Grayson County, VA - Soldier's Civil War Pension Application: G. W. Sells, 1895 Transcribed by Linda R ussell Lewis and submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Image can be viewed on the Library of Virginia website: (Official Form) APPLICATION OF A SOLDIER, SAILOR OR MARINE FOR A PENSION. G. W. Sells Native of Virginia Resident of _______ County of Grayson Soldier in state of Virginia Co. D, 50 Virginia Regt. Wounded: May 3, 1863, at the Battle of Chancellorville, Virginia A gunshot wound in right shoulder, taking off part of shoulder bone Disabled as follows: ___?___ two fingers and right hand (the middle of my finger) Applicant's age: 52 If no limb or eye was lost, what is the precise nature of the disability occasioned thereby? Loss of use of right arm almost entirely. Can not chop wood or do any kind of work to amount to much which[sic] right arm hard to be used. May 6, 1895 Signed: G. W. Sells I, R. L. Kirby, Judge of the County Court for the County of Amherst, do certify that G. W. Sells, whose name is signed to the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in open court, and, having the said application fully read and explained to him, as well as the statements and answers therein made, the said G. W. Sells made oath before me that said statements and answers are true. Given under my hand this 7 day of May, 1895 Signed: R. L. Kirby ------------------------ Grayson County No. 53 VIRGINIA: County of Grayson, TO-WIT: I, R. L, Kirby, Judge of the County Court for the County of Grayson, do certify that I have care- fully enquired and examined into, and am fully satis- fied from the evidence adduced before me that each and all of the facts set forth in the within application are true; that the applicant is the identical person name in the application; that the application is for the reasons approved, and it is therefore certified that G. W. Sells is entitled to receive annually from the State of Virginia the sume of Thirty-five dollars. Given under my hand this 7 day of May, 1895. Signed: R. L. Kirby Stamped: June 2, 1895 Added: Facts certified do not indicate a disability equal to that which would be caused by the loss of a limb. D_______