Greene-Rockbridge-Richmond City County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Biographies.....Carneal, Carrie Lee ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Alice Warner March 10, 2009, 3:24 pm Author: Lyon Gardiner Tyler Carrie Lee, second child of Judge Wyatt Starke and Elizabeth Columbia (Miller) Beazley, the sister most closely associated with Dr. Wyatt Sanford Beazley, having taught him and otherwise assisted him in his education, was born February 7, 1864. She was a graduate of the Albemarle Female Institute at the age of sixteen. According to the purpose of her childhood, she began at once to teach, which vocation she followed faithfully and conscientiously for ten years. Her first experience was in a private school in her own home, then in the public schools of her county, next in the alma mater, and finally in Broaddus College, Clarksburg, West Virginia, from which school she married James Durrette Carneal, one of the most prominent and highly esteemed business men of Richmond, Virginia. Children: 1. Mattie Nell, born May 31, 1892; attended the best schools in Richmond, her birthplace, was two sessions and a half a student at Hollins Institute, Virginia, and in one year won, with many honors, her full graduating diploma from Lasell Seminary at Auburndale, a beautiful suburb of Boston, Massachusetts. Later she had three months of travel abroad, followed by a year of voice culture, the study of French, history of art, etc., in Paris. She was beginning her second year there when forced by the present war to return home. 2. Wyatt Beazley, born September 18, 1893; attended the best private schools of Richmond, Virginia; Gloucester Academy, Virginia; Richmond Academy, and Fork Union Military Academy, Virginia. 3. Charles Wendell, born February 12, 1895; cadet at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, having attendee; the several schools with his brother, Wyatt B., with the addition of Richmond College. 4. George Upshur, born August 29. 1897; just graduated with unusual honor from the John Marshall High School, Richmond, Virginia, winning unsought scholarship for Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia. 5. James Durrette, Jr., born July 13, 1899; an "honor roll" pupil of the Richmond High School, with the distinction of never having received a demerit during his entire school experience, and also of having won the medal for best lessons and conduct for four consecutive years, beginning at the very outset of his school life. One of his high school teachers said that he is such a gentleman she had been made more of a lady for having taught him. The entire Carneal family are communicants of the Baptist church. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb