Grayson County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Deed.....Reeves, Et Al - Toliver, Susannah December 3, 1832 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson January 3, 2011, 10:08 am Written: December 3, 1832 Recorded: September 1833 Grayson County, Virginia DB 6, Page 468 3 Dec 1832 This Indenture made this third day of December One Thousand eight hundred and thirty two, Between the Legatees of George Reeves Ser Decd as shall hereafter be named being born and raised in the County of Grayson and state of Virginia of the first part, and Susanah Toliver of the County & State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred Dollars in hand paid by the said Susannah Toliver before the sealing by the said Legatees for which they have bargained sold and by these presents doth doth (sic) bargain & sell to the above named Susanah Toliver a certain tract or parcel of land Containing two hundred acres, lying in the County of Grayson and State aforesaid on the waters of brush creek and ion the beaver dam and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning on a large white oak on a ridge by a path N 87 E 48 poles to a stake in a glade N35 E 40 poles crossing a branch to two white oaks & a Spanish oak on the side of a hill N 50 E 78 poles to a Spanish oak on the side of a hill N 70 E 94 poles crossing a road to a Chestnut tree on the top of a high hill N 18 E 60 poles crossing two branches to a black oak sapling & white oak on the point of a ridge near same crossing two branches to two old oaks near a branch N 75 W 60 poles to a large white oak near a spring S 60 W 214 poles to a stake, S67 E144 poles to the Beginning To have and to hold with all the appurtenances in any wise belonging and the above named Legatees of George Reeves, deceased, now named as follows Jesse Reeves William Reeves John Reeves Polly Doughton, Samuel Phipps and Elizabeth his wife Zachariah Osborne & Charity his wife David Cox & Lucy his wife Bartholomew Austin & Ann his wife Andrew Cox & Prodence his wife all Jointly with Jane Edwards do for themselves and their heirs warrant and defend a good right and Title to the above sold lands to the aforesaid Susanah Toliver forever free from the claim or claims o themselves and their heirs whatsoever In Witness whereof the said Legatees have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals this day & year first above written Signed Sealed and delivered § Wm Reeves (Seal) in presents of § Andr (his X mark) Cox (Seal) Prudence Cox (Seal) Andr. Cox B. Austin (Seal) Allen Toliver Polly (her X mark) Doughten (Seal) Madison Toliver Zachariah Osborne (Seal) Charity (her X mark) Osborne (Seal) Jane Edwards (her X mark) Edwards (Seal) Ann (her X mark) Austin (Seal) Jesse Reeves (Seal) Elizabeth (her X mark) Phipps (Seal) Samuel Phipps (Seal) David Cox (Seal) Lucy (her X mark) Cox (Seal) Grayson September Ct. 1833 This Deed from George Reeves heirs to Susanah Toliver was Proven by these subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded. Teste John Dickenson DC Additional Comments: Heirs of George Reeves, Sr. to Susannah Reeves Toliver File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb