Rains/Mallory/Gentry Deed, 1841 - Greene Co. VA Greene County Deed Book 2 page 342-343 This Indenture form made and entered into this 1st day of April 1841 between Elizabeth Rains of the County of Greene and State of Virginia of the first part, and Nathan T Mallory of the state aforeside and County of Albemarle of the second part, and George A Gentry of the County of Greene and State aforesaid of the third part. Witnesseth that the said Elizabeth Rains is justly indebted to the said George A Gentry the sum of one hunderd and twenty five dollars current money of Virginia due the first day of April 1841, which debt who Elizabeth Rains is willing and desirous to secure. Now this indenture witnesseth for and in consideration of the promises and also for the sum of one dollar paid to said Elizabeth Rains by Nathan T Mallory his heirs and assigns to have and to hold free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever, one dark bay mare, three head of cattle, (namely) one white cow, and yearling, and one white gousling, four feather beds and furniture, fifteen head of hogs, namely, one sm, fourteen shoats, all my household and kitchen furniture, one loom, for which the said Elizabeth Rains herself, her heirs, etc upon trust nevertheless that the Nathan T Mallory, his heirs etc, shall permit the said Elizabeth Rains to retain in her quiet possesion the said property above named until default is made in payment of the sum of money due. Gentry, then upon the trust that said Nathan T Mallory his heirs etc or George A Gentry his heirs etc may require sale of said property or so much therof as may be necessary to satisfy the above named debt with legal interest and cost to the highest bidder for ready money, after fixing time and place at his own discretion and giving ten days notice at the Court House and some other public place and after such sale is made pay to G A Gentry the amount due to him with interest and also cost legally arrising, but if the above is paid and no default is made in payment, then this indenture to be of no effect. In witnesseth whereof we have set our hand and affixed our seals this day and date above written. Elizabeth Rains Nathan T Mallory George A Gentry Clerks Office - Greene County 18th June 1841 This Indenture from Rains to Mallory, Trustee was this day acknowledge before me in my office aforesaid by the said Rains and the said Mallory and admitted to record. Teste R Pritchett clk Submitted by Karan Raines Callaway **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************