Chronological List of Events for Peter Stanley Hite, c1760-1827 - Halifax Co. VA. Probable brothers, Isaac Hite, Joseph Hite, and sister Rachal Hite who married John Roberts. See Joseph Hite on 1790 Orange Co NC census, and on Halifax road crew with Stanley Hite in 1819. See legal will of Rachal Hite Roberts deceased daughter of Joseph Hite in 1800 in Mecklenburg Co VA. This may help with the spelling of Stanley or with a "d" Standley. Mr. Wade Hinshaw says in the Quaker records that the surname is Standley in Virginia, and the same surname in North Carolina Quaker records is Stanley with no "d". [Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy , Vol 4, Virginia, p.564.] 1761, Stanley Hite born by 1761 to be a 21 year old adult on the 1782 Halifax tax list. Although, 16 year old males could be listed on tax lists, 3 years later on the next tax list of 1785, Isaac Hite was listed in a seperate house with his own family members, and Stanley Hite was in a seperate household. Surely if they had their own houses, and families, they must have been older than 16 years. Note from the 1764 land records of Aaron Ck that no Hite-Hight was on Aaron Ck --- {1764} George Boyd (son of Patrick Boyd) is appointed Surveyor of the Road from Boyds ferry to Hico Creek down the River Dan and it is Ordered that he with the Male laboruring Tithable persons following to wit: James Boyd and his, John Boyd, son of Patrick, those{Tithables} belonging to Hampton Wade, Gent and Robert Wade deceased, Joel Henibr..t (Hambright? text is faded) Francis Lovesay, Francis Tucker{estate Henry Talley}, Obadiah Smith's ( Hico), Thomas Tindal, John Pulliam, Henry Pichet?{Picket?}, Joel Whit and William Griffin do forthwith clear and keep the said road in Repair, according to law.------------ cwh, Obadiah Smith had grandson with same name later on Aaron Ck whose wife was a Wilborn & sister to wife of Vincent Hite. {1764}Halifax Co VA, Richard Griffin Junr is appointed Surveyor of the Road from Hico Creek to Aarons Creek and it is ordered that he with the Male labouring Tithables persons following, to wit. Thous{Those} belonging to Seth Pettipool, William Pettipool, Alexander Roberts, Richard Jones (Hico) Patrick Flyn(?){Patrick Ramsey close to here}, Robert Browis {Brown??}, Abraham Talley, William Cannaday, Ralph Griffin Junr, Samuel Griffin, Peter Griffin, Howard Hurst, Richard Gregrory, John Wall & John Hembre{Hembrey} do forthwith clear and keep this said Road in Repair according to Law.---cwh, note Alexander Roberts also in Charlotte Co deeds near John Hite. Stanley Hite was born about 1761 so his father had to be alive shortly before 1761. {cwn, Alexander Roberts wife was Martha Smith widow of Luke Smith}. 1782 ,Halifax Co.,VA, tax/census of 1782, p.24, Stanly Hite-5 white souls. Since Stanley's oldest son Vincent wasn't born until about 1787, who were these five people? Probably Isaac Hite was included because he was living beside Stanley Hite on the next 1785 tax list. Were the other members siblings of Isaac and Stanley? Maybe Stanley was the oldest son of a deceased father? The adjoining neighbors were-- Will Wilson, Rich Arrington, John Arrington, Reuben Jones, Bart Elliott, Ann Elliott {grandparent}, Stanly Hite-5 white souls, Tom Wilson, Will Pettypool, Robert Jones, Archibald Loftis, John Williams, Hampton Wade, David Wall, Joseph Fontain, Peyton Talley, John Griffin, Richard Griffin--Note Peyton Talley as the son of Abraham Talley--note Robert Jones above and also in 1816 for marriage James Jones to Martha Hite d/o Stanley Hite SR Halifax Co., VA census 1782 Wilson William 4 0{wife Jane Griffin, sister of Sarah Griffin w/o Reuben Jones} Arrington Richard 1 0 Arrington John 5 0 Jones Reuben 6 0{wife Sarah Griffin Jones above per Mary Seamster} Elliott Bartlett 2 0{son of John and Ann Loftis Elliott, widow next door} Elliott Anne 7 0 {my grandparent} HITE STANLEY 5 0 Wilson Thomas 8 0 Pettypool William 7 7, father of Stephen P. Pool on estate Stanley Hite 1827 Jones Robert 0 11, one witness to marriage of Stanley's daughter Martha Loftes Archibald 3,0 posted security estate Stanley Hite 1827, brother to Ann Loftis Elliott Williams John 7 0 Wade Hampton 4, 5 origin of name for Hampton Hite? Wall David 7,6 Fontaine Joseph 7,3 Tally(Talley) Peyton 4,0 son of Abraham Talley 1782, Halifax census, note Peyton Talley{wife Elizabeth Gresham} above fairly close to Stanley Hite. Also, note Stanley Hite JR married Matilda Talley 2-5-1820 in Granville NC, and they named their first male child James Howard which may be a clue to Matilda's family as these were not names associate with Stanley Hite Senior. 1782, Discussion of Vincent Gregory on 1764 Lunenburg tax list as possible father of Martha Hite, wife of Stanley Hite Sr(ca1760-1827). Thus Vincent Hite, the oldest son of Stanley and Martha Hite, could have been named for her father, Vincent. First, the name MARTHA was used in the Gregory family. Note one Martha Gregory on this list of the Meherrin Baptist Church, and also members were John Hite, Mary & Elizabeth Hite. Meherrin Baptist Church members 1771-1844, Martha Gregory, David, John, Thomas Gregory, and Hite, Elizabeth---Hite, John--- Hite, Mary. -This Church was in Mecklenburg Co VA near the Charlotte Co VA line, and Bluestone Ck where John and Mary Hite lived ca 1757, before moving to Sandy Ck. Also Richard Gregory had land on Bluestone Ck ca 1769, and on the 1785 tax/census for Halifax Co VA is one Richard Gregory adjacent Stanley Hite. Stanley Hite's wife Martha may be Martha Wilkins the daughter of James Wilkins deceased in Mecklenburg Co VA 1781. There was a James Wilkins on Aaron's Ck adjacent Stanley and Isaac Hite. Note the daughter Martha is not married in the following legal will dated 1781: Mecklenburg Co VA legal will of: James Wilkins 11 Jul 1781; 8 Oct 1781 Meck Co VA WB1:384 Names: Wife: Arabella Wilkins Children: Charles Wilkins; Martha Wilkins; Sukey (Susanna) Vaughan; Mary Wilkins, Milly Newton-- {Note, see George Newton 1790 Orange NC p. 97 Joseph Hite} Granddaughter Sarah Vaughan Exec: Son Charles Wilkins{wife d/o John Jones} Wit: Thomas Field, John Puryear, William Hundley. 1782, Halifax Co.,VA, tax/census of 1782, Richard "Hatter" 0,9--This may be Richard Hight (son of John Hight d. 1795 Franklin Co NC) who lives in Lunenburg Co, VA, but ownes land and pays tax on slaves in Halifax. Said Richard is listed in 1782 in Lunenburg Co VA as 1 poll tax and also 9 slaves. So he had to pay tax on his land and slaves in Halifax, but could only register to vote once, so listed with one poll in Lunenburg Co. Also suspicious on 1782 Halifax census is Joseph "Hix" 6,0 who may or may not be a Hight/Hite. This Joseph Hix is listed beside James Buchanan, who may or may not be of the LDS (Mormon) Buchanan family of Stephen Pace who witnessed the will of Abraham Talley two years later. However, earlier in neighboring Granville Co NC, one James Buchanan was on Grassy Ck as a neighbor of one Francis Howard and in 1748 in Lunenburg, one Francis Howard had his will witnessed by one John Hyde-Hight. One James Chappell was on the 1782 Halifax census, and earlier one was in Surry as a godparent associated with Will and Ann Hight. 1783, Note this STANLEY family near Stanley Hite--- Halifax DB 13, p. 372. Dec 3, 1783 from William Glidewell of H, to John Pettipool{Pettypool}of Granville County, NC for 5 £ specie, about 162 acres in H, and is bounded by Daniel Glass, Francis Lovesay, Presley Harrison, William Hodges Signed - William Glidewell(+ his mark) - Wit Daniel Hitson(x his rnark}, Peter Whit(I his mark) , Richard Stanley- Recorded Jan 19, 1786- cwh, see Daniel Hutson, see Richard Stanley on 1782 Halifax census----, see Daniel Glass on Bluewing Ck of Hyco River near Talley---see Francis Lovesay by Abraham Talley, Moses Fontaine on Hico Riv----Halifax, VA, Deed Bk 9, Page 330. Sep 5, 1774 frorn. Daniel Dean of H to James Boyd of H, for 9 £, a certarn tract on land of about 100 acres, bounded by Abraham Talley, Moses Fontain, Frank Lofsey {Francis Lovesay?},. Robert Brooks. Signed - Daniel Dean(L his mark) . Wit - Thomas Smith, John Boyd, John Wade. Recorded Oct 20, 1774. 1784, Mecklenburg Co, VA- Stanley Hite witness to legal will of Abraham Talley; no wife listed so probably deceased; sons, Fredrick Talley, Peyton, John, Hilikiah, William. exec. John Talley Witnesses: Peter Standley Hite, Stephen Pace, Will Russell {Have copy} ---cwh, note no Abraham Talley Jr.---Fred, Peyton, and Hilikiah got land in Halifax on Aaron Ck, and William & John got land in Mecklenburg Co.--see legal will of P. Stanley Hite 1785, Halifax, Va. p.89B , middle page, PEYTON TALLEY, Nicholas Fletcher, Robert Wall, Robert Glidewell, John Seaman, Sam Griffin, Catherine Parrott, Eliz. Sikes, Tom Sikes, Buckner Wall, STANLY HITE 3,0,0, ISAAC HITE 4,0,0 Richard Gregory, Smith Gregory, John Gregory, Will Hens??, Will P. Bunton, Luke Waldrope, Joseph Davis, John Wall, Dan Sizemore, Ambrose Gregory --Note Peyton Talley son of Abraham Talley dec. 1784. Note no surname GREGORY on 1782 census but #3 families beside Stanley in 1785 !! Note the appearance of Isaac Hite in 1785, and was he a brother or father of Stanley Hite. Said Stanley was born by 1760 to be 21 years old on the 1782 census. Since Stanley died in 1827, he was at least 67 years old . -Since Isaac Hite was on the 1785 census, he was born by 1764, so Stanley would been born by 1744 to be the father of Isaac. Then Stanley would be 83 years in 1827 when he died. Therefor Stanley and Isaac as brothers seems more reasonable. 1785--- Halifax Co, VA, DB 13, p. 362. Aug 20, 1785 from John Pettpool (Pettipool, Pettypool) of Granville County, NC, to Fredrick Talley (Tally) of Halifax, for 15lbs, about 162 acres in Halifax on the waters of Blew Wing [Blue Wing Cr, Hyco Riv], and bounded by Robert Glidewell, Daniel Glass, William Arun{Irvin??}, Presley Harrison. Signed - John Pettypool. Wit - Standley Hite, John Talley(x his mark), Hilker Talley(x his mark) , Peter Overby. Recorded Jan l9, 1786. -----cwh, Note, both John & Hilikiah Talley signed with an X-----Also this is a son of Seth Pettypool, brother of William Pettypool of Aaron Ck-Blue Wing Ck--on 1785, Daniel Glass beside John Talley. Note Stanley Hite witness for Frederick Talley purchasing land. 1786, First land purchase by Stanley Hite in Halifax. From Fred Talley to Standley Hite, 1-17-1786--Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 13 p. 373 On January 17, 1786, Frederick Talley sold 50 acres to Standley Hite for 20 pounds. The land lying in Halifax Co.--"Beginning at a corner red oak running up to a dividing line of Kiah Tallies thence to a branch and thence down the branch to Aarons Creek thence down the Creek to the line thence it meanders to the "begging" red oak. Sig: "X" Frederick Tally.----cwh, Kiah is short for HiliKIAH Talley, see deed 1788 below, lives beside Stanley Hite. Note, land from Fred Talley to Stanley Hite, also this is Hilikiah(Kiah) Talley the brother of Peyton Talley & Fred Talley, all sons of Abraham Talley deceased 1784 Mecklenburg Co VA., legal will witnessed by Stanley Hite. Note this is probably the same Frederick Talley above in 1786, who earlier witnessed a deed with John Whitt. The date of 1773 means Frederick was an adult so born by 1752.---1773-Halifax Co., VA Deed Book 9, p. 305, Seth PettyPool of Halifax Co., to Benjamin PettyPool of Halifax, for the love Seth has for his grandson(Benjamin), Seth has given Benjamin a certain tract of about 64 acres of land in Halifax Co. on the south side of Hico Creek, bounded by John Murphy, Howard Hurst{LDS}, Pinson's branch, Byrd, Thomas Wiler. signed: Seth (X) PettyPool, Haden Pryor, Ginor (X) Roach, Martha (X) Crook, John Whit(X) , Fredrick Tally(X) ;4 Mar 1773, recorded: 17 June 1773--- 1787: Halifax Co, VA DB 14:279-8; 27 Dec 1787, Proved 23 Jun 1788. Hilkiah Tally of Halifax to William Gresham of same, for 30 pounds current money of Virginia. Land situated and Lying in said County of Halifax, Beginning at a black gum on the creek on Standley Hides{Hite) Line from thence on Obadiah Overby(Overbey's) line to a corner pine thence on {Peyton} Paton Talleys line to a corner white oak thence down the creek a direct coruse to the begining. -Containing by Estimations 47 Acres more or less and also all trees, woods, underwoods.. Hilkiah (X) Tally Wit: Anthony Gresham, Nimrod Overby, John Williams, Robert Chikldresn (?Childress), Nathaniel Childers. ---see one George Gresham p.96 Orange NC 1790, & one son of William per LDS d. Christian Co, KY. 1787 Halifax, born to Stanley and Martha Hite, son Vincent(1787-1861), married Nancy Wilburn (daughter of John Wilburn-Wilborn), 12-14-1807, Mecklenburg Co., VA - surety by Thomas Wilburn- -another marriage of 12-12-1856 Halifax to Rebecca Talley by Vincent, has a 70 year old groom, so Vincent was born 1786/7. He was executor of Stanley's will so probably the oldest male. Curiously, Stanley Hite is listed as head of household of 5 people in 1782, but his oldest child wasn't born until 5 years later, 1787.--One John Wilborn married Patsy Pettypool(sister of Stephen Pettypool wife Molly Gregory), but she wasn't born until about 1789, so she was too young to be a parent of Nancy Wilburn w/o Vincnent Hite. Note John Wilborn below with Benjamin Jones on estate Rachal Hite Roberts: This appears to be the wife of Francis Griffin deceased 1764, maiden Philadelphia Jones. Note the repeat of the grand-daughter Sarah Griffin. see James Griffin in Orange NC with John Hiatt -- Meck.Co VA Will of John Jones Senr; WB 3:85; 27 Sep 1791; 9 Jan 1792 Names Children: James Jones Benjamin Jones--[see estate/bond of Rachel Hite Roberts] John Jones Ann Blanks Philadelphia(Jones) Yancey[1st m. Francis Griffin,dec 1765] cwh so born about 1746 Amelia Vaughan Frances Wilkins Granddaughters: Sarah Griffin Frances Griffin Grandsons: Joseph Blanks John Blanks Executors: Sons Benjamin Jones and James Jones and Joseph Blanks. Wit: John Wilburn; Peter Overby; Machadiah Overby. Page 175 of same source (WB 4:1) Adm. account and report of John Jones deceased reveals the following spouses: Robert Yancey husb. of Philadelphia Yancey; Charles Wilkins husb. of Frances Wilkins; John Vaughan husb. of Amelia Vaughan; Joseph Blanks Senr husb. of Anne Blanks. (Rec. 11 Sep 1797)-cwh see Vincent Hite(s/o Stanley SR) m. d/o John Wilborn. 1787, Halifax, Court Pleas 12:260, Isaac and Stanley Hite, and others summoned to court. Failure to report taxable property. 1788 born, son Hampton Hite who married Rebecca "Betsy" Overby daughter of Sylvester Overby on Aug 24,1812 in Halifax Co. Va.(book 1:779). Hampton supposely moved to St. Clair Co., MO by 1850. They had three children, Elizabeth, Isaac and Abraham. Also Elizabeth "Betsy" Hite above married William Bowen on Dec 18,1834 in Granville Co.NC. She died in 1836 and he married Lucy R. Wilkins.-----Note Hampton Jones on 1803 deed with Stanley Hite, possibly source of name Hampton. 1788---Hilkiah{Hilikiah Talley}to William Gresham --B & S-- BK14--p.279-- Jun--23--1788-- 47a----This was Aaron Ck, Hilikiah lived beside Stanley Hite at this time. See William Gresham as f/o Peyton Talley's wife. Halifax Deed Book 14, Page 279. Dec 27, 1787 from Hilkiah Talley of Halifax, to William Gresham of H, for 30 £, about 47 acres in H, bounded by Standley, Hide, Obadiah Overbey, Patan Talley{Peyton}. signed - Hilkiah Talley(X his rnark) --- Wit - Anthony Gresham.. Nimrod Overbey, John Williams, Robert Childers, Nathan Childers. Recorded Jun 23, 1788.----cwh, probably one person Stanley Hite, known to live adjacent Hilikiah Talley from earlier deeds. However there was a Richard Stanley who witnessed deeds on Aaron Ck-Hyco area. 1790, Joseph Hite, with other Mecklenburg Co VA names, is on Orange Co NC census 1790, born to Stanley and Martha, son Stanley Hite Junior, married Matilda Talley on 2-5-1820 in Granville Co., NC-- I speculate Matilda was the daughter of Hezeiah Talley who was son of Frederick Talley and Elizabeth Jerncey-Journey. Said Fred Talley was a son of Abraham and Sarah Tucker Talley, s/o John Talley Sr(b.1689 wife Ann), s/o Henry Talley of Henrico Co, VA. See discussion of Matilda Talley at end of this section. -Stanley Hite Junior was deceased by September 1842 when his will was probated in Halifax Co., VA-- 1794, Born daughter, Martha "Patsy" Hite, marr. James Jones on 1-11-1816, Halifax Co., VA; surety by Hampton Hite. Wit: Hampton Hite and Robert Jones, minister Reuben Pickett. Stanley Hite, father of Patsy, gave permission to marry. She is in the 1827 will of Stanley Hite Senior, as Patsy Jones..[Marriages of Halifax Co VA, 1801-1830, Chiarito] Also see 1782 Halifax tax/census, one Robert Jones beside Stanley Hite SR, and one as son of Reuben Jones per legal will.--Now, note these marriages about 1816 by the same Rev Reuben Pickett who is on the 1782 Halifax Co, VA census.; Peyton R Talley is a son of Peyton(dec 1800) and Elizabeth Gresham Talley, Jane Talley is sister of Peyton R. Talley, and Abraham is obviously named for his grandfather Abraham Talley{wife Sarah Tucker Talley} whose estate in 1784 was witnessed by Stanley Hite. (1) Abraham Talley to Elizabeth Chandler on 1-15-1816, by Rev Reuben Pickett (2) Peyton R. Talley to Jane Yancey on 11-30-1819, by Rev Reuben Pickett (3) Jane Talley to William Pettypool Jr on 1-15-1814, by Rev Reuben Pickett, consent by Stephen Pettypool as guardian for Jane Talley{cwh, d/o Peyton}. -Note, William PPool is the brother of Stephen PPool, both sons of William Pettypool(wife Sarah Tynes) of Aaron's Ck. 1794, Halifax, deed, see John Sizemore near Stanley Hite, 1782 & 1785 Tax/census. Halifax. 1794, Deed Book 16, p.143, On April 6, 1794 John Sizemore and Mary Sizemore sold to Standley Hight(Hite) 50 acres of land for 17 pounds. The land lying in Halifax Co described: Beginning on Peyton Talleys line in the Cedar Branch thence up the Cedar Branch to Obadiah Overbys line thence along Overbys line to David Wilsons line thence along Wilsons line to the said Talleys line thence along the said Talleys line to the beginning. Witnesses: Pool David Wilson. Sig: John Sizemore----Witness: William Talley "X" . 1794, DB 16:144, 26 Apr 1794/28 Apr 1794. John Sizemore of Halifax to William Talley of Mecklenburg Co. Consid: 30 pounds; 70 acres in Halifax on the waters of Arons Crk, bounded by a Cedar Branch on Peyton Talley's line, then to James Vaughan's line, Caleb Johnson's line, Obadiah Overby's line. Sig: John Sizemore. Wit: S. P. Pool, Standley Hite, Daniel Wilson 1794, Halifax Co, VA DB 16:175-6, 28 Apr 1794/28 Apr 1794. William Gresham to Daniel Wilson of Mecklenburg Co, VA. consid: 20 pounds. 47 Acres. Land lying in Halifax Co upon Aarons Creek bounded as followeth to wit: Begining at the mouth of the Pace (Hace?) branch in Standley Hites line thence up the said branch to a Corner pine thence along Abraham Overbys line and Standley Hites to a Corner pine thence along Peyton Talleys line to a corner which Oak on the said Creek thence down the said Creek to the Begining. William Gresham Wit: Adam Winder {Widener}, Joel Gresham----see 1788 Hilikiah Talley sold land to William Gresham. -see Adam Winder 1734 list, Philadelphia, PA. 1795, Mecklenburg Co.,VA Deed 5:25-1795, 8:531--Will Talley of Meck., to Payton Talley of Halifax Co., VA for 50 lbs., 50a, in Meck. on Aarons Creek, adjacent Daniel Wilson, George Moore, John Sisemore{Sizemore}, and a mill. Witnesses: William Talley Junior, Joseph HYTON (Hite), recorded 7-13-1795 ---This 1795 deed on Aaron Creek by a neighbor of Peyton Talley suggests a variation of Hyte as the name was spelled on legal will of Standley Hyte in 1827.-- Peyton Talley is the son of Abraham Talley deceased 1784 in Mecklenburg Co, witnessed by Stanley Hite.--Aaron Creek is where Stanley Hite and Peyton Talley lived on the 1782 and 1785, Halifax Co., Virginia census, where you can also find John Sisemore & Tom Wilson. Also see John Sizemore sells to Stanley Hite 1794. Also note on 1785 census the above Tom Wilson(beside Stanley Hite 1782) is now beside John Talley. 1796 born, daughter Catherine Hite(b. ca 1796-d. 1854), married Bird Overby in Granville Co., NC on 5-20-1813. They had child Elizabeth Overby on the will of Stanley Hite Sr in 1827. 1797-Stanley Hite on court ordered road crew to maintain road from Overby's Road to Wilkins mill. Road survey by Hampton Jones. cwh, see Robert Jones daughter, Matilda Jones, md. Hampton Jones (data from Emery Hite) 1797, From Del Jensen, copy of a bill of sale from Ambrose Gregory to Isaac Hyte dated April 18, 1797.---My extract----This Indenture made the 18th day of April, 1797, between Ambrose Gregory County of Mecklenburg VA of the one part, and Isaac Hyte(Hite) County of Halifax VA, of the other part. Witness that the said Ambrose Gregory for and in consideration of the sum of 50lbs current money of Virginia, to him in hand paid by the said Isaac Hyte(Hite), the receipt whereof the said Ambrose Gregory, doth hereby acknowledge, he hath granted, bargained, and sold, assigned(?), and confirmed and by those presents doth grant, bargain, and sell, assign, and confirm unto the said Isaac Hyte, and his heirs, assigns forever, a certain tract of land lying and being in Halifax Co, on the Branch of the North Fork of Aaron Creek, and bounded as follows, red oak in Thomas Wilkins line, Obadiah Overby's line, Caleb Johnstons line, James Wilkins line, and the said Isaac Hites line, containing 125a, more or less, and also all woods, underwoods, Tithes common, pastures, waters, and appertuances, whatsoever to the said land. Etc Signed, sealed and delivered, Ambrose Gregory--------Witnessed: Stephen P. Pool, Elijah "X" Bowen, Milly P. Pool Note: Milly Gregory Petty Pool{d/o Ambrose Gregory} is the wife of Stephen P. Pool-- Also, Isaac Hite owns land in addition to the above 125a, because his old line is also noted. Also, Obadiah Overby above, and in 1777 he witnessed will of Henry Talley. Note: See James Wilkins above, and one had a 1780 legal will in Mecklenburg Co VA, with a daughter Martha as in wife of Stranley Hite: Legal will of James Wilkins,11 Jul 1781; 8 Oct 1781 Mecklenburg Co VA WB1:384 Names: Wife: Arabella Wilkins Children: Charles Wilkins; Martha Wilkins; Sukey (Susanna) Vaughan; Mary Wilkins, Milly Newton Granddaughter Sarah Vaughan Exec: Son Charles Wilkins Wit: Thomas Field, John Puryear, William Hundley. ---cwh see George Newton 1790 Orange Nc p. 97 Joseph Hite --cwh, note Martha above as possibly Martha Hite wife of Stanley Hite 1798, Halifax, born Daughter, Nancy Hite, who may have married a Talley About 1828 1800, Halifax Co, Born to Stanley and Martha Hite, daug. Sally Hite(1800-1861) marr. Will Claiborn on 4 Aug 1831 (per Mary Seamster). 1800, Halifax.,-- 9-22-1800, Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 18, p. 428 On September 22, 1800 Isaac Hite sold to Standley Hite for 40 pounds, 125 acres in Halifax Co. described: " bound as followeth by the lands of Obediah Overbey, Calib Johnson{Caleb Johnston}, James Wilkins, and Sterling Vaughan...." (S) Isaac "x" Hite L.G. Wit: Witnesses: Jechonias Overbey, Sterling Overbey, John Overbey----See James Vaughan 1790 Orange NC p.96, Joseph Hite----- Re: Hite Date:97-02-02 From: ScoutChas(Ruby Wilkins Pointer) This James Wilkins was probably a brother to our John Wilkins who m Mildred Parrish. - According to the Wilkins book "Pioneers & Patriots", John had brothers: Thomas, Henry, James H. and William and there were probably more. No proof on these brothers, however, I have already found some error in this book. --One James H. Wilkins m Rebeckah Overby 25 Jan 1802 in Halifax Co., VA and this is probably the one you have listed on the land sale and is probably the brother of our John Wilkins. Cousin Ruby 1800 Halifax, DB 18:425, on 9-22-1800, Stanley Hite to Sylvester Overby, 50a on Aaron Creek 1802---Halifax Co, VA Court Pleas No. 21 1802-1803 page 47{LDS film #F0031928-037-009} Halifax Co Va, May Court 1802----{Obadiah}Obediah Smith, plaintiff agains John Sizemore, Coleman Sizemore, Standley Hight, Hezekiah Talley & George Sizemore, defendants:::: In Chancery Court, That came this day came on to be heard upon the bill, answers, depositions of the wittnesses and exhibits herein introduced and the agrument of crimes (?). In consideration whereof It is decided and ordered that the defendant John Sizemore do make to the plantiff a good and lawful tithe in ...ple by deed duly executed to the tract of land{cwh, Aaron Ck??}in the bill mentioned containing eight hundred and forty acres{840a}, and bounded as follows... Begining at a white oak on Fulch{Field?} order line thence East 160 poles to Trammell's line, to Cox es line, William Gills line, a branch to Fields order line, thence said line South 170 poles to the Beginning. And that the deeds heretofore excuted by the said John Sizemore to the other defendants here ... & .... ..... And it is further ordered that the plaintiff recover against the said defendants John Sizemore his .... by him in this behalf ..... And that a ....Heluifacies (?) possession (?) be awarded. {cwh, John Sizemore, before the lawsuit, sold land to the other defendants so they may or may not be kin. Also Hezekiah Talley from Obediah Smith 19:453 24 Jan 1803 151 A. Cedar Br.{n. Fork Aaron}. Halifax Co Va, May Court 1802----{cwh, John Sizemore, before the lawsuit, sold land to the other defendants, and the legality of the sale was challenged by Obediah Smith. Thus the other defendants may or may not be kin.} ----Halifax Co Va, May Court 1802, Obediah Smith, plaintiff agains John Sizemore, Coleman Sizemore, Standley Hight, Hezekiah Talley & George Sizemore, defendants:::: In Chancery Court----That came this day came on to be heard upon the bill, answers, depositions of the wittnesses and exhibits herein introduced and the agrument of crimes (?). In consideration whereof It is decided and ordered that the defendant John Sizemore do make to the plantiff a good and lawful tithe in ...ple by deed duly executed to the tract of land in the bill mentioned containing eight hundred and forty acres, and bounded as follows...Begining at a white oak on Fulch{Field?} order line thence East 160 poles to Trammell's line, thence his Line N. 10 E. 18 poles to hickory, thence East 140 poles to a hickory, thence 1 till (?) East a new line 18 poles to Coxes line thence his line N. 36 W. 78 poles to pentis(?) thence N. 27 E. 248 poles to a part oak, thence East 48 poles to a pine in William Gills line thence his line N. 140 poles to a port oak, thence N. 70 E. 64 poles to a red oak, thence N. 5 W. 160 poles a branch to a red oak, thence S. 47 W. 664 poles a branch to Fields order line, thence said line South 170 poles to the Beginning. And that the deeds heretofore excuted by the said John Sizemore to the other defendants here .... And it is further .... ....... that the plaintiff recover against the said defendants John Sizemore his .... by him in this behalf ..... And that a .... Heluifacies (?) possession (?) be awarded. 1803-----Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 19, p. 554---On May 28, 1803 Robert Shotwell sold {price??}to Standley Hite the North Fork tract of land belonging unto the Estate of Obadiah Overbey, deceased, which I am entitled to agreeable to a division of the lands of the said decedent made by Maj. Thomas Howerton, Capt. Samuel Pointer, and Hampton Jones together with the assistance of Isaac Oaks, Surveyor. It being Lot No. 3, containing by estimation Sixty five and 3/4 acres...Beginning at a pine in Hackney's line, to the beginning." Witnesses: Sterling Yancey, (S) Robert "X" Shotwell L.G.; Wylie Yancey, Thornton Yancey, Sr, Hezekiah Tally -- {1755 Granville NC, Thornton Yancey, 1790 Granville Sterling Yancey} 1803, Note different # acres here----- Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 19, p.553 On June 24, 1803 Robert Shotwell sold to Standley Hite 42 ½ acres in Halifax Co. located on the waters of HayStack CK, for 20 pounds described: "Beginning at pointers the beginning" Sig: Robert "X" Shotwell L.G. Wit: David Boyd, Samuel Pointer Obadiah Tindal.----Note, Robert Shotwell married Obediah Overby's daughter(per M.Seamster). ----Note David Boyd above and here: Halifax Co Will Book 0 p. 357: 1781, George Boyd. legal will. eldest daugh Sarah Hopson...son Walter Boyd...son Joshua Boyd...son Irby Boyd 365 acres of land on the south side of Dan River part of the tract I purchased of Mr. William Stokes & my desire is 150 acres on the back part joining Hampton Wade deceased estate , Thomas Colley, & David Boyd, may be sold & the money arising therefrom to purchase 72 acres from William Lawson joining the south side of the sd. tract..., etc. wife Wilmuth Boyd{maiden Irby}. Wit: Wm. Powell, Evan Ragland, Thomas Douglass, Andrew Boyd. dated 29 May 1779; prob. 21 Jun 1781. cwh, maiden Wilmuth Irby Boyd 1803: Halifax Co, VA DB 20:164-5, __Oct 1803/24 Apr 1804. Daniel Wilson of Halifax Co, VA to William Tally JUNIOR of same county and state. Consid: 50 pounds. 50 Acres. Land in Halifax Co, VA on the west side of Aarons Creek and bounded as follows (to wit) Begining at a Corner Elm on the said creek near Ambrose Gregorys mill in the said Daniel Wilsons line thence along the said Wilsons line to a corner pine in Standley Hytes line thence along his line and Hezekiah Talleys line to a corner white oak in James Vaughans line thence along the said Vaughns line to the said creek on to the water of the said Gregorys mill pound thence down the sd. creek or water as is now or maybe hereafter raised excepting the downing of a certain spring known by the name of Payton Talleys etc spring as it is or may meander to the Begining. Daniel Wilson L.S. Wit: Stephen P. Pool, Bently Wilkerson, Munford Wilson (X)----cwh, note Hilikiah Talley lived beside Stanley Hite earlier, and we have no deed transferring land to Hezekiah above, were they father & son? Fred, Peyton, and Hilikiah sons of Abraham Talley (d. 1784) inheirted land in Halifax on Aaron Ck & Peyton had no son Hezekiah listed in court papers, so Hezekiah son of Hilikiah or Frederick? 1804, Halifax, on 6-25-1804 purchased 44a from Obadiah Smith. (Emery Hite data) 1805, Hal., Court P.24:150, Stanley Hite to work on Stony Mill Road to Gregory Mill 1805, Daniel WILSON of Halifax Co, VA sold 50 acres of land in Halifax on the west side of Aaron's Creek for 50 pounds to William TALLEY of Halifax Co in Jul 1805? Stephen P'POOL; Bentley WILKERSON and Munford WILSON were witnesses. Munford was the son of Daniel Wilson and brother of Jane WILSON who m. William TALLEY{supposed to be son of Abraham & Martha Tucked Talley, but he 20years older than Jane Wilson}. Land boundaries mention Ambrose GREGORY's Mill; WILSON's line to a corner pine in Standley HYTE's line, etc. to a certain Spring known by the name of Peyton TALLEY's Old Spring. 1805-----Halifax Co, VA, Court Pleas No. 24, 1805-06 (LDS film #F0031929-037-009) page 150 Oct 1805---- Hampton Jones, John Griffin and James Wilkins appointed to a former order of the Court, on the motion of Daniel Goode proposing to have a new road opened from the Stoney hill near the Shady grove to Ambrose Gregory's mill on Aarons Creek. This day made their report thereon as follows to wit: "In obed unto to view the lands there which this road will run if opened the Stoney Hill near the Shady Grove is Ambrose Gregory's mill on Aarons Creek, Beginning at said Stoney Hill thence along MaCarty's road which was opened by order of Court to Gills old road down that ending Blew Wing creek to Presley Harrison there thence the roads crossing the North prong of Aarons Creek to Gregory's mill path them down the same to said mill roaming threw (sic) the lands of the persons herein names to witt: Samuel Ward, Boyd Penion (?Pinson??), Abner Boyd, Presley Harrison, Daniel Goode, John Dubury, George Sizemore, John Wilkins, Thomas Wilkins, Caleb Johnston, Stanley Hight{Hite}, William Talley, Sarah Wilson, and Ambrose Gregory. We acflut (or acput) (?) that 1d (?) road if opened will be a very useful and convenient road as well to the publick as to the neighborhood threw (sic) which it will run and that we (?) see (?) no en.........y attending the ..... given under our hand this 17th October 1805. Hampton Jones, John Griffen, James Wilkens. and it appearing that the said road if opened will be convenient. Therefore it is ordered that the Sheriff summons the Said Samuel Ward, Boyd Pinson (?), Abner Boyd, Presley Harrison, Daniel Goode, John Dubury {Duberry?}, George Sizemore, John Wilkins, Thomas Wilkins, Caleb Johnston, Standly Height, William Talley, Sarah Wilson and Ambrose Gregory if they be found in the County, if not then their agents therein, in any, to appear before the justices of our said County at the courthouse on the fourth Monday in December to show cause why the said road shall not be opened. Halifax Co, VA, Court Pleas No. 24, 1805-06 (LDS film #F0031929-037-009) page 243 It appearing to the court that Samuel Ward, Boyd Penion{Pinson?}, Abner Boyd, Presley Harrison, Daniel Goode, John Danbury, George Sizemore, John Wilkins, Thomas Wilkins, Stanley Height {Stanley Hite}, William Tally, Sarah Wilson through where lands the new road petitioned for by Daniel Goode to be opened from the Stoney hill near the Shady grove to Ambros Gregory's mill on Aarons Creek, if opened will be conducted have been duly summoned. And that Caleb Thomas and Ambrose Gregory through where lands the said road also will run, are treturned by the Sheriff "No Inhabitants". And the aforesaid Samuel Ward, Boyd Penion, Abner Boyd, Prisley Harrison, Daniel Goode, John Durbury, Geroge Seizmore, John Wilkins, Thomas Wilkins, Standley Hight, William Tally, Sarah Wilson, Caleb Johnson and Ambrose Gregory failing to appear, or show cause why the said road should not be opened agreeable to the said petition, and the report of the receivers thereupon; And no wit of Ad good clamnum (?) being required by them, or either of them; therefore it is ordered that the same be established a public road, to be conducted and opened as marked and directed by the said receivng: And that farther proceedings upon the summons paid to the said prosscuitors be dimissed. And thereupon the said Daniel Goode is appointed Surveyor of the road aforesaid. And ti is ab..dencd; that he together with his own male labouring tythes, and them of Sarah wilson, William Talley, Standley Hite, Halkiah Talley, Hampton Jones, Thomas Wilkins, John Wilkins, Thomas La. (Lane?), Sylvester Overby, Elisha (?), Thomas Carter, Charles Vaughan, William Tally, Jr, Richard Jones, William Sturart, Boyd Penion{Pinsom?}, Robert Glidewell, George Boxley, William Gooch, Samuel Ward, John Griffin, Mark Glidwell, Arthur A. (C?) Adkinson, Robert Shotwell, Archibald Loftis, Thomas Fitts, Sterling Vaughan, James Wilkins, James H. Wilkins, Gordon Vaughan, George Sizemore, John Dubury, Walker Fitts, Abner Boyd, Paisley Harrison, Robert Harrison, William Hudson, Peter Hudson, William Baynham{Bynum?}, Benjamin Boxley, Benjamin Boxley Jr, John East, John Goode, Reubin Jones, and Richard Jones do forthwith lay open, clear and keep the same in repair according to law. 1806, Halifax Court, road maintenance crew, Stanley Hite 1807, Halifax tax list: Joseph and Standley Hite, 2 polls; Vincent Hight. 1809 Mecklenburg Co VA, 11-13-1809, Bond by Stephen P. Poole, Francis E. Walker, and Benjamin Jones for Elizabeth Hyte(Hite), legatee of Rachal Roberts, deceased daughter of Joseph Hyte, said orphan....--Note Stephen P. Pool witness to legal will of Standley "Hyte" 1827. Also note 5-25-1795 deed on Aarons Ck, Joseph "Hyton". Also a Halifax Co marriage on 12-18-1819 has same Stephen Petty Pool and Stephen Talley posting bond for Will Smith marriage to Fanny(Frances) Talley d/o Hezekiah Talley. Also about the same time, marriage has David Boyd as a guardian, James Talley, son of Lodwick(wife Mary) Talley, born about 1793, married Elizabeth A. Hurst 12 Jan 1820 in Halifax Co, VA;. Bond by Samuel A. Hurst. Consent: David Boyd, guardian.; by Rev. Joel Tucker.--- Note David Boyd with Stanley Hite--- 6-24-1803, Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 19, p.553 On June 24, 1803 Robert Shotwell sold to Standley Hite 42 ½ acres in Halifax Co. located on the waters of HayStack CK, for 20 pounds described: "Beginning at pointers the beginning" (S) Robert "X" Shotwell L.G. Wit: David Boyd, Samuel Pointer Obadiah Tindal.---The Will Smith above went to Chatham Co NC---- Also, note Will Smith above on marriage 12-18-1819, and possibly related to Will Smith of Charlotte Co., VA whose daughter, Mary Ann Smith Morton(widow), in 1793 m. Richard Hight (b.about 1748,d.1805, Charlotte Co VA), said to be a son of John Hight wife Mary. 1810, Virginia federal census, one white tithable or voting male 1811, Hal., 11-25-1811, DB 23:251 Stanley Hite to George Sizemore heirs, 42-1/2a 1811, Hal., DB 23:252, 11-25-1811, Stanley Hite to Hampton Hite, 75 1/2a on Aarons Ck.--So Hampton Hite was not in St. Clair Co., Missouri until after this date. 1811, Hal., DB 23:253, 11-25-1811, Stanley Hite to Vincent Hite, 126 1/2a on Aarons Ck 1812, son Vincent Hite in War of 1812---From Emery Hite, Received information from the National Archives yesterday on Vincent's War of 1812 service. Still trying to put it together but he serverd from Jul 7, 1813 to Dec 12, 1813. He received a land bounty and his widow (Rebecca) received an $8 per month pension. She was still alive in 1882 living at Red Bank. One interesting thing I found was Vincent Hite could write his name. 1814, William Talley Junior & wife to Vincent Hyte -- B & S-- BK 25-- p.158-- Dec--8--1814-- 50 A Aarons Ck---related to Matilda Talley m. Stanley Hite? 1815, Halifax, on 8-28-1815, Purchased 125a from William Wilkins. 1816, Martha "Patsy" Hite(b. 1794 d/o Stanley and Martha Hite) , marr. James Jones on 1-11-1816, in Halifax Co., VA; surety by Hampton Hite. Witness, Hampton Hite and Robert Jones, minister Reuben Pickett. Stanley Hite, father of Patsy, gave permission to marry. She is in the 1827 will of Stanley Hite Senior, as Patsy Jones. Also see 1782 Halifax tax/census, one Robert Jones beside Stanley Hite SR. Have noticed the same minister, Reuben Pickett on these 3 marriages--There is a Reuben Pickett on 1782 and 1785 Halifax Co VA census/tax near Peyton Talley/George Boyd on Aaron's Ck. I.-- Talley, Jane to Will Pettypool JR(son of Will and Sarah Tynes Pettypool ??), 8-15-1814, Mecklenburg Co, bond Stephen Pettypool, consent by Stephen Pettypool as guardian for Jane Talley. Minister Reuben Pickett.---Note, apparently this Jane Talley's father deceased by 1814.{Emily A. says Jane is d/o Peyton(d.1800) & Eliz Gresham Talley.} II.-- Abraham Talley to Eliz Chandler, 1-15-1816, Mecklenburg Co VA, bond Joel Chandler, Minister Reuben Pickett, 2-1-1816 III-- Talley, Peyton R. to Jane Yancey, Meck. 11-30-1819, bond John B. Yancey, consent by Zachariah Yancey. Minister Reuben Pickett--see 1782 & 1785 Halifax census for Reuben Pickett---Peyton R. Talley is s/o Peyton and Elizabeth Gresham Talley. Also see file ChroHite.txt 1817, Granville Co NC, Stephen B. Tally married Parmelia Fortiner, 9-1-1817 ---Note, this is Stephen B. Talley who witnessed the legal will of Stanley Hite 1827, also Stanley's estate appraisal by Josiah Forlines. This is probably the same family, Forlines(Fortiner?). Note later child Stephen B. Hite 1819, Halifax Court--Reimbursed for delinquent taxes in the name of Obadiah Overby. 1819----Stanley Hite had these associations with Talley: *Hezekiah Talley sold lamd to Vincent HITE 1811-BookP29-p.209 (Deed acknowledged) *William Talley, Tythes to work road 1819-BookP35-p.84 (Standley Hyte{Hite} Surveyor) *Hezekiah Talley, Tythes to work road 1819-P35-p.84 (Standley Hyte Surveyor) 1819, Halifax Court--Surveyor for road, and Joseph Hite, Vincent Hite, and Hampton Hite ordered to maintain the road. (Emery Hite data) 1819, Vincent and Nancy(Wilborn) Hite to James Blanks, DB18:289, dated 10-28-1819, rec. June 1820.--Note, Thomas Blanks and wife Prudence Hite(d/o Vincent) moved to Trigg Co KY where he was on 1850 census; Prudence she died in 1842, and he returned to Halifax with the kids. Also, John E. Pettypool, brother of Stephen P. Pool, m. Frances BLANKS. 1820, Granville Co NC, Talley, Matilda to Stanley Hite JR, on 2-5-1820, Granville NC. Wit: Stephen Talley--{is this Stephen B. Talley, also married in Granville 1817, Parmelia Fortiner, and Josiah Forliner appraised estate Stanley Hite 1827?} 1822, Hal., DB 30:196, 3-15-1822, James Jones gets morgage from Stanley Hite on 61 1/2a and personal property. See James Jones marries Martha Hite, daughter of Stanley and Martha Hite, SR 1825, Halifax, need date, about 1825, Stanley Hite Sr to Stanley Hite JR, gift of 125a on Aaron Ck 1827 Thomas Blanks m. Prudence Hite. Surety, Vincent Hite, Married Dec 20, 1827 by Rev. Pleasant Gold. 1827, Halifax, WB14:349, legal will of Stanley Hite Sr dated Sept 27,1827, probated 10-22-1827. Wife Martha "Patsy" Hite, Daugters: Catherine Overby, Martha Patsy Jones, Sally Hite, and Nancy Hite--Sons Vincent, Hampton, and Stanley Junior. Mentions Elizabeth Overby. Executor, sons Vincent and Stanley Jr--Wit: Stephen P. Pool (Pettypool), Stephen Talley, Security by Vincent Hite, David Dunn, Archibald Loftis Legal Will of Stanley Hite Senior 9-27-1827, Halifax Co., VA from "Pioneers and Patriots" by James R. Wilkins--Extract of Stanley SR's legal will below. Inventory listed the estate as P. Standley Hyte, p. 249, "Pioneers and Patriots". 1829, James Jones m. Nancy H. Talley. Surety, Samuell Talley. Married. Nov 3, 1829 by Rev. D. B. McGehee--Book, Marriages of Halifax Co VA 1801-1830 (Chiarito). 1841, Halifax, 11-5-1841, WB22:184, sale of most of estate of Stanley Hite Sr with permission of widow Martha Hite by executor Stanley Hite. 1842, Halifax, legal will of Stanley Hite Junior, WB20:96, wife Matilda(Talley) Hite. 1846, Halifax, 11-5-1846 payments stop for widow Martha Hite widow of Stanley Hite Sr 1847 Hal., 1-5-1847, estate of Stanley Hite Sr finalized, widow Martha Hite deceased. Executor Vincent Hite 1850 St Clair Co MO census, Abraham Hite 23, and Rebecca Hite 47, same dwelling #293. Both born VA.---Also St. Clair was Richard B. Tuck from Halifax Co VA. Nearby Polk Co Mo was Cary Tuck wife Nancy Stanley, from Halifax Co VA.. Will of Stanley Hite Senior 9-27-1827, Halifax Co., VA from "Pioneers and Patriots" by James R. Wilkins--note the spelling "Hyte" consistently, however both Stanley and StanDley appear. In the name of god Amen, I, Stanley Hyte Senr. of county of Halifax, State of Virginia do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form folowing: First, my will and desire is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. Item, I lend to my beloved wife Patsey Hyte, for the lands which I have already deeded containing one hundred and twenty five acres, be the same more or less, two of my slaves such as she may choose, one horse of her choice, as much of my stock of all kind as she may think proper to take, also as much household and kitchen furniture, plantation utensils all during her natural life. Item, my will and desire is at the death of my beloved wife, that my four daughters, Catherine Overby, Patsey Jones, Saly Hyte, and Nancy Hyte be made equal in shares to my three sons, Vincent, Hampton, and Standley Hyte, for the lands which I have already deeded to them and the surplus, if any after after giving to Elizabeth Overby, daughter of Bird Overby, fifty dollars to be equally divided between my seven children before named. Item, the property which will be left after my wife taking what she wants, my will and desire is that it may be sold and divided or may be divided in value withour sale, between my four daughters, making in part or in whole equal shares with my sons for their lands before named. Lastly, I appoint my two sons, Vincent and Standley Hyte, executors of this my last will and testament, revoking all others by me heretofore named, witness my hand and seal this 27th day of September 1827. Standley Hyte Witnesses: Stephen P. Pool, Stephen B. Talley by mark X -- proved 10-22-1827, security by Vincent Hite, David Dunn, Archibald Loftis Halifax Co VA, Pursuant to an order of County Court, we the undersigned, being first sworn, have appraised the estate of Standley Hyte, Senior, deceased, all that was shown to us, etc, Josiah Forlines, John Wilkins "X", John E P Pool ----(Note the Forlines name and earlier in Granville Co NC this marriage--Stephen B. Talley to Parmelia Fortiner, 01 SEP 1817, bond Allen Pettypool{brother of Stephen Pettypool, wife Milly Gregory, d/o Ambrose Gregory) I, Vincent Hyte, executor of StanDley Hyte Senior, deceased, do give this as a true inventory of the estate of P. Standley Hyte, Senior, deceased. Given under my hand this day and date written. Vincent Hyte, Executor At a court held for Halifax County, the 25th day of February 1828, the within written inventory and appraisement of the estate of Standley Hyte deceased, was returned to Court and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Samuel Williams, Court House Clerk Note the "P." as first name of P. Standley Hite--Also note Stephen B. Talley above and in this reference with Hilikiah Talley, and Abraham Talley d. 1784 in neighboring Mecklenburg Co VA had a son Hilikiah Talley, who was probably listed as Kiah Talley in this reference--1-17-1786-- Deed Book 13 p. 373 On January 17, 1786 sold 50 acres to Standley Hite for 20 pounds. The land lying in Halifax Co. described: "Beginning a corner red oak running up to a dividing line of Kiah Tallies thence to a branch and thence down the branch to Aarons Creek thence down the Creek to the line thence it meanders to the begging red oak (S) "X" Frederick Tally *****Appraisal and list of estate of P. Standley Hite, 1827 Haifax County - Pursuant to an order of the County Court aforsaid, we the undersigned and appraisers after leing first sworn, have an- praised the estate of Standley Hyte, Senr{Hite, Senior} deceased and that was shown us; and the foregoing is a statement of the same Given under our hands ths day and date first written- Josiah Forlines John Wilkins (x) his mark John E. P Pool I, Vincent Hyte, exec. of Standley Hyte, Senr. deceased, do give this as a true inventory of the estate of P. Standley Hyte, Senr deceased Given under my hand this day and date first written- Vincent Hyte, Executor At a Court held for Halifax County the 25th day of February 1828, The within written inventory and appraisement of the estate of Standley Hyte; deceased, was returnel to Court and ordered to be recorded. Teste: Samuel Williams, C.H.C. Slaves, Man Harry, boy Henderson, woman Ritty, girl Betty,boy John, girl Nanny, household goods. This is the will of Standley Hite JUNIOR probated 9-26-1842 from Halifax Co. Will Book 20, p.96, 1842-1845. In the name of God Amen, I, Standley Hite Junior of the County of Halifax and State of Virginia, being weak in body but of sound mind, memory, and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say- First it is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease. Second, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Matilda Hite during her natural life the whole of my estate of every descrition empowering her at the same time to distribute the same or any part thereof to such of my children as she may think proper to give the same and in case she sould die without disposing of the same as aforesaid then I order my Executrix before her death to choose two or more respectable men living in the neighborhood to divide the same equally among my beloved children each share and share alike. There shall be a book purchased charging each child seperately with what it may receive before the death of its mother. Thirdly and lastly I appoint my beloved wife Matilda Hite my Executrix and Guardian to my children until they respecively arrive of age. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. Standley Hite (Seal) Junior Signed sealed and published and declared by the said Standley Hite(Junior) to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, Anderson Holloway, Walter Rice{wife Nancy Hite}, John B. Overby At a Court held for Halifax Co. the 25th day of September 1842, the within written last will and testament of Standley Hite deceased was presented in court and proved by the oaths of two witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Matilda Hite, the Executrix, therein named who made oath thereto according to law and with Vincent Hite, Charles Wilkins, and Leroy Wilkins her securties entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of six thousand dollars conditioned according to said certificate is granted her for obtaining probate of the said will in do form. Standley Hite Junior married Matilda Talley--#9 chlildren James, Spencer, Elizabeth, Rebecca Ann, Louisiana, Minerva, Sara, Porthenia, and Nancy--- 1. James Howard (possibly named after Matilda's father?) 2. Spencer Perry Hite(b. 8-12-1823-d.2-25-1900) married Martha Jane Wilkins(b.5-18-1822- d.10-2-1893). 3..Rebecca Ann Jane(1821-1879) maried 6-10-1839, Leroy Spencer Willkins(1817-1879) 4. Elizabeth m. Charles Wilkins, 11-9-1840 5. Nancy m. James L. Claiborn 2-16-1852, son William S. Claiborn 6. Mlinerva married James L. Claiborn 11-19-1856, Nancy must have died if sister Minerva also married James L. Claiborn 7. Sarah m. Nathaniel Smith 8. Louisiana Hite married John H. Talley, 11-30-1858 9. Porthenia m. James W. Smith, 12-31-1859 The 14 children of Spencer Hite and Martha Jane Wilkins Hite(* Martha was the daughter of Reuben Wilkins & Eddy Elliott. Said Reuben Wilkins was the son of John Wilkins b. 5-11-1769 and Mildred Parris). Children of Spencer and Martha were: 1.James Howard Hite(b. ?-d.1864) 2.Matilda Hite (1845-1920) 3.Stephen General Taylor Hite (1847-1900) 4.George Berryman Hite (1848-1931) 5.Elizabeth Bedford Hite (1849-1945)-spouse James Parham Wilkins(1845-1920) 6.Charlie Sanford Hite (1851-1931) 7.Margaret Frances Hite (1853-1916) 8.Reuben Stanley Hite (1854-1933)-spouse Martha Jane Tuck (1858-1915) 9.Rebekah Jane Hite (1858-1933)-spouse Henderson F. Wilkins 10. Louisana Adeline Hite(1859-?) 11. William Douglas Hite (1860-1947) 12. Bailey Green Hite (1862-1926) 13.Spencer Perry Hite (1863-1928) 14. Mildred Nancy Hite (1866-1872) The children of Reuben Stanley and Martha Jane Tuck Hite were: 1. John Spencer Hite (1883-1951) spouse Mary Louise Harrell 2. Louis Carey Hite(1844-1945) spouse Margarte Cook McAllister(1882-1951) 3. Martha Hite (1886-1967) 4. Caleb Green Hite(1888-1968) spouse Mary Lois Breeden (1890-1959) 5. Jesse Reuben Hite (b.1890-d.?) 6. Howard Wesley Hite (b. 1892)spouse Ruby Pearl Winemiller 7. Oscar Lee Hite(b.1894)spouse Inez Dejarnette 8. Mary Ellen Hite(1896-1975) spouse John Robert Hite Miscellanous Deeds in Halifax Co VA associated with Stanley Hite: DEED ABSTRACTS Reading Deeds-- A ‘pole' is equal to 16 ½ feet; a ‘chain' is equal to 66 feet. North or South = 0 degrees; East and West = 90 degrees therefore: "N 8 degrees E 86 poles", reads "North East 8 degrees for a length of 86 poles (approx 1419 feet) Halifax County, Va. Hite From Talley - 1-17-1786--Deed Book 13 p. 373 On January 17, 1786 sold 50 acres to Standley Hite for 20 pounds. The land lying in Halifax Co, beginning a corner red oak running up to a dividing line of Kiah Tallies(Talley) thence to a branch and thence down the branch to Aarons Creek thence down the Creek to the line thence it meanders to the begging red oak (S) "X" Frederick Tally. Note, land from Fred Talley to Stanley Hite, also this is Hilikiah(Kiah) Talley the brother of Peyton Talley. Note, this is probably the same Frederick Talley above in 1786, who earlier sold land to John Whitt---Halifax Co., VA Deed Book 9, p. 305, Seth PettyPool of Halifax Co., to Benjamin PettyPool of Halifax, for the love Seth has for his grandson(Benjamin), Seth has given Benjamin a certain tract of about 64 acres of land in Halifax Co. on the south side of Hico Creek, bounded by John Murphy, Howard Hurst, Pinson's branch, Byrd, Thomas Wiler. signed: Seth (X) PettyPool, Haden Pryor, Ginor (X) Roach, Martha (X) Crook, John (X) Whit, Fredrick (X) Tally;4 Mar 1773, recorded: 17 June 1773--- cwh, Frederick Talley born by 1752 to be adult here Hite from Sizemore, 1794, Deed Book 16, p.143, On April 6, 1794 John Sizemore and Mary Sizemore sold to Standley Hight(Hite) 50 acres of land for 17 pounds. The land lying in Halifax Co described: Beginning on Peyton Talleys line in the Cedar Branch thence up the Cedar Branch to Obadiah Overbys line thence along Overbys line to David Wilsons line thence along Wilsons line to the said Talleys line thence along the said Talleys line to the beginning. Witnesses: Pool David Wilson (S) John Sizemore----Witness: William "X" Talley Note, see Tom Wilson 1782 census beside Stanley Hite SR--note William Talley above and see Stanley Hite JR m. Matilda Talley 2-5-1820 in Granville NC. Also note Wilson above, and Tom Wilson beside Stanley Hite 1782 Halifax tax/census.--Aaron Ck was the dividing line between Halifax and Mecklenburg Co, and often a man would own land on both sides of the creek to insure a watter supply; note the repeat of the names, Wilson, Sizemore, and Talley above in Halifax Co in the following deed from Mecklenburg Co VA--Deed 5-25-1795, Mecklenburg Co.,VA 8:531--Will Talley of Meck., to Payton Talley of Halifax Co., VA for 50 lbs., 50a, in Meck. on Aarons Creek, adjacent Daniel Wilson, George Moore, John Sisemore, and a mill. Witnesses: Will Talley Junior, Joseph Hyton(Hite), recorded 7-13-1795 ----Note John Sizemore beside Robert Seat on 1782, and 1785 census, but no Seat on the above deed. 1797, Ambrose Gregory to Isaac Hyte(Hite)--from Del Jensen-- copy of a bill of sale from dated April 18, 1797.---My extract----This Indenture made the 18th day of April, 1797, between Ambrose Gregory County of Mecklenburg VA of the one part, and Isaac Hyte(Hite) County of Halifax VA, of the other part. Witness that the said Ambrose Gregory for and in consideration of the sum of 50lbs current money of Virginia, to him in hand paid by the said Isaac Hyte(Hite), the receipt whereof the said Ambrose Gregory, doth hereby acknowledge, he hath granted, bargained, and sold, assigned(?), and confirmed and by those presents doth grant, bargain, and sell, assign, and confirm unto the said Isaac Hyte, and his heirs, assigns forever, a certain tract of land lying and being in Halifax Co, on the Branch of the North Fork of Aaron Creek, and bounded as follows, red oak in Thomas Wilkins line, Obadiah Overby's line, Caleb Johnstons line, James Wilkins line, and the said Isaac Hites line, containing 125a, more or less, and also all woods, underwoods, Tithes common, pastures, waters, and appertuances, whatsoever to the said land. Etc Signed, sealed and delivered, Ambrose Gregory---Witnessed: Stephen P. Pool, Elijah "X" Bowen, Milly P. Pool Hite from Hite - 9-22-1800, Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 18, p. 428 On September 22, 1800 Isaac Hite sold to Standley Hite for 40 pounds, 125 acres in Halifax Co. described: " bound as followeth by the lands of Obediah Overbey, Calib(Caleb) Johnson, James Wilkins, and Sterling Vaughan...." (S) Isaac "x" Hite L.G. Wit: Witnesses: Jechonias Overbey Sterling Overbey John Overbey---see Caleb Johnson below on deed 1811--Note Isaac used an X, so he could not write. Note Pool David Wilson, and relate to P. Stanley Hite. Re: Hite Date:97-02-02 From: ScoutChas --- The James Wilkins above was probably a brother to our John Wilkins who m Mildred Parrish. According to the Wilkins book "Pioneers & Patriots", John had brothers: Thomas, Henry, James H. and William and there were probably more. No proof on these brothers, however, I have already found some error in this book. One James H. Wilkins m Rebeckah Overby 25 Jan 1802 in Halifax Co., VA and this is probably the one you have listed on the land sale and is probably the brother of our John Wilkins Hite from Shotwell - Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 19, p. 554---On May 28, 1803 Robert Shotwell sold to Standley Hite the North Fork{Aaron Ck} tract of land belonging unto the Estate of Obadiah Overbey, deceased, which I am entitled to agreeable to a division of the lands of the said decedent made by Maj. Thomas Howerton, Capt. Samuel Pointer, and Hampton Jones together with the assistance of Isaac Oaks, Surveyor. It being Lot No. 3, containing by estimation Sixty five and 3/4 acres...Beginning at a pine in Hackney's line thence N 8+ degrees E 86 poles to a Stake, thence North 85 3/4 E 106 poles to a sweet gum, thence South 21 1/4 E 88 poles to a set of pointers, thence South 86 ½ W 147 poles to the beginning." Witnesses: Sterling Yancey, (S) Robert "X" Shotwell L.G.; Wylie Yancey, Thornton Yancey, Sr, Hezekiah Tally -- Note Yancey above and on 1800 Granville, NC census, Lewis and Jerchonas Yancey are beside Francis Hester(on estate of Rachal Hite Roberts, widow of John Roberts). Also note repeat of Samuel Pointer on the next deed of 6-24-1803; possibly the same family as Richard Painter deceased in Caswell Co NC by 1795, from Surry Co VA.-- Note Hackney above and one John Hackney on 1785 Halifax census and one below in Bute Co NC: 2-116: 4 April 1768, Joseph Hackney and Sarah Hackney, of Bute Co., to George Allen of Fauquier Co., VA, £60 VA money for 300a in Bute Co. on ES Robertsons Mill Branch, bought from Rice Duncan who had bought it from Hugh Hardy. Wit. Wm. Moore, John Hackney, Susanna Moore. Ack. by Joseph Hackney, Bute Court Aug. 1768, Ben McCulloch CC; reg. 29 Jan. 1769 by William Johnson P.R. Marginal notation: 14th Nov. 1771 Deld. to G.A. (p.96; have copy SLC 2/26/93) (cwh, see Hugh Hardy 1750 Edgecombe Co NC)cwh, Rice Duncan went back to VA--see Robinson Mill Ck in Mecklenburg Co VA--see one John Hackney 1782 Halifax VA, and on Deed with Stanley Hite SR Hite from Shotwell - 6-24-1803, Halifax Co VA, Deed Book 19, p.553 On June 24, 1803 Robert Shotwell sold to Standley Hite 42 ½ acres in Halifax Co. located on the waters of HayStack CK, for 20 pounds described: "Beginning at pointers thence South 28 degrees West 68 poles to pointers two pines thence North 67 ½ degrees West 100 poles to pointers thence North 32 ½ degrees East 68 poles to pointers post oaks thence South 67 ½ degrees E. 96 poles to the beginning" (S) Robert "X" Shotwell L.G. Wit: David Boyd, Samuel Pointer Obadiah Tindal. cwh, see David Boyd and Samuel Pointe(Painter) on 1782 Halifax tax/census. See Richard Painter dec. in Caswell from Surry Co VA. Note 1782 David Boyd is only 6 houses from Will Parker and Littleberry Strange. . One George Boyd(wife Wilmouth Irby) was in Halifax 1759. Hyte from Hyte - 11-25-1811, Deed Book 23, p.253 This deed of Indenture made and entered into this twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Eight hundred and Eleven between Standley Hyte of the county of Halifax and State of Virginia of the one part and Vincent Hyte of the same county and ______ of the other part. Witnesseth that the Standley Hyte for and in consideration of the sum of Six Shillings Virginia Currency to him in hand paid by the said Vincent Hyte the receipt whereof in the said Standley Hyte doth hereby acknowledge and that he hath given granted bargained sold insseeffed (?) and confirmed and doth by these presents give grant bargain sell _____ and confirm unto him the said Vincent Hyte and to his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid and on the waters of Aarons Creek called the Cedar branch and bounded as follows to wit, Beginning at pointers in Sylvester Overbeys line thence N 38 E 20 poles to a corner Spanish Oak in said line thence S 2 E 120 poles to the Cedar Branch thence up said branch as it meanders to a corner on said branch thence S 40 W 41 1/4 poles to a corner S____ Oak in Caleb Johnstons line thence North 39' West 80 poles to corner pointers thence N 33 E 141 poles to corner pointers thence S 54 E 110 poles to the beginning containing one hundred and twenty six and half acres be the same more or less in said boundary to have and hold the aforesaid given granted and sold lands and all and every thing thereunto belong or in anywise appertaining unto the said Vincent Hyte and to his heirs and assigns forever and the Standley doth for himself, his heirs -- warrant and defend the right and title of said land and primise unto the said Vincent Hyte and to his heirs and assigns against the just claims or demander of him or any other presents or persons whatsoever Standley Hyte L.G. (S) ***** Start estate of Stanley Hite JUNIOR, 1842 HALIFAX COUNTY - Will Book 20, Paga 96, Hite1842-1845 Will Stanley Hite, probated Sept 20, 1842 In the name of God, Amen, I, Standley Hite, JUNIOR of the County or Halifax and State of Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind memory and understanding do make and publish this my list will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, it is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conventently can be, after my decease- Second. I give and bequeath unto ml beloved wife Matilda Hite during her natural life the whole of rny Estate of every descnption, empowering her at the same time to distribute. the same or any part thereof to such of my children as she may think proper to give the same and in such proportion as she may think proper and in case she should die without disposing of the same as aforesaid then I order my Executrix before her death to choose two or more respeemble men living in the neighborhood to divide the same equally among my beloved children, each share and share alike- There shall be a book purchased charging each child separately with what it may receive before the death of its mother. Thirdly and lastly I appoint my beloved wife Matilda, my Executrix and Guardian to my children until they respectively arrive of age. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 9th day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty two. Standley Hite (JUNIOR)(SEAL) Signed sealed published and declared by the said Standley Hite{Junior} to be his last will & testament in the presenon of us: Anderson Holloway, Walter Rice{wife Nancy Hite}, John B Overby At a Court held for Halifax County the 25-the day of September 1842 The within written last will and testament of Standley Hite deceased, was presented in court and proved by the oaths of two witnesses thereto subscribed aud ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Matilda Hite the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto according to law and with Vincent Hite, Charles Wilkins and Leroy Wilkins her securities, entered into and acknowledgel a bond in the penalty of six thousand dollars conditioned according to said certtificate is granted her for obtaining probate or the said will in do form. WILL OF ABRAHAM TALLEY, MECKLENBURG CO., VA.--Meck. Will Bk 2, p.49 In the name of God amen I Abraham Talley of Mecklenburg County being in perfect mind & memory doth make and ordain this my last will & Testament in manner and form following that is to say first & principally I command my Soul to almighty God hoping that through the merits of my blefsed Saviour Jesus Christ to inherit our full resurrection among the just and to mentioning the estate he of his County has endured with I give and bequeathe in manner following to wit first it is my desire that my just debts be Honestly paid and my Body laid in the gound which doing at the discretion of my executors hereafter set down. Item I give and bequeath to my son Frederick Talley the lower end of my Land that lies in Halifax County joining line Item I give and bequeathe to my son Paten Talley the upper end of my land that lies in Halifax County lying upon the Reddy (Aaron Ck) branch. Item I give and bequeathe to my son John Talley the upper end in Meckenburg County. Item I give & bequeathe unto my son Hilkiah Talley the middle lot between Fed. & Paten in Halifax County Item I give and bequeathe to my son William Talley the lower end where the plantation is now(Mecklenburg Co?) and my just debts is paid the remainder part of my estate equally to be between my childrens and I appoint John Talley my true and lawful executor of this my last will and Testament In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 11th of October 1783 Signed Sealed & Delivered, ABRAHAM TALLEY (seal) in presence of us (looks to be the clerks signature here) Peter Standley Hite Stephen Pace William Rufsell My desire is that my five sons shall have equal part of ??? (mill?) place that is upon the Land as I now live on. Signed & Delivered in the presence of us Peter ABRAHAM TALLEY (seal) Standley Hite Stephen Pace William Rufsell(Russell) 1784, Brothers, Fred, Hilikiah, and Peyton got land on Aaron Ck in Halifax. Note the following shows that Matilda Talley was possibly a descendant of Abraham Talley and wife Sarah Tucker Talley. First note the sister of Hampton Hite used the Minister Reubeb Pickett: -*Martha Hite(d/o Stanley Hite) married James Jones on 1-25-1816 in Halifax Co VA, witness Stephen Talley; minister, Reuben Pickett. Now, note these marriages about 1816 by the same Rev Reuben Pickett who is on the 1782 Halifax Co, VA census.; Peyton R Talley is a son of Peyton(dec 1800) and Elizabeth Gresham Talley, Jane Talley is sister of Peyton R. Talley, and Abraham is obviously named for his grandfather Abraham Talley(estate 1784) wife Sarah Tucker Talley. Therefor, Matilda Talley Hite is most likely a descendant of Abraham Talley. (1) Abraham Talley to Elizabeth Chandler on 1-15-1816, by Rev Reuben Pickett (2) Peyton R. Talley to Jane Yancey on 11-30-1819, by Rev Reuben Pickett(son of Peyton Talley) (3) Jane Talley to William Pettypool Jr on 1-15-1814, by Rev Reuben Pickett; bond Stephen Pettypool, consent by Stephen Pettypool as guardian for Jane Talley. -Note, apparently this Jane Talley's father deceased by 1814, and Jane is the d/o Peyton(d.1800) & Eliz Gresham Talley. -William Pettypool is the younger brother of Stephen PPool, both sons of William Pettypool(wife Sarah Tynes) of Aaron's Ck Matilda Talley's greatgrandfather was probably Abraham Talley deceased 1784 in Mecklenburg(wife, Sara Tucker), son/of John Talley Sr(wife Ann) whose christening on 24 Oct 1689 was listed in New Kent Co VA and his father was William Talley.---Stanley Hite Junior was deceased by September 1842 when his will was probated in Halifax Co., VA Now return to the Stephen Talley that witnessed in Granville, NC the marriage of Matilda Talley and Stanley Hite Junior. The marriage license was dated January 5, 1820, but the marriage was on 2-5-1820. Note, about 3 years earlier also in Granville Co NC, said Stephen B. Talley married on 9-1-1817, Parmelia Fortiner,with Allin Petty Poole{Allen Pettypool} as the bondsman. -Note Fortiner, and one Josiah Fortiner{Forliner?} in 1827 inventoried the estate of Stanley Hite Senior in neighboring Halifax Co VA. Also in Halifax Co VA on 12-18-1819, said Stephen B. Talley along with Stephen Petty Pool posted bond for the marriage of "Fanny", Frances Talley to Will Smith. Said Frances Talley was identified as the daughter of Hezekiah Talley who gave his consent for the marriage. This same pair of Stephen Pool & Stephen Talley witnessed the legal will of Stanley Hite Sr in 1827. Also on the Granville Co NC marriage above was bondsman Allen T. Pettypool (b. 1786; married Sarah Pettypool) who was the brother of Stephen Pettypool(m. Milly d/o Ambrose Gregory), both sons of William Pettypool on 1782 census beside Stanley Hite. Also there was a later child named Stephen B. Hite, as same Stephen B. Talley who witness the 1827 legal will of Stanley Hite SENIOR, so it is possible Matilda Talley Hite, and Stephen B. Talley were brother-sister; no proof. Note Abraham Talley had no son Stephen listed on 1784 will of 1784, Mecklenburg Co.VA W. Bk2:49, recorded 4-12-1784, legal will of Abraham Talley, wife not mentioned probably deceased, children, Fredrick, Peyton, John, Hilikiah, exec. John Talley. Wit: Standley HITE, Stephen Pace, Will Russell. -However note that we can link Abraham Talley to Aaron's Ck, home of our Stanley via this deed: Halifax Co., VA Deed Book 10, p. 391, on 14 Oct 1777, in a deed from William Wade to Abraham Tally "one certain tract of land lying in Mecklenburg County and Halifax on both sides of Aarons CK other wise called Tewahominy Creek." -Abraham Talley and his brother Henry Talley had a large, 3,800a, land grant around Aaron Ck in 1755. Note this marriage for one James Talley in Granville 2 years before Stanley Hite Jr and Matilda Talley were married: James Talley married Lucy Walker on 2-26-1818, Granville Co NC. Now, note the same Minister in both of these two marriages: *Jane Talley married Will PettyPool{Jr, brother of Stephen PettyPool} on 2-15-1814, bond and consent by Stephen PettyPool guardian of Jane Talley--Ministe Reuben Pickett. *Martha Hite(d/o Stannley Hite) marr. James Jones on 1-25-1816 in Halifax Co VA, but same minister, Reuben Pickett. Now note Stanley Hite Senior's first land purchase was from Frederick Talley on Aaron Ck; 1-17-1786--Deed Book 13 p. 373; On January 17, 1786, Frederick Talley sold 50 acres to Standley Hite for 20 pounds. The land lying in Halifax Co, Beginning a corner red oak running up to a dividing line of "Kiah" Tallies thence to a branch and thence down the branch to Aarons Creek thence down the Creek to the line thence it meanders to the "begging" red oak. (S) "X" Frederick Tally. Also this is Hilikiah(Kiah) Talley the brother of Peyton Talley, both sons of Abraham Talley deceased 1784 Mecklenburg Co VA., legal will witnessed by Stanley Hite. Note this is probably the same Frederick Talley above in 1786, who earlier witnessed a deed with Seth Pettypool, the grandfather of Stephen Pettypool{s/o William, wife Ann. ---Halifax Co., VA Deed Book 9, p. 305, Seth PettyPool of Halifax Co., to Benjamin PettyPool of Halifax, for the love Seth has for his grandson(Benjamin), Seth has given Benjamin a certain tract of about 64 acres of land in Halifax Co. on the south side of Hico Creek, bounded by John Murphy, Howard Hurst, Pinson's branch, Byrd, Thomas Wiler. signed: Seth (X) PettyPool, Haden Pryor, Ginor (X) Roach, Martha (X) Crook, John (X) Whit, Fredrick (X) Tally;4 Mar 1773, recorded, 17 June 1773. Frederick Talley removed from Halifax Co VA to Chatham Co NC by 1792, and disappeared without a will after appearing on the 1830 census. Although said Frederick was not identified as from Halifax, the following deed suggests it was the same Frederick Talley in both places; and also one William Roberts was also on Aaron Ck-Hyco in Halifax about1780. -Chatham County, NC, Deed Book G, Pages 334&335--on 8-1-1792, William Roberts & wife Tamer of Chatham NC sell to John Talley of Halifax Co VA, for 20lbs, parcel on whereon William Roberts now lives, Nathaniel Powell's line. Land previously owned by Thomas Wilkerson. Sig: William Roberts(+), Wit: William Tucker(+), Richard Nall, John Talley(+) Also note the repeat of the name Matilda in Chatham Co NC in 1833. Howard Talley m. Sarah Perry abt 1827 also in Granville{same as Stanley Hite Jr, wife Matilda Talley}, and named a daughter born about 1833, Matilda Talley. Now note the following data on Hezekiah Talley, the father of Frances Talley whose marriage bond was posted by Stephen Talley, and Stephen Petty Pool who also witnessed the will of Stanley Hite Sr 1827. --From Cora O'Bannon: -Hezekiah Talley was born ca 1777 probably in Mecklenburg County, VA., and he bought land in Halifax County, VA, in 1802. (Deed Book 19, Page 452, on 12-14-1802)-- He purchased additional land in Halifax County, VA on Aaron Creek 22 April 1805,(Deed Book 20). Both deeds indicate he was living in Halifax County when he bought the land. - He sold part of his land to John V. Wilkins, 24 Dec 1838, and the rest to Vincent Hyte (Hite, s/o Stanley Hite Sr.) on 27 Nov 1839.-- He would have been close to 62 when he sold his land, and there is no record of him after 1839. Hezekiah Talley was the father of Fanny Talley who married William Smith 18 Dec 1819 in Halifax County, VA. -Later, William and Fanny Talley Smith eventually moved to Chatham County, NC, where their son, Thomas Smith, married a Nancy Talley. Thomas and Nancy Smith had a daughter, Frances Jackson Smith, who was the first wife of Thomas Benton Talley. The father of Hezekiah is unknown. Possibly, the above Hilkiah Talley son of Abraham Talley(wife Martha), or possibly Frederick Talley another son of Abraham. I lean toward Frederick Talley for the following reasons: -- 1. Fanny Talley and husband William Smith moved to Chatham County, NC, and lived near Frederick Talley, possibly her grandfather. --2. Two other Talleys from Halifax County, VA, Howard Talley and James Talley, also moved to Chatham County, NC, in the 1830s and purchased land next to Frederick Talley. One or both of them could been Hezekiah's son(s) and Frederick Talley's grandson(s). -The 1820 census for Halifax County, VA, shows Hezekiah Talley with a male child in the household between 10 and 16 years of age. This would fit James Talley as he was born in 1808(cwh, so not the same James Talley on 1785 Halifax census born by 1764, possibly an uncle). --3. If James Talley was Hezekiah's son, he had another reason to come to Chatham County, NC; to join his sister Fanny Talley Smith{Fances Talley who married William Smith} who we know was Hezekiah Talley's daughter, Frederick Talley(wife Elizabeth Jurncey?) had at least seven children. The oldest child with a proven date of birth is William, born 29 Feb 1782. As Frederick was born ca 1745, probably married by 1770, there is a strong possiblity that other male children were born between 1770 and 1782. One of them could have been Hezekiah born ca 1777. Two other known sons were Abraham (born ca 1783) and Stephen Talley, born 26 Jan 1788. Here is another reason Stanley Hite may be related to Frederick TALLEY, based on the Crews-Journey-Stanley surnames. Note Frederick Talley had a wife Elizabeth Journey, and also Peter Pettypool{son of Seth and Martha Pettypool of Aaron Ck}had a wife Elizabeth Journcey. Note this from George Baumbach on Elizabeth Journey Pettypool: -The maiden name of wife Elizabeth Pettypool is suggested in a Lunenburg Co. legal will, and she was probably Elizabeth Journey. Lunenburg Co VA, Will of Catharine Journey lists: daughter Elizabeth Petty Poole; grandaughter Catharine Petty Poole; son John Journey; grandson William Journey, son of John; grandson Seth Petty Poole; Executotr: son John Journey & grandson Seth Petty Poole; witness: Richard Crews, Ann Crews, John Stokes; 8 Sep 1774; Rec 9 Mar 1775 . --Catharine Journey may have been the wife of William Journey of Juniper Creek, another branch of the North Fork of the Meherrin near Couches Creek. The grandson of Elizabeth, Seth Pettypool was an adult in 1774 since he was named as an executor of Catherine's will. ---Now, note the CREWS surname above which is associated with the STANLEY surname in early Charles City Co VA.(see Chronological Hite file). Said Peter and Elizabeth Journcey Pettypool also lived on Aaron Ck in Granville Co NC near Orange Co NC Line in 1768, but earlier they owned land on the Meherrin River in Lunenburg/ Mecklenburg very near John Hight and wife Elizabeth Nichols Hite who lived on Flat Rock Ck. of the Meherrin River. Note surname Johnson, and Williams as neighbors of Peter and Elizabeth Pettypool: -Katerine Gwin(Quinn) to Peter Petty Pool, both of Lunenburg Co., 100 acres on branches of Hurricane Creek, granted to Thomas Nance 27 Jul 1753, near Johnson's old William's line; signed: Catran Gwin; 2 Aug 1757{ see Nance/Russell marriageand James Stanley bond}. In 1762 they left Lunenburg Co., land at Hurricane Creek, which flows into the North Fork of the Meherrin about two miles upstream from the mouth of Couches Creek. Now note on the same Meherrin River, John Howell also with neighbors Isaac Johnston, and James Williams{one on estate Rachal Hite Roberts}. ---Mecklenburg Co VA, DB3-66: 3 Jan. 1771, John Howell and wife Sarah{Parker} of St.James Parish, Mecklenburg Co., to Isaac Brown of Cumberland Par., Lunenburg Co., £270 and divers other good causes, 245a in St.James Parish on S.side Meherrin River, adj. Joseph Dunmon, Stith's Creek, Isaac Johnson, James Williams. Wit. Pleasants Meredith, Stephan Vaughan, Rebecca Tatum. Rec. 8 April 1771. Now note one John Howell later in South Carolina with same Peter and Elizabeth Pettypool: --A Deed of Sale dated February 27th 1772 from John Howell of St. Pauls Parish, Georgia {Wilkes Co}, to Peter Petty Pool of Tryon County{NC}, for 70 pounds proclamation money, 202 acres on Black Walnut Creek, otherwise Mitchells Creek (James Mitchell), a branch of Fair Forrest{land in Union Co South Car.}, granted 26 March 1755. Witness: Jeremiah Routh, Elisabeth Carson; acknowledged in open court and ordered recorded April term, 1772. "North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina", by Brent Holcomb. Now, note John Howell with John Hight, wife Sarah, on same Meherrin River, and about the same date: -1759-Lunenburg-Deed Bk 5:486, on 4-16-1759, Robert Nobles of Onslow Co,NC to John Hight, 95+a on North side of Meherrin Riv., bounded by John Howell, small branch, Haw Br. Wit: Trench Haggard, Will Parker, Sarah Howell, Will Parker Jr., Tom White. Now, note Isaac Johnston in Halifax VA records: Halifax DB3:281, on 5-20-1762, Isaac Johnson and Susanna his wife, of Halifax to Zacherias Denny of same, 30lbs, 286a, on Colemans CK, north side of Hyco, begin at Robert Man's line...Signed Isaac Johnson. Wit: Tom Dillard JR, John Denny, William Hall. Now note Peter and Elizabeth Pettypool's land purchase on Aaron Ck, before they moved to S.Carolina:-- Joseph Harrison to Peter Poole, 100 acres on Aarons Creek at Drury Smith's line; witness: Henry Phillip Hart, Luke Landers; 07 February 1763--cwh see Granville NC, & Halifax VA. Now note the James Stanley later in same Granville Co NC records:- 1779, "The Colonial and State Records of NC" and "NC State Records" Book, 13:834 Wed. 20 Oct. 1779, read the recommendation of the court of Granville Co. NC in favor of John Duncan, James Stanley and James Head, and of the court of Pasquotank Co. in favor of Christopher Nicholson(Nichols & Hight?), recommending the said persons as fit subjects to be exempted from the payment of poll taxes. Resolved that the said John Duncan, James Stanley, James Head and Christopher Nicholson be henceforth exempted from the payment of Poll Taxes. Fred Talleys parents were Abraham, and Sarah Tucker Talley. Abraham Talley was born 2 Sept 1721 Bristol Parish, Prince George Co, VA and was baptisted 21 Oct 1721 according to the Bristol Parish Register. His will was dated 11 Oct 1783 and recorded 12 Apr 1784 in Mecklenburg Co, VA(one witness Stanley Hite). His wife, Sarah(Tucker) died before Abraham made his will in 1783. Abraham's parents were John Talley deceased by 1740 in Pr George Co VA, and wife Ann Talley. Said John Talley had a brother Richard Talle, and they were sons of nephews of Henry Talley(b.1655) & wife Mary of Appamattox River, Henrico. 1. Richard Talley b. Abt 1682--see Amelia deed says Richard is brother of John Talley 2. John b ca 1680 Henrico, d. 21 Nov 1740, Amelia Co. VA (m. 1. Martha 2. Anna) Children of #2 John above: 2.-John b.24 Oct 1689, New Kent Co,VA, d. 21 Nov 1740, Amelia Co. VA (m. 1. Martha 2. Anna) Children: 1. Mary b. 1708, d. 1795 (m. John Powell) 2. Anne Powell Talley??, b.1709 d1726 (m. John Tucker) 3. Henry b. 1711, Prince Geo.Co,VA d. 1778, Halifax Co, VA, (m.Judith Littlepage) 4. John II b. 1710/1713, Prince Geo.Co,VA d. 3 Aug 1768 Mecklenburg Co, VA, (m. 1729 Martha Tucker) 5. Lodwick, b. 1716/1718, Prince Geo Co,VA, d. 1744/1783 Amelia Co., VA (m. Mary) 6. William, b. 1718 d. 1793 (m. Abt 1722 Rachel Grief) 7. Allen, b. abt 1720 8. Abraham, b. 21 Sep 1721 Prince Geo Co, VA d. 12 Apr 1784 (m. Abt 1744 Sarah Tucker) to Mecklenburg Co VA, estate in 1784. 9. Sibella b. 2 Sep 1722, Prince Geo Co, VA 10.Ruth b. 28 Jan 1724, Prince Geo Co, VA (m: Coleman) 1740 , John Tally Last Will and Testament .Amelia Co, VA, Will Bk 1, p. 10 -- --In the Name of God Amen. May the 23, 1726. I John Tally of Bristol Parish in the Count of Prince George being sick of Body but sound and perfect memory thanks be therefore given to Almighty God for the same Do make and ordain this last Will Testament In manner and form following. First and principally I recommend my Soul into the hand of the Almighty God that gave it hoping through the merrits of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to obtain full remission of my Sins. And my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. And as to the disposition of my Temporary Estate I give and dispose of the Same as followeth Viz Item I will that my Debts and funeral charges shall be paid. Item I give and bequeth to my son JOHN TALLY that part of my land beginning upon Allen Howard upper corner __ a __ from thence up to my upper corner from there a crop to Allen Howards lane from thence along Allen Howards barn to a corner tree upon the Cattail thence down John oth's side of the Cattale to my old line to up the same to my old corner. From thence along my new line to a corner pine tree to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my son HENRY TALLY that part of my land lying upon the South side of Deep Creek Beginning at mouth of Rocky run to ____ the creek to the Beach Branch so up the upper side to my line to him and his heirs forever. I also give my son Henry Tally one young mare and Heifer of two year old. Item I give and bequeth to my Son LODWICK TALLY that part of my land lying upon the moth Namaseen Creek so up the Creek to a corner red oak. so along my line to the back medow branch to up the North side of the branch to my old line along my old line to down to the River to a corner to Pinnion tree to him and his heirs forever. I also give my son Lodwick Tally a young mare of four year old to him and his heirs. Item I give and bequeth to my son WILLIAM TALLY that part of my Land lying upon the South side of the Back Meadow Run beginning upon Thomas Hood line from thence to a corner Red Oak to along my line to some Hickory saplings from thence to a corner tree upon the Cold Water run from thence to my Son John Talley's Corner pine tree From thence down the Black Meadow Run to down the same to where we begun to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my son ALLEN TALLY that part of my land as John Chapples's Hands upon as I shall hereafter one of the same to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my son ABRAHAM TALLY the land and plantation whereon I now live after the death of Anne my loving wife to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my grandson John Powell one hundred acres of Land lying upon the South side of Deep Creek to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my grandson JOHN TUCKER one hundred acres lying upon the south side of Deep Creek{Appamattox Riverr} joyning to Grandson JOHN POWELL and my Grandson John Powell to have his first choice to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my Son Lodwick Talley the remainder part of my land lying upon the South side of Deep Creek after my two grandsons have made their choice to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeth to my Daughter SIBELLA TALLY One Cow and Calf and three Sows and Pigs and one little iron pot. Item I give and bequeth to my Daughter RUTH TALLY one feather Bed and Bolster and one blanket and one Rug. Item I give and bequeth to my Daughter MARY POWELL one young of two years old. (Note what is to given not named.) Item I give and bequeth to ANNAmy loving wife the land and plantation whereon I now live uring her natural life and at her death to fall to my Son Abram Tally. I also give unto Anna my wife all my Peraonal Estate during her life or widowhood and at her decease the Estate to be equally divided among all my children I also make Anna my loving wife whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament In whichof whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this day and year above written. His Mark John "I" Tally Signed Seald and Delivered in Presence of John's mark was an I with long bar at the top and bottom and crossed in the middle. Two dots were placed underneath. Richard (X )Tally Seth More{Moore} Phillip (PD) Dunvant At a Court held for Amelia Counta 21 November 1740 This Will of John Tally was presented in Court by Ann Tally Executrix therein named and proved by the oaths of Seth More{Seth Moore} and Richard Tally who also made oath that he did see Phillip Dunevant the other witness to the said Will Sign as such and is admitted to record. And Ann Tally the Executrix therein named refuseing the burdon of Execution of the Said Will whereupon at the motion of William Tally and his taking the oath appointed by Law to be taken by Executors Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration. Signed by Samuel Cobbs C.C. A note at the bottom of the will says "The true and perfect Inventory of Goods and Chattles of John Tally Deced. Valued and Truly Estimated By Robert Tucker, and George Tucker and Robert Tucker they having made Oath to vallue the same." 20 February 1740 William Tally, Executor of Estate of John Tally submitted to the Court of Amelia Court, VA the Appraisement of the Estate valued at 67 pounds 4 shillings 7 pence. This ppraisal did not include value of the land nor any notes receivable or notes payable. The recorded page number of the Inventory is missing. 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