath given, bargained, sold and conveyed unto the said Joseph Hash a certain tract or parcel of land 85 acres it being in the County and State aforesaid and bounded as followeth: Beginning at the large white oak on the top of a ridge north 72 poles East 46 poles to a large black oak on said ridge north 90 W 40 poles to two white oaks on the side of a hill North 38 West twenty-one poles to two white oaks on Vaughn lines North 21 poles to a white oak North 84 West one hundred poles to a white oak S. 50 West seventy poles crossing a branch to a white oak S. 10. East twenty poles to a large black oak and hickory sapling S. 22. East twelve poles to a stake and thence S. 80. East one hundred and thirty-nine poles to the beginning, together with all woods ways waters mines minerals and appurtenances there unto belonging. To have and to hold free and clear from all rights titles claims and encumbrances to ____ the aforesaid Joseph Hash his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereas we the aforesaid heirs bind ourselves and heirs to the above obligations. In witness where of we have set our hand affixed our seal this date and day above written signed sealed and delivered in presence of us. Attest Thomas Winkler Nathl Vannoy (Seal) Wm Richardson Isaac Pacely (Seal) John Phipps Sylvester (X-his mark) Halsey (Seal) Sylvester (X-his mark) Halsey Clisbly (X-his mark) Halsey (Seal) witness as to all the others Rachel (X-her mark) Halsey (Seal) except himself Amos (X-his mark) Halsey (Seal) William Halsey (Seal) William Howell (Seal) James Halsey (Seal) Grayson County Court March Terms 1844 This Deed from the heirs of William Halsey deceased to Joseph Hash was produced in open Court, acknowledged by Sylvester Halsey and moved to be recorded as to him. And proved by the oaths of William Richardson and Sylvester Halsey two subscribing witnesses thereto and continued for further proof. Grayson County Court Clerks Office April 2, 1844 Fully proved by the oath of John Phipps a subscribing witness thereto and submitted to record. Teste John Dickinson C. C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for the use of USGenWeb by Mark Carey ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************